Southern County Youth Football & Cheerleading


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youthfootball said:
I have told each of you to call me if you had any questions that had to do with Southern County Youth Football Inc. I have nothing to do with what St. Mary's Parks and Rec. does.....
So I agree I do need the county to back me in playing in Calvert that is all I ever wanted. So if anyone can talk the County into letting me get 3 clubs together and taking them to Calvert then be my guest, but before everyone starts saying I got the County involved you need to know the facts I never asked the County for anything....
I also have never asked the County for any money, equipment, or anything else. I do support the County in taking over youth Football so maybe oneday we can inner league with other counties...

Chris, I appreciate your honesty and I can see that you were caught off guard as well. My personal policy is to take every man at his word....once. Then, if I am duped, you will never earn my trust again, so consider this a bit of a peace offering - I will take you at your word about the county. I still don't want to call you, because if you are advertising a product in a public forum, I feel that you should be able to defend it. My previous questions remain:

1. Your main "selling points" seem to be that you will post a schedule at the beginning of the year, parents will not have to work concessions, and there will be no Pizza fundraisers, just a few basket bingo things, or a dance or two. Is that it? You claim that you will have a better family atmospher, but how can you guarantee that - the league is only as good as it's particpants and abilty to enforce rules. While not perfect, I would argue that Pigskin has more experience. As for working concessions, my previous point stands - True, working concessions can be a pain, but it also constitutes service, and I would hate to bash all the folks that donate their time to a cause in which they believe as not promoting a family atmosphere.
2. Finances - Assume the county has nothing to do with this. Assume you get the 200 or so kids signed up you claim, AND they sign up for a second year. After your equipment is paid for during the first season, you may only have to cover depreciation costs to the tune of about 30% of the first year. You have made the claim that by using exclusive Riddell equipment, that can be recertified, you will keep costs low. Point A - using only Riddell equipment is not necessarily cost effective - government contracts are required to have some competition, if your goal is to keep costs down, using only one equipment supplier is not doing that. Point B - Even if this DOES keep costs down, will you be lowering registration costs in year two and beyond? What is going to happen to all the registration money in year two if you aren't spending it on equipment. Simple math says that if you aren't spending money on equipment, you will have a revenue per year of about $15,000, assuming that you will have 200 kids in your league. I hardly think a couple of painted field lines, and fixing up some bleachers will eat up all that cash. You keep mentioning that you are Southern County, INC. I would like to see you post on your website that you are clearly a not for profit organization that meets federal guidelines, before I invest any money. I think generally, parents want some assurance that safety will not be balanced against a profit margin.
3. Prices - What can I say? In my previous post I tried to make it clear. South County is DOUBLE what is charged by pigskin. Yeah, you can complain about having to call up the kid's grandparents and hitting up a couple of neighbors to get FIVE boxes of pizza's sold, but come on... When Pigskin offers people the buyout to the fundraiser, hardly anyone takes it, because they figure that it is worth their time to sell a few boxes of pizza than to shell out the extra bucks. And you are going to convince folks to spend MORE money????

I appreciate what you are trying to do, but honestly if you never intended to get the county involved, then it sounds that you were duped by Calvert county into thinking they would let you play under their organization without St. Mary's county's sanction. The only fair thing that I can say is that you either consider starting up a new league with the understanding that you have to form enough teams to play amongst yourselves, without Inter-county play (because the insurance companies will never allow it), or consider bringing your ideas back into pigskin as we look to re-join pop warner. You have energy, enthusiasm, and drive, why not work within the current system to improve it, rather than fighting to tear it down?


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big_poppa said:
Hey Vin I guess my post was more so out of frustration because it seems like everyone agrees that something needs to happen, someone is trying to make things happen, and is getting punished for it. I have tried for the past two years to coach in the pigskin league, and have never had phone calls returned etc.... II still to this day keep in contact with one of my first football coaches (the other passed away last year, if you coached pigskin long enough I am sure you know who I am talking about). In other words I love the game, and it breaks my heart to see and hear kids and parents talk about how bad things have gotten with the league. I guess in my own little world, a new league would be a fresh start. There will be problems no matter what happens, one thing I can say for certain though, come august I hope my son has the best opportunity to play the game, wherever that is. I guess in the end I am just standing up for Chris, for him standing up for our children. No offense to you or anyone else associated with pigskin, I was simply talking about the instance with the fight last year. We can't have that stuff man, not in front of our kids. Best of luck to all of those involved, and hopefully what is best for our kids is what will prevail.

