Sex feels good for the same reason that eating, sleeping, and drinking feel good... they are things we are supposed to do and that's nature's way of getting us to do it.
Vrai... there are all manner of differences, legal and moral, between pedophiles and gays. The point of my post is that despite all of their differences, they are the same in that these people indulge in behaviors that are deviations from the norm. Since I don't believe in any religion, I don't pass moral judgements of right or wrong on gay behavior between two consenting adults. Such behavior is fine by me, but it is still a sexually deviant behavior. I keep to the biological level and leave the moral issues to the Perversionists.
Bertha, you've made it very clear who and what you are. Am I gay? Am I a womanizer? Is my wife satisfied? Have I had a long relationship or am I on my third marriage? Nobody here knows the answers to these questions but me, and that's because I don't feel you should discuss your sex life in public. Like religion and politics, people have very distinct views on what's acceptable and not acceptable in regards to sexual conduct, and if you're going to toss your sexual preferences out on the table you shouldn't take offense when someone throws it in your face.
While you have never mentioned the name of your partner, nor mentioned anything about her, that has nothing to do with the discussion at hand. The point is that no one has any business knowing what you do in bed, or who you do it with, unless you make it their business by offering that information as a point of discussion.
Speaking of things biological, here's my take on homosexuality... I think it's an act of nature. There have been a lot of human characteristics that were apparently mistakes in our biology that have grown to be great strengths (like the DNA flaw that allowed many Europeans to resist the plague and who's descendents are now immune to all virus attacks including AIDS.) I think that homosexuality is a genetic flaw that is being exploited by nature.
Why? Nature has a way of keeping things in balance, and right now human beings are out of balance. We have drugs to defeat disease, we have all manner of aids to help prevent personal injury deaths. We have greatly reduced deaths due to malnutrition, dehydration, hypothermia, etc. In short, aside from laughing ourselves to death watching Terry McAuliffe speeches, there isn't a lot of things that can kill us. Since nature always strives for balance, I think the best course of action it could take would be to increase homosexuality as a means to limit population growth.
Far fetched? I don't think so. If Ma Nature can cause frogs to change sex in single-sex environments... who's to say what her limits are?