Southern County Youth Football & Cheerleading


New Member
This league is for the entire ST. Mary's county... I hope everyone can come out to our meeting on Feb. 10th we will be putting out a lot of great information that I think will clear up a lot of the unknow for the parents.. Hope to see everyone there..


New Member
I would like to take this time to say thank-you to everyone that had interest in joining this new league. I had a meeting with the County Commissioners and Parks & Rec. yesterday to decide where Youth football in St. Mary's county is headed. St. Mary's County Parks & Rec. will be presenting to the county about taking the Youth Football Program over. They are trying to get away from leagues that are independently owned. This is a good thing and I have offered all my support to to get this up and running before the season begins. This program would be ran similar to the way Calvert Counties football program is ran. I can ensure you that there program is a huge success. I am asking that everyone in St. Mary's not only support this but also lend a hand as needed. We need to get back to what is important here and that is our kids. So again I say thank-you and this is huge victory for us. The county will offer a great program that we all can take pride in being a part of.

We will still be holding our meeting on Feb. 10th 2006. We will be having Arthur Shepherd Recreation Division Manger speaking.

If for some reason the county does not take over the youth football program we will again start working with the county to get our program up and running.


What A Great Idea!

youthfootball said:
I would like to take this time to say thank-you to everyone that had interest in joining this new league. I had a meeting with the County Commissioners and Parks & Rec. yesterday to decide where Youth football in St. Mary's county is headed. St. Mary's County Parks & Rec. will be presenting to the county about taking the Youth Football Program over. They are trying to get away from leagues that are independently owned. This is a good thing and I have offered all my support to to get this up and running before the season begins. This program would be ran similar to the way Calvert Counties football program is ran. I can ensure you that there program is a huge success. I am asking that everyone in St. Mary's not only support this but also lend a hand as needed. We need to get back to what is important here and that is our kids. So again I say thank-you and this is huge victory for us. The county will offer a great program that we all can take pride in being a part of.

We will still be holding our meeting on Feb. 10th 2006. We will be having Arthur Shepherd Recreation Division Manger speaking.

If for some reason the county does not take over the youth football program we will again start working with the county to get our program up and running.

If the way Kenny Southern and his department run the sports programs of St. Mary's are any indication, this is fantastic news.
I am sure everyone involved in youth football here would applaud this move. It would take Football to a better and higher level in St. Mary's just as basketball and the other sports are. Take a look at Great Mills Basketball to see how competitive they are in SMAC.
Every sport needs to be started and coached at the lowest levels just to be competitive these days. With an organized system such as Parks and recs behind it - you can't get any better! :yay: :yay:


Couldn't make the meeting on friday night. How did it go? Is there anything we should know about what's happening to youth football in St. Mary's?
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New Member
Commissioners To Host Public Forum
Date: Feb. 14th 2006
Time: 6:30 P.M.
Location: Lexington Park Libary

This is an open Forum, so please come and show your support for the county taking over Youth Football. The Commissioners have tabled the Parks and Rec. proposal for 30 days, this way they can hear from the citizens.

I would like to take this time to say thank-you to everyone that came out to our meeting on Feb. 10th. We had some really good thoughts and discussion. I would also like to thank the few people that showed up from the Pigskin League, you had some good questions for Parks and Rec. and this shows that we are all working towards one goal and that is to build something great for our kids. I would like to see everyone show up for this open forum on Feb. 14th to show our support to the County and let them know we are willing to do whatever it takes to help them supply a great Youth Football Program. I would also like to thank Arthur Shepherd Rec. Division Manger for coming out and speaking with us at our meeting. Arthur did a great job answering many of the questions that we had. I am asking that everyone offer there support to the County. I have listed a few names and numbers below for the people that need to be contacted so they know we are backing the county in taking Youth Football over. I would be more then willing to speak with anyone with what is needed to run a club.

County Administrator - George Forrest 301-475-4200 Ext.1321
President Commissioner - Thomas McKay 301-475-4200 Ext.1300
Director Of Parks & Rec. - Phil Rollins 301-475-4200 Ext. 1811
Recreation Division Manger - Arthur Sheperd 301-475-4200 Ext. 1804
Sports Coordinator - Kenny Southern 301-475-4200 Ext. 1830

Cost Breakdown

The following is a cost estimate of operating a club. All figures will be based on 1 complete club consisting of Flag thru Unlimited Football Players and Cheerleaders.