The incident that happened in November was caused by a South team. I know this because I have watched the video of that game a lot. Even twice today, and also I was at the game. Now the coach of that team is one of the supporters for this new league. So problem solved he is banned and cannot coach Pigskin Football. The information in the Enterprise was false. I showed the man from the enterprise the video of the game today, and he told me the video he saw back in November was of a different game. They showed him the wrong video, Why? Because they knew they were in the wrong.


New Member
Yanno? I think that we are getting to the raw pink nasty underbelly of this whole thing. This "in it for the kids" has little to do with the kids actually - don't get me wrong, and flood this with a bunch of "I am in it for the kids, whaddaya talking about" posts! Let me unequivocally state that I am not questioning the good intentions of those that want to start a new league. It's just interesting how the Raiders / Cowboys game, and all the subsequent "support" posters quickly degenerate into North vs. South.
First, let me state some facts - You will find every "unlimited" team is a hodgepodge of community backgrounds. This is because pigskin made a deal with the highschools (yeah, they set this up explicitly) that they would host an unlimited weight middle school team at all three regions with the express understanding that they would "feed" the freshmen teams. This was only undertaken with the promise of all the high school coaches that the freshmen teams would not be dismantled and raided, should the JV teams fall on their faces. So to your argument that they are "branded", I have to disagree - they played on any team they could get. The Central team almost had to disband because they had too few players.
Point 2 - as to their unsupervised practice, you need to learn the truth before you go out spreading disinformation and fallacies. My son practiced three times a week within 100 yards of where the Unlimited Raiders practiced for many months. I saw coaches from all four teams in the immediate vicinity interacting with them and their coach. To say they were "unsupervised" in their practice is ridiculous. I happen to know of at least two board members that spoke with their coach AT THEIR PRACTICE on a weekly basis. There was no way the Raiders were unsupervised.
Point 3 - at the very beginning of the season, it was made perfectly clear, that formation of an Unlimited Middle School league would be difficult, and potentially dangerous - you had kids of all skill level, and weights ranging from 150 pounds to some truly fully grown men topping off over six foot tall and 250 pounds. The board decided that because the schedule wouldn't allow playing games until after dark, that they would only play at THE BEST FIELD IN THE LEAGUE, UNDER THE BEST CONDITIONS, WITH AS MANY REFEREES AND THE BEST REFEREES THAT THEY COULD FIND. I have seen quite a few games at Willows, as it is our home field - I have seen referees be late, not show up, or see games take place under less than ideal situations. Given the choice between Willows and Lettie Dent, I would choose Dent every time. Besides that, their "unsupervised" coach told me personally on at least two occasions that every player understood that the games would be up at Dent all season. NOW, you are gonna complain about that?

Back to my ORIGINAL point (sorry, I get sidetracked). It seems that there is less of an issue with how the pigskin league is administered (whatever your opinion may be), there is a perceived difference between the north and south. Northern team snobs view the south as a bunch of unruly fight starters, and the Southern team victims believe that no matter what, the league will take steps to make sure they lose every game and will always be at a disadvantage. Guess what? Starting a new league will NOT SOLVE THIS PROBLEM!!!!
If anything, one could argue that we have a hell of a lot of coaches who played football as kids, coach now, and are a wee bit scared of Don Kemp. They will kiss ass in public, and stab him in the back in private, trying to garner favors or better support for their team. I feel strongly that the main problem with Pigskin IS NOT Don Kemp - it is a whole hell of a lot of people too stubborn or lazy to step up and run the show as it should be - with a north, central, and southern chain of command. We are looking for responsible, mature, adults to step up and take charge of the issues in their area, not just stand back and complain that things aren't fair....or worse still, take their ball and leave to try and start a new league..


