So let's have this discussion of gay United States citizens.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I just saw the kisses on the news a couple of minutes ago (ABC not Fox), the way some of you were carrying on you would think that a tongue was shoved down someone’s throat. Nothing close, they approached open-mouth but upon contact the mouths closed and the kiss was over, a little harmless publicity stunt if you ask me. I’ve seen French men do more with each other.

Hey Beano, are you sure that you don’t need a dose of your namesake to reduce the pressure building up within your bowels? It might be impacting other bodily functions, including the functioning of your brain, you sure seem to be full of hot air.


Originally posted by Bertha Venation
These are the types of comments that start flame wars.

Oh Cmon, I know she is on your side, but you started this thread to discuss things, and she found it important to stick her nose into the thread, and downplay my involvement.

First off, I want to apologize for the few times I might have added an insulting name or reference into what I said, that was kinda classless.

Second off, even with my views, I want you to know I do not hate homosexuals, I do not wish death or harm on homosexuals, I honestly believe you deserve the rights you have as an American, not special rights as a homosexual.

Now, I have a real hard time arguing with you and Vraiblonde, because neither of you take the jest of a comment, you disect the comment and try to defend it in a irrational, and illogical way. A pedaphile is a sick human being who is attracted to children. It is a disorder, it is not normal. However, they are not victims in any way, shape or form. However, just like the other examples I gave, Pedophilia is a deviation from the norm when talking about sexual attraction, just as Homosexuality is. We are not talking about the actual sex act, I am not talking about an actual adult having sex with a kid, I am talking about the mental aspect of the sickness, the basic fact that an adult is attracted to a child, or a woman is attracted to a woman, or a man to a man. Its a deviation from the norm, its a disorder.

Strange. When I talk about Kathy I never talk about arousal or sexual activity. Do you discuss those things when you're talking about your marriage?

I am not married, but when I am with my friends, sure I talk about sexual situations I have been in, I tell them about the girl I was with last night, with her nippled pierced, or the girl I was with last week with the Nice rack. Its normal conversation

At the gym. But seriously, I can't imagine you have truly met that many gay men, if in the sample you have met, the "vast majority" act like women. Of all the gay men I know, none of them acts like women, dresses like women, or wants to go out with anyone who does. Why? Because they're gay. They're attracted to men.

These are the men I have run into that are obviously gay. This is the gay man of 2003, the blatantly feminine men, who are flamboyant and gay as can be. Who pawn their gayness off to anyone in sight. These are the homosexuals that give other homosexuals such a disparaging reputation. This is what I see, this is what 90% of American people see. This behaivor derives from the fact these homosexuals change themselves into something they are not, into something they were not intended to be.. This is what i find wrong.


Originally posted by Ken King
I just saw the kisses on the news a couple of minutes ago (ABC not Fox), the way some of you were carrying on you would think that a tongue was shoved down someone’s throat. Nothing close, they approached open-mouth but upon contact the mouths closed and the kiss was over, a little harmless publicity stunt if you ask me. I’ve seen French men do more with each other.

Hey Beano, are you sure that you don’t need a dose of your namesake to reduce the pressure building up within your bowels? It might be impacting other bodily functions, including the functioning of your brain, you sure seem to be full of hot air.

You seem to be a jack___, but who am I really?

Oh, you know who I am....

It's funny, when I debate one or two people, little sideline fruitcakes decide to chirp like a bird, and make little comments directed at me, yet have nothing fruitful or intelligent to say pertaining to the debate. If you want to direct your comments at me, do it in a PM, you really are not looking like a big shot or a tough guy by postng them on the board.

got it?


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Beano
You seem to be a jack___, but who am I really?

Oh, you know who I am....

It's funny, when I debate one or two people, little sideline fruitcakes decide to chirp like a bird, and make little comments directed at me, yet have nothing fruitful or intelligent to say pertaining to the debate. If you want to direct your comments at me, do it in a PM, you really are not looking like a big shot or a tough guy by postng them on the board.

got it?