1 club will consist of 8 football teams with 15 players per team. Cheerleading squad per team with 10 members each.

Player Registration:
Flag Football Players = 15 players at $85.00 ea = $1,275.00
Cheerleaders = 70 members at $100.00 ea = $7,000.00
Tackle Football Players = 105 players at $160.00 ea = $16,800.00

Total income = $ 25,075

Cost per Flag Football Player:
Game Jersey and Flags = $25.00ea.
Insurance, this will be liability insurance for all players and coaches = $4.25

Cost per Cheerleaders:
Uniforms Skirt & top, kick pants socks and poms = $70.00
Insurance, this will be liability insurance for all Cheerleaders and coaches =$5.25

Cost per Tackle Football Players Pee-wee thru 95lbs.:
Shoulder pads, helmet, practice pants, game pants, game jersey and leg pads = $150.00ea
Insurance, this will be liability insurance for all players and coaches = $6.00ea

Cost per Tackle Football Players 115lbs. thru Unlimited.:
Shoulder pads, helmet, practice pants, game pants, game jersey and leg pads = $160.00ea
Insurance, this will be liability insurance for all players and coaches = $6.00ea

Cost of Referees per Club for the whole season.
Referees will be supplied thru the National Ref. Association =$3500.00

Total Expense:

Football players;
Flag Football 15 players x $25.00 equipment ea. = $375
15 players x $4.25 insurance ea. = $63.75

Tackle Football 75 players x $150.00 equipment ea. = $11,250
75 players x $6.00 insurance ea. = $450

Tackle Football 30 players x $160.00 equipment ea. = $4,800
30 players x $6.00 insurance ea. = $180

Cheerleading; 70 members x $70.00 uniforms ea. = $4,900
70 members x $5.25 insurance ea. = $367

Trophies; 190 members x $15.00 ea. = $2,850

Referees; = $3,500

Field Markers, down box/chain sets, field liners,
field lime & footballs = $800

Total Cost = $29,535.75

Total loss first year: $29535.75 - $25,075 = $4460.75

The club will be doing Bingo baskets, dances, and also looking for sponsors to help offset the prices for this league.

As you can see this is parents not having to do Fundraisers nor concessions.

Each Player keeps his/her Jersey. A $30.00 value.

Each Cheerleader Keeps her socks and kick pants.


New Member
I would like to thank everyone for there support and kind words. This is something that I believe in and I will stick through it until it is completed. I hope I can gain everyones support in helping the County in anything they need to get this program up and running. I thank-you again and I promise you I will keep on doing whatever is needed to give the Kids of St. Mary's County a strong and wonderful Football Program... No matter what it is all about the kids...


I think you had better point out that this cost estimate is the initial cost of setting the league up. Once the equipment is purchased it would be used year after year and depreciated just like any other businness (or league)
The cost would then probably go down after the initial outlay.


Thanks for the explanation. I'm beginning to get the idea. Since I wasn't there, maybe I should keep quiet, but the missinformation is starting already. I mean no harm - just trying explain what I see. I like the no hassle registration bit also, but the hidden costs of running a league should be pointed out when comparing them. All the transparentness of your cost estimates are refreshing to say the least. Let's not forget the improvement in organization which will happen also.
I just wish my kid could go out and play without this cloud. Thanks again for all the hard work you have done for no more reward than the thank you in a kid's smile


New Member
you need to remember that equipment is always going to be an ongoing cost. It only has a set "life" and must be inspected and certified on a continual basis. There is never really going to be a profit...although I think the scholarships and whatnot are a great idea.....I just don't see there ever being that kind of money available. What comes into the league is going to go right back into it.