New Member
So in other words, you agree with all three points? The teams were all a hodgepodge of locations, they were supervised, (not unsupervised as you had claimed), and while the league had run high school teams in the past, playing all over, they learned from the past and tried to restrict any of the variables which would cause problems.
You are right - I forgot that they were the broncos, because I had always referred to them as the South Middle School team.


New Member
thrasher said:
point 99, they were the Broncos not the Raiders, there was no Raider middle school team in '05. in '04 they had a raider high scool team
point 100, you were with in 10 yards of there practice
point 101, you sure do carry on with your remarks that say the same the thing WE ALL get the point. :lalala:
point 102, the league ran with high school teams for along time with-out having every game at the same location.

Besides that Dave, if the league would answer in this forum, the questions which I am asking, then maybe I would back down a bit. Until then, I will continue to correct the misinformation campaign going on here, and continue to challenge those that don't really know what is going on and demand that they defend their assertions without doing a "drive by" posting.


New Member
thrasher said:
The kids on the team you keep referring to as a South Team were from areas like Lexington Park, Leonardtown and California. They only practiced in Lexington Park unsupervised and all the games from day one were played under the supervision of the North board members in the north only. They were marked from the start with no chance of any kind of respect. Even in the past the High school teams from the South got that respect. What is done with that is done let the kids have piece. I think you have made them suffer enough. Stop stereo typing the kids. Thank you, please!!!

Nobody is stereo typing these kids. They were the team in the South. Had it been a team in the North I would of said a North team. You know you talk about respect, I went to almost all of their games. I liked watching the bigger boys play, but when you go to game after game, and the kids are getting thrown out, it gets to be a problem. Were you there? Did you see it? What about the Blue Knights game? The coach of that team took his kids and left at halftime, and the Blue Knights were winning.


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vindog said:
Besides that Dave, if the league would answer in this forum, the questions which I am asking, then maybe I would back down a bit. Until then, I will continue to correct the misinformation campaign going on here, and continue to challenge those that don't really know what is going on and demand that they defend their assertions without doing a "drive by" posting.
You are insinuating that thrasher is Dave (who?)


New Member
I have a few questions for anyone who is willing to answer them......
1. Did Mr. Kemp step down like he said on the radio?

2. Why are some of you upset about the county taking over? Is it the $ I hardly believe the taxes are going to go up that much "IF" they hire somone one at $55,000. Even though I don't think thats necessary.

3. Where is the $ for pigskin going??????? They have been around for 25 years. If you charge say $81 & theres 1,000 kids the math is $81,000...Where is the money going to (sure not to those poor cheerleaders wearing t-shirts), since Mr. Kemp had to donate $100,00 in the past few yea

4. Why has it been 25 years and now their trying to get Pop-Warner? Is that their way of oh crapt we better try something new??

5. It states on their web site... Providing St. Marys County one of the finest football/cheer programs in the county... Aren't they the only program??? So wouldn't that consider them the finest and the worst????


New Member
HELLO.....So quick to ask, but not so quick to answer...............
Hands up to the parties involved in starting a new league. I f anything you've got the counties attention all around. If you do get to start a league my kids will be joining!!!! I love the fact that you're willing to back the county. It shows me your attentions are for the familes in the county , not just for yourself. I thought I heard or read somwhere that pigskin is not backing the county. Why??? Didn't they offer you a part of it??? I know some claim it's the$$$. I do believe that the county did not say that parks & rec is going to get that amount or the extra employee. I hope the county becomes a part of the football program. So at least I know if theres something I don't agree with, there will be a ladder that I can go through.


New Member
SouthCountyMom said:
I have a few questions for anyone who is willing to answer them......
1. Did Mr. Kemp step down like he said on the radio?

2. Why are some of you upset about the county taking over? Is it the $ I hardly believe the taxes are going to go up that much "IF" they hire somone one at $55,000. Even though I don't think thats necessary.

