Originally posted by Bertha Venation
These are the types of comments that start flame wars.
Oh Cmon, I know she is on your side, but you started this thread to discuss things, and she found it important to stick her nose into the thread, and downplay my involvement.
First off, I want to apologize for the few times I might have added an insulting name or reference into what I said, that was kinda classless.
Second off, even with my views, I want you to know I do not hate homosexuals, I do not wish death or harm on homosexuals, I honestly believe you deserve the rights you have as an American, not special rights as a homosexual.
Now, I have a real hard time arguing with you and Vraiblonde, because neither of you take the jest of a comment, you disect the comment and try to defend it in a irrational, and illogical way. A pedaphile is a sick human being who is attracted to children. It is a disorder, it is not normal. However, they are not victims in any way, shape or form. However, just like the other examples I gave, Pedophilia is a deviation from the norm when talking about sexual attraction, just as Homosexuality is. We are not talking about the actual sex act, I am not talking about an actual adult having sex with a kid, I am talking about the mental aspect of the sickness, the basic fact that an adult is attracted to a child, or a woman is attracted to a woman, or a man to a man. Its a deviation from the norm, its a disorder.
Strange. When I talk about Kathy I never talk about arousal or sexual activity. Do you discuss those things when you're talking about your marriage?
I am not married, but when I am with my friends, sure I talk about sexual situations I have been in, I tell them about the girl I was with last night, with her nippled pierced, or the girl I was with last week with the Nice rack. Its normal conversation
At the gym. But seriously, I can't imagine you have truly met that many gay men, if in the sample you have met, the "vast majority" act like women. Of all the gay men I know, none of them acts like women, dresses like women, or wants to go out with anyone who does. Why? Because they're gay. They're attracted to men.
These are the men I have run into that are obviously gay. This is the gay man of 2003, the blatantly feminine men, who are flamboyant and gay as can be. Who pawn their gayness off to anyone in sight. These are the homosexuals that give other homosexuals such a disparaging reputation. This is what I see, this is what 90% of American people see. This behaivor derives from the fact these homosexuals change themselves into something they are not, into something they were not intended to be.. This is what i find wrong.