I might be a jack @ss but you are a bigoted little twerp that doesn't know the difference between consensual sex and acts of rape. I don't need to PM a little flaccid wimp like you that hides behind a pseudonym for a gas relief concoction.

I use my real name for a reason, because I stand behind my opinion, unlike you hiding in the comfort of the shadows were most deviants feel safe.

Why don’t you go back to stroking yourself as I am sure that is all you ever get. Might as well call you Mr. Hand.

Bertha Venation

New Member
Sorry, Beano, I missed a couple.
Originally posted by Beano a homosexual is someone turned on by someone of the same sex.
I won't usually be so pedantic, but I'll point out here that this isn't exactly accurate. Someone of homosexual orientation is merely attracted, when attracted to anyone, to an adult of the same gender. Gay people do not get aroused by every member of the same gender that crosses their paths. They don't even get aroused by every good-looking member of the same gender. And I was attracted to Kathy before I ever knew what she looked like. (Got to know her via correspondence first.)

What's more, one can be gay and never even have sex w/ another person, just as one can be straight & celibate. And what's more, I knew I was gay for twelve years before I ever got intimate with anyone.
Originally posted by Beano
Now, The sexual acts committed by the two are different Vrai, but the actual fact that they have disorders from the normal human is not.
You have yet to offer some evidence or proof of your contention that being gay is abnormal. It's just a variation, Beano. It happens among animals other than homo sapiens, too.


Originally posted by Ken King
I might be a jack @ss but you are a bigoted little twerp that doesn't know the difference between consensual sex and acts of rape. I don't need to PM a little flaccid wimp like you that hides behind a pseudonym for a gas relief concoction.

I use my real name for a reason, because I stand behind my opinion, unlike you hiding in the comfort of the shadows were most deviants feel safe.

Why don’t you go back to stroking yourself as I am sure that is all you ever get. Might as well call you Mr. Hand.

My Real Name is KevRock... Or Kevin, you want my last name to? How about my address? You gonna show up and hunt me down, toughguy?

I was banned from your forum for no reason whatsoever, besides the fact that none of you all could take a good joke.

I don't hide from anything or anyone, especially some tobacco juice spitting, clown like you..

I am not a bigot, and I am not a twirp, whether you want to call me one or not is your perogotive..

The nice post you just made would have gotten me banned again, but hell, whats the difference you rightous idiot, you're not on my level anyways.

I can't help it you redneck knowitalls do not know the difference between being a pedophile, and actually committing a crime, for its not a crime to be a pedaphile, its a crime to act upon your attraction. Get that through your swelled head you dimwit.

Again, Hurry up and ban me, talk trash, but you are the biggest hypocrite of the bunch, because you haven't an ounce of intelligence, you talk to me, the same way I talked to people when I got banned, and you will probably ban me again, because you dont have the balls to answer to the fact that you are indeed a hypocrite..


Originally posted by Bertha Venation
Sorry, Beano, I missed a couple.
I won't usually be so pedantic, but I'll point out here that this isn't exactly accurate. Someone of homosexual orientation is merely attracted, when attracted to anyone, to an adult of the same gender. Gay people do not get aroused by every member of the same gender that crosses their paths. They don't even get aroused by every good-looking member of the same gender. And I was attracted to Kathy before I ever knew what she looked like. (Got to know her via correspondence first.)

What's more, one can be gay and never even have sex w/ another person, just as one can be straight & celibate. And what's more, I knew I was gay for twelve years before I ever got intimate with anyone.
You have yet to offer some evidence or proof of your contention that being gay is abnormal. It's just a variation, Beano. It happens among animals other than homo sapiens, too.

Turned on, Attracted to, same difference, you knew what I mean.

I am not in any way shaor or form saying homosexuals tendancies towards a relationship differ from the way heterosexuals conduct a relationship, never said that, never would..

You knew you were gay for 12 years, and why didnt you act on it? Was it the fact that deep down you thought it was not normal?


Listen, Maybe you are 100% gay, and not using this new found vogue relationship alternative as a way to gain acceptance, like so many are today, and thats great, I wish you all the luck in the world. I think people like you should get married, because you are being honest with yourself, and doing what comes naturally to you.