3. Where is the $ for pigskin going??????? They have been around for 25 years. If you charge say $81 & theres 1,000 kids the math is $81,000...Where is the money going to (sure not to those poor cheerleaders wearing t-shirts), since Mr. Kemp had to donate $100,00 in the past few yea

4. Why has it been 25 years and now their trying to get Pop-Warner? Is that their way of oh crapt we better try something new??

5. It states on their web site... Providing St. Marys County one of the finest football/cheer programs in the county... Aren't they the only program??? So wouldn't that consider them the finest and the worst????

We have now problem answering questions and answering them direct.

1. Don stated that if the county believes that he is the cause of every little problem that exists in the league that he would step down as the president of the league. He is re-elected president of the league by the executive board every year because of his hard work and dedication to the kids of St. Mary's County, he does not appoint himself to the board. The county has held a seat on the board for 25 years and they have not been to a board meeting a voted in over 18 years. The county has always had the opportunity to take part in every board meeting and to vote on every aspect of this league, but they take no interest.

2. We are upset because the county taking over is not the best choice for the kids of st mary's county to have an option to choose between two leagues, the future of football, the quality of the program, etc. The money is of great concern when the money can be used for something more useful. Park and Rec is also asking for an additional $250,000 which is ludicous, that will make taxpayers of this county very upset including myself.
For you to say that the county should take over, but the position is not needed, if they can not attend a once a month board meeting because they claim they don't have the resources, how are they going to administrator a football program without adding to their resources ie staff members?????

3. I don't keep the books nor have I seen them, but anyone with common sense knows that running a league of 900+ kids at 81,000 a year is a negative income position, field maintenance, trophies only at $15.00 X 900 = $13,500, replacing equipment, footballs, kids that can't afford to pay, the list goes on and on from the expense side.

4. Pigskin was affiliated with popwarner 4 years ago for several years, the only reason that this league left popwarner was because popwarner did not allow 5 and 6 year old kids to play tackle football. Last year popwarner decided after saying they would never let 5 and 6 yr old kids to play tackle football, used the model setup by pigskin to pilot this last year. Popwarner contacted pigskin and asked pigskin to rejoin the program if their pilot was successful, it was and pigskin is considering rejoining popwarner. This was in the plans before any talk of a new league or the incident that occured last year. If you check our current rules compared to the popwarner rules they are exactly the same.

5. It states on the website, Providing St. Marys County one of the finest football/cheer programs in the COUNTRY not county, we invited South County to start a new league, more power to you.

As an organization with county involved or not, we are going forward as an independent organization. We will not join the county or it's administration, the county has to administrator all sports in the county or leave football as is.
Last edited:


New Member
SouthCountyMom said:
HELLO.....So quick to ask, but not so quick to answer...............
Hands up to the parties involved in starting a new league. I f anything you've got the counties attention all around. If you do get to start a league my kids will be joining!!!! I love the fact that you're willing to back the county. It shows me your attentions are for the familes in the county , not just for yourself. I thought I heard or read somwhere that pigskin is not backing the county. Why??? Didn't they offer you a part of it??? I know some claim it's the$$$. I do believe that the county did not say that parks & rec is going to get that amount or the extra employee. I hope the county becomes a part of the football program. So at least I know if theres something I don't agree with, there will be a ladder that I can go through.

Like I said in my reply, we have no problems answering questions, Vindog has asked some very basic questions to the new league without any reponse to his questions.

The county used the OSPREYS has a model league that the county would pursue, when that league got into debt for equipment loans the county backed completely away. The county is not the answer to a better football program, improving what's in place along with having the option of joining a different program will improve the overall football program in this county. The county will not be willing to do any hardwork to make this program as good as independently runned organization will do, we all know what type of work government puts out...... There's ladder in our organization that starts with the coaches to the vice-president of the area, to the executive board for resolution. The county like I said has a seat on the executive board which for 18 years has chosen to not use, because they claim they don't have the resouces, it's more like they stopped giving them overtime because there was no money in the budget for it, but now they have $300,000 to go towards this effort.