New Member
This no hassle cost still has me confused. I checked some of the numbers online - $130 covers the costs of a new set of pads, helmet, pants, etc. Even assuming that you will get most people to sign up at $160 to play, depreciating the equipment over a standard three years turns this into quite the profitable non-profit. You mentioned that your first year, you would be $5000 in the hole. If the same kids come back the following year, and only having to spend about 33% of your normal expenses towards equipment replacement / maintenance, you could have as much as $30,000 in the bank every year thereafter. I don't see how painting public fields, and adding a couple of bleachers willl eat up that much money. I also don't see much money going into publicly owned fields.....especially with what the county has planned for the willows renovation anyway. Is south county organized into a not for profit status (with an accountant, regular tax audit, and IRS oversight) or are we just believing that all the money will be reinvested.
Pigskin does a lot of things....some wrong, and some right, but at least one could say that they put their money where the kids are. The league subsidizes 15 - 20 kids registrations per year, Don himself sponsors a couple, and for all the abuse and hate mail that the man gets, few in the county realize that he has personally floated the league about $100,000 to keep it going over the years. All this plus annual IRS non profit audits, and people say he isn't in it for the kids....
Honestly guys - I appreciate what you are trying to do. Competition is a great thing, and if you can get up and running, more power to you, but we all realize what is going on - you need the county to sponsor you in order to get Calvert and Charles to play you as clubs. And the county's solution? Somewhat like a dictatorship if you ask me - having a local government step in and destroy a 25 year old organization (which is still applauded on the county website mind you!) in the name of "fairness"? I have yet to see a county organization or ANY government organization run any operation better than a private one - that may just be the libertarian in me. You see, I sat in on the county meeting when this proposal came up - the county DID say that they wanted to budget $225,000 to start up this "new" county organization. (They mentioned that this number was a "worst case" scenario, depending on whether or not Pigskin would genrously roll over and donate their equipment to the county!!!!!)
So what is it? Is the county going to spend our tax dollars to start up a league? If they do, will the registration fees still be double what pigskin charges? If the county doesn't sponsor the league, will the liability allow the club to play outside the county? What happens when pigskin goes back to aligning itself with Pop Warner football?
I believe that if you feel strongly enough about your team, about your kids, then work within the organization to fix things. If you strike out on your own to increase competition, so be it - competition only makes things better. But don't go getting the county to fight your battles for you.


The profit point was not what I was talking about when I underlined initial cost. The point which I was trying to make was that the costs of this new league will diminish after the initial startup. This may or may not be rolled back into the costs of the following years.
I think the idea of total cost as opposed to being nickel and dimed by small ongoing fees to enroll to play are opposites and may need to be combined. Pigskin has this with the option of opting out of the fundraiser by paying an extra $55.00. If you want, you can also purchase your jersey for $10.00.
As far as the county running the league, you can't fight city hall. They wouldn't be stepping in if they didn't perceive a need to do so. This also boils down to control, the county has no control over how a private league is run that uses it's facilities. As one of the commissioners said: he didn't want the county turning into an organization to run football, even though I think the Parks and Rec. does an outstanding job of organizing and running the various programs they are involved in.
These details are exactly why you need a responsive, well managed organization. The point we "adults" are missing here is that all this hoT air is at the expense of the kids whom this experience should be fun.
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New Member
I agree wholeheartedly with you that a responsive, well managed organization can be run to support the kids. I disagree however that you can't fight city hall. Where was city hall for the past five years in their participation with pigskin? Does ANYONE realize that the Board of Parks and Recreation has a reserved spot on the executive board? They made an interesting point during their meeting - that the county has no recourse against the league other than to deny their use of the fields. Guess what? That is the same recourse the county has against any business, organization, or individual in the county as well - deny the use of county services (unless of course, it is to a taxpayer / taxpaying organization which is against the law to deny services...). The problem in any "zero tolerance" solution, is usually that you develop "zero leadership".
Showing up to the Executive Board meetings and ACTUALLY participating in managing problems within the league was too hard for the county then, what makes anyone believe that it will be easier now? Furthermore, as a voting member of the board, all the county had to do was show up propose changes, actions, or issues, but they chose not to even show up. Why? I think the reason has had something to do with the fact that they quit showing up to board meetings (and observing games on the weekends) about the same time that the county eliminated comp time payments to cut costs. When they would not get paid to show up to meetings, then they quit showing up.
Now the county wants to hire a Full Time Executive (at a cost to the taxpayers of $55,000 per year) to be a Football commissioner. So once again, what happens when budgets get tight, and the county can't afford it anymore? Is football in St. Mary's County going to stop, or be limited to the first 200 kids that sign up? Sounds like a sham to me....