See, I changed my stance a bit.

You made some very good points, and I hope you see now what I meant when I compared homosexuality to pedaphelia, and didn't take it as a constant slap in the face, as if I was calling you a criminal.

Thanks for your points and opinions, you made some of the very things I said, unarguable, for you shed a spotlight I was yet to see or hear..

Im sure I wont be around much after today, but I want to thank you for opening my eyes a little bit..

God Bless...

Bertha Venation

New Member
Originally posted by Beano
You knew you were gay for 12 years, and why didnt you act on it? Was it the fact that deep down you thought it was not normal?

Actually, no, Beano. Perhaps my post was a little misleading.

I have friends who knew they were gay for from 20 to 50 years before they were intimate w/ a member of the same gender. Honestly. Some married members of the opposite sex because that's what "we're supposed to do"--I'm sure you'd agree. But for us gay folk that's a death sentence, and for some of our families it turned out that way too. If I'd married the man I was engaged to wed, I'd be dead by now, given the familial pattern I'd've been following, and I would've ruined his life and those of the children we would doubtless have had, because he wanted several.

Other friends who were never intimate w/ a member of the same gender for years & years, even though they knew they were gay, didn't do it for a number of reasons. One of them was yes, that they had always been taught it was abnormal. Perhaps later in the thread I'll discuss the number of suicides this leads to among gay people, especially gay youth. Another reason is that they know the cultural stigma and are afraid to act on their attraction. There are a lot of reasons.

Now I'll explain what I meant by misleading: It was twelve years between when I knew and the first time I was intimate with a woman. I knew when I was six years old, and never had sex with anyone until I was eighteen.

I'll reply to the rest of your post later. Time to go pick up dinner.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Well it’s pretty obvious that you didn’t learn a thing by Admin’s decision to ban you the last time. And let me be clear, I have not one single thing to do with this site other than be a participant. They solicited my input for the column because of my robust opinion and I accepted. I contribute that’s all, Bud. You got banned for your own actions, even if you are in denial about that.

You are a bigot. Defined as a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, as you are in regard to homosexual activity and couples. Your comments indicate this very clearly.

You also don’t nave a clear understanding of pedophilia. Pedophilia is defined as a sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual objects. Not that they have an attraction, but that they act upon that attraction. That is what makes them a pedophile. If you bothered to do any research you would discover that the majority of pedophiles (besides the priests) have previously led a heterosexual life. But I am sure research and obtaining factual information are beyond anything you care to undertake because you appear to be just interested in causing a ruckus.

I will bet your days under this pseudonym are numbered because of your inclination to spout venom and hate. If and when you have anything worthy of discussion I might partake but I won’t hold my breath as I read your wordy and nonsensical posts nor will I respond to your juvenile behavior. Looking forward to your next log on name, Mr. Hand.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
:killingme I'm sorry but I'm getting this mental picture of some little dweeby guy jumping out of a closet with a cape and tights on going, "I am...KEVROCK!!!!" Tah-dah!!!!!

Sorry Bertha, I should have known. This guy lives to be ugly to people. He's got a whole forum dedicated to juvenile sex talk and seeing how many times they can all say the F word, if that tells you anything.

However, I'm going to leave this thread intact so that when Hessian gets in here and starts talking about how morally superior heteros are to gays, I can point him to this thread and say, "Oh really?"

See ya, wouldn't want to be ya, Kev......Rock. :really:

Bertha Venation

New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Sorry Bertha, I should have known. This guy lives to be ugly to people. He's got a whole forum dedicated to juvenile sex talk and seeing how many times they can all say the F word, if that tells you anything.
Why--because you're board mommy? Don't worry. He has not said anything I haven't heard before. His "arguments" are old as the hills and twice as invalid. They're not thought through. They're based on emotion, the "ick factor," the slippery slope, appeals to tradition. . . . No logic, no reason, no evidence. Dismissed.
Originally posted by vraiblonde However, I'm going to leave this thread intact so that when Hessian gets in here and starts talking about how morally superior heteros are to gays, I can point him to this thread and say, "Oh really?"
Now, this person's posts, I may not read. I don't deal in comparing straight people to gay people--not when it comes to what lousy parents one or the other are, and not when it comes to who's superior to whom. (And if I went on my experience with straight folks in positions of authority for the first 23 years of my life . . . well, Mr. Hessian would not like to know what I had to say.)