New Member
Oh, and another point - what happens when there is a fight on the lacrosse fields....will we now hire a lacrosse commissioner?
I think you make a point in your nickle and dime argument that I just realized - it is the Saturn Car Company approach. We won't haggle or give you a "deal", but will save you time by having one price. That works for some, but what about those who budget - not everyone wants their jersey. The buyout option for fundraisers is there for those that don't want the hassle. But for all the hassle of selling pizzas, I have seen many kids get excited about selling pizzas for the prizes and wind up running all over the neighborhood. Our pigskin team last year got back $360 from the league that we used to get all the kids jackets. Remind me why fundraisers are a bad thing?
Finally, (at least for now) when you said:
"The point which I was trying to make was that the costs of this new league will diminish after the initial startup. This may or may not be rolled back into the costs of the following years."
That scares me - May or may not be rolled back into the organizational costs? What does may not mean? Does it mean that it may be rolled into the investor's pockets behind the new league? If this is run by the county, will the county take any profits from the league and roll that into their general fund to offset budget problems? The only approach that even makes sense to keep this "for the kids" is a not for profit organization that is monitored by the public and the county, but run by volunteers.


" The only approach that even makes sense to keep this "for the kids" is a not for profit organization that is monitored by the public and the county, but run by volunteers. "

Good point, you should never assume and never be too sure.


New Member
vindog said:
This no hassle cost still has me confused. I checked some of the numbers online - $130 covers the costs of a new set of pads, helmet, pants, etc. Even assuming that you will get most people to sign up at $160 to play, depreciating the equipment over a standard three years turns this into quite the profitable non-profit. You mentioned that your first year, you would be $5000 in the hole. If the same kids come back the following year, and only having to spend about 33% of your normal expenses towards equipment replacement / maintenance, you could have as much as $30,000 in the bank every year thereafter. I don't see how painting public fields, and adding a couple of bleachers willl eat up that much money. I also don't see much money going into publicly owned fields.....especially with what the county has planned for the willows renovation anyway. Is south county organized into a not for profit status (with an accountant, regular tax audit, and IRS oversight) or are we just believing that all the money will be reinvested.
Pigskin does a lot of things....some wrong, and some right, but at least one could say that they put their money where the kids are. The league subsidizes 15 - 20 kids registrations per year, Don himself sponsors a couple, and for all the abuse and hate mail that the man gets, few in the county realize that he has personally floated the league about $100,000 to keep it going over the years. All this plus annual IRS non profit audits, and people say he isn't in it for the kids....
Honestly guys - I appreciate what you are trying to do. Competition is a great thing, and if you can get up and running, more power to you, but we all realize what is going on - you need the county to sponsor you in order to get Calvert and Charles to play you as clubs. And the county's solution? Somewhat like a dictatorship if you ask me - having a local government step in and destroy a 25 year old organization (which is still applauded on the county website mind you!) in the name of "fairness"? I have yet to see a county organization or ANY government organization run any operation better than a private one - that may just be the libertarian in me. You see, I sat in on the county meeting when this proposal came up - the county DID say that they wanted to budget $225,000 to start up this "new" county organization. (They mentioned that this number was a "worst case" scenario, depending on whether or not Pigskin would genrously roll over and donate their equipment to the county!!!!!)
So what is it? Is the county going to spend our tax dollars to start up a league? If they do, will the registration fees still be double what pigskin charges? If the county doesn't sponsor the league, will the liability allow the club to play outside the county? What happens when pigskin goes back to aligning itself with Pop Warner football?
I believe that if you feel strongly enough about your team, about your kids, then work within the organization to fix things. If you strike out on your own to increase competition, so be it - competition only makes things better. But don't go getting the county to fight your battles for you.

Sir at anytime you can feel free to contact me with any concerns that you may have with Southern County Youth Football & Cheerleading Inc... As far as what the County is doing I have no control over that, and no one has asked the county to fight any battles for them.. So Please contact me with any of your concerns and if you have a problem with what the County is doing view my website and take the numbers off of there to contact the responsible people for the county.