Gay & straight, bi, transgendered, hermaphrodite; celibate, promiscuous, monogamous from first kiss to death, divorced & remarried & divorced again; birth parents, adoptive parents, block parents; atheists, Hindus, Jews, Christians, Muslims, agnostics; sisters, aunts, grandpas, nephews, moms & dads . . . . We're all all mixed up. Good and bad are everywhere. No one's got a lock on misery, charity, crime, love, humanity, hatred, philanthropy, evil or good.

The gay are not the bad apples who spoil the straight barrel, and if this is the argument, it'll be ignored.

After all, I haven't a BP point to spare.


Have not read the whole thread but I get the gist... Bertha...Remember when you first met me? Remember all the crap I spewed? Remeber Why? Don't let this Jerk get to ya... We both know what's really going on. :wink:

Bertha Venation

New Member
Originally posted by Kain99
Have not read the whole thread but I get the gist... Bertha...Remember when you first met me? Remember all the crap I spewed? Remeber Why? Don't let this Jerk get to ya... We both know what's really going on. :wink:
I remember... I know... how well I know. I used to live it, darlin'. :smooch:


Set Trippin
Originally posted by Beano
My Real Name is KevRock... Or Kevin, you want my last name to? How about my address? You gonna show up and hunt me down, toughguy?

I was banned from your forum for no reason whatsoever, besides the fact that none of you all could take a good joke.

I don't hide from anything or anyone, especially some tobacco juice spitting, clown like you..

I am not a bigot, and I am not a twirp, whether you want to call me one or not is your perogotive..

The nice post you just made would have gotten me banned again, but hell, whats the difference you rightous idiot, you're not on my level anyways.

I can't help it you redneck knowitalls do not know the difference between being a pedophile, and actually committing a crime, for its not a crime to be a pedaphile, its a crime to act upon your attraction. Get that through your swelled head you dimwit.

Again, Hurry up and ban me, talk trash, but you are the biggest hypocrite of the bunch, because you haven't an ounce of intelligence, you talk to me, the same way I talked to people when I got banned, and you will probably ban me again, because you dont have the balls to answer to the fact that you are indeed a hypocrite..
Would you please re-submit this response in the form of a hip hop tune? :cheesy:


Well-Known Member
Hey Vrai...don't leave!

It took me a while to read this thread through and I have gotten up Mr King's dander at times...Vrai has walked a fence at times on what I've said and endorsements are few.

Beano: rule #1
rule #2
You can't win arguments when dealing with Gays. (They have declared what is right in their own eyes and they are the measure of their own "morality")

Rule #3
Gays will outright reject any historical, Biblical, moral arguments you offer because they can spin it any way they want to justify their lifestyle...thus, you basically are wasting time on a doomed people.
(Doomed you ask? yes....and they know it).

Rule #4
A huge portion of America has a "public" face of tolerance and understanding, while they "privately" hold a combined fear & disgust toward the abhorrant behavior.
A sizable amount show sympathy and have turned off their deeply held morality to "accept" these people.

More blatant examples, more excesses, spreading of more lies & deceit about how fulfilled and happy they are (they aren't). More school curriculum to be forced on our kids, more TV programs encouraging this risky and dangerous lifestyle. More branding of Christians & Moral people as homophobes (they have started firing those who object to "reeducation" classes.) The persecution of the "right" is just beginning- a lot more will come.

Bradford envision America as a "City upon a Hill"...Reagan recommitted that phrase in the 1980's
Now, we are enjoying the sights and smells of the cesspool near the bottom of the hill.

Sorry vrai...was that a little long?