New Member
Look guys, this forum had turned into a love fest with all three of you congratulating each other and thanking one another about how wonderful and giving south county has been for "saving" football. Quite honestly, I have reviewed your website, and I am not impressed. Most all of your bylaws and documents read exactly like those in place for a couple of years in Pigskin. Hey - I understand, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, something just doesn't smell right.
Call me a cynic, but I have to wonder what is going down? Kids sports is a lot of work. I applaud you on setting up your own league and generating competition. Hell, last summer when the rumors of a new league were flying around, I was interested. At the very least it would improve quality of service to the public. But between the bashing of pigskin, the questionable finances, exorbitant prices, and county meddling, I have to say that your proposal just doesn't hold water. I will briefly explain:
1. Pigskin - you and your website have taken great pains to "contrast" yourself with pigskin. Call it marketing, or whatever. You "highlight" that you won't have people work concessions, conduct fundraisers, or do....really anything other than drop off their kids for babysitting. If you are arguing that you will provide a better family atmosphere because you hold a couple of dances and bingo sessions, it seems a little weak. True, working concessions can be a pain, but it also constitutes service, and I would hate to bash all the folks that donate their time to a cause in which they believe as not promoting a family atmosphere.
2. Finances - I still have yet to get a straight answer on how this will work. Ok. Assume the county has nothing to do with this. Assume you get the 200 or so kids signed up you claim, AND they sign up for a second year. After your equipment is paid for during the first season, you may only have to cover depreciation costs to the tune of about 30% of the first year. Someone claimed the extra revenues "may or may not" be rolled back into the league for the following year. What is it? I hardly think a couple of painted field lines, and fixing up some bleachers will eat up all that cash. You proudly proclaim that the field lines will be painted. The county does this - is the league paying them? What about electricity for the fields? Is that figured into the bills? If you are going to advertise your funding, you had better be ready for the scrutiny. Unless Southern County...Inc is a not for profit / LLC / etc. I don't want to have anything to do with it. Otherwise I am not sure that decisions about safety for my kids are being balanced against a profit margin.
3. Prices - What can I say? In my previous post I tried to make it clear. South County is DOUBLE what is charged by pigskin. Yeah, you can complain about having to call up the kid's grandparents and hitting up a couple of neighbors to get FIVE boxes of pizza's sold, but come on... When Pigskin offers people the buyout to the fundraiser, hardly anyone takes it, because they figure that it is worth their time to sell a few boxes of pizza than to shell out the extra bucks. And you are going to convince folks to spend MORE money????
4. The county. Yes, I call it meddling, because you can't have your cake and eat it too. If you were telling the truth about not having the county step in and fight your battles for you, then why does your website applaud the county, or even mention the names / phone numbers on it? Your last argument speaks for itself - "no one has asked the county to fight any battles for them...if you have a problem with what the county is doing view my website..." I said it before, and I will spell it out here again -
you need county sponsorship (as in a wholly owned county run league) in order to get enough teams together to play Calvert's and Charles's county teams. It is an insurance and liability thing - one county run organization is NOT going play a NON county organization - the insurance companies would have a cow! Therefore, you must HOPE that you can raise enough interest to get six whole "clubs" of 200 players apiece to the end of the summer..... All this, not to mention the fact that Parks and Rec in THEIR submission to the commissioners said that they needed $225,000 to start a league county wide. All this seems just a little too neat - this "perfect storm" of a new league, and county interest doesn't "just happen".

Don't sit by the phone waiting for me to call you by the way - I have no desire to argue with you face to face - I am a county taxpayer, and if you are going to champion a county proposal in this public forum, and/or propose a county wide, private "solution" to counteract Pigskin Football, then you might as well defend your positions in public.


New Member
vindog.. very well stated.

And on a side note, as a county gov't employee, I can see a lot of other areas where $225k could/should be better spent.


Amazing and amusing provocation

For a forum that started out talking about alternatives to what many people see as a messy situation growing worse, this is getting even more absurd. I for one don't have a connection to any league here.
If you think the guy who proposed this league came up with the idea that he was out to "save" football by getting the county to take it over - start reading the threads on this site and other ones.
You might also be surprised to know that the county really doesn't like to do things without being pushed into it. This time it has been forced to look into it - by years of complaints, not just one proposal.