New Member
I do agree the county should be at the board meetings. However they weren't. Now its a new season. I hope they get more involved. wether it's themselves starting a new league, pigskin keeping theres going, and or the new league. I can't see the county agreeing with the $$$$ the parc & rec is asking for. The county isn't that stupid. We all seen the #'s being thrown around. I think we need to focus on whats important...the KIDS!!!! I want my boys to be able to play football. I keep hearing how Calvert & Charles are county football leagues. If that's true and it works, why can't our county do the same???? What is the big deal?????$$$$$$ has anyone spoke to the surrounding counties to see how much the county has to put in it each year???? are the citizens in those county complaining??? Bottom line as I said in the past I want a choice for my boys!!!! Thank god after all these years it might happen!!!! Has anyone heard anything more?? Good luck to all thats involved. This is a mess and I feel the county is the only one that can clean it up. Others may think different. Will see.


New Member
Oh, sorry about the best in the COUNTY~COUNTRY thing. WOW, I didn't realize my boys were playing with one of the finest in the country. I guess if I want my kids to keep playing football I may want to move to Canada. HAHA!! Joking aside I really hope for some changes!!!!


New Member
SouthCountyMom said:
Oh, sorry about the best in the COUNTY~COUNTRY thing. WOW, I didn't realize my boys were playing with one of the finest in the country. I guess if I want my kids to keep playing football I may want to move to Canada. HAHA!! Joking aside I really hope for some changes!!!!

Good one!!!!!! HAHA, we are all hoping for change/improvement, as a board member to Pigskin I'm very dedicated to improving the overall football program.


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GhostWriter said:
Good one!!!!!! HAHA, we are all hoping for change/improvement, as a board member to Pigskin I'm very dedicated to improving the overall football program.[/

Are the board members the same as years past? If so why has nothing change. If not, who votes them in? Does pigskin post their board members on their sight? If so, GREAT. If not why? Does the county still have a seat on the board? No ofense again, but I hope there will be choices besides just pigskin!!!


New Member
SouthCountyMom Are the board members the same as years past? If so why has nothing change. If not said:
No, there are members from past years and new members. We are all dedicated to improving the football program. Yes, the pigskin executive board will be posted on the website. Yes, the county still has a seat on the board. No offense taken, we want people of this county to have a choice, we are just against the county controlling/administering the football program, for example are wieghts and age division are proven safe over years of use. The other counties, including st mary's county's proposal will be for step weights, which always for a wide range of kids that vary in weight to play together, in my opionion these are unsafe weight ranges.


New Member
SouthCountyMom said:
GhostWriter said:
Good one!!!!!! HAHA, we are all hoping for change/improvement, as a board member to Pigskin I'm very dedicated to improving the overall football program.[/

Are the board members the same as years past? If so why has nothing change. If not, who votes them in? Does pigskin post their board members on their sight? If so, GREAT. If not why? Does the county still have a seat on the board? No ofense again, but I hope there will be choices besides just pigskin!!!

We all appreciate where you are coming from - as a matter of fact, we feel the same - Choice would be great. Pigskin has never complained about having competition. Our issue comes with the forced destruction of the Pigskin league. If there is a way that Southern County could form and co-exist with pigskin, then I for one am all for it. Once again, the problem comes with liability, and where I think your business model falls apart.
Southern county needs to play someone. My gut feeling is that they will not want, nor be able to play against pigskin teams. That means they will have to play against Calvert Club leagues. Because of legal liability issues, Calvert will not play against them unless they are backed exclusively by the county. That cannot happen according to the county unless pigskin disbands. So by that logic, your statement doesn't make sense - you cannot have Southern County exist in their proposed business model co-existing with Pigskin. I feel that you have painted the county and yourselves into an unteneble corner.


New Member
SouthCountyMom said:
GhostWriter said:
Good one!!!!!! HAHA, we are all hoping for change/improvement, as a board member to Pigskin I'm very dedicated to improving the overall football program.[/

Are the board members the same as years past? If so why has nothing change. If not, who votes them in? Does pigskin post their board members on their sight? If so, GREAT. If not why? Does the county still have a seat on the board? No ofense again, but I hope there will be choices besides just pigskin!!!

And by the way, the county has had a standing invitation and voting board member seat for the past 20 years - for the past 18 they have chosen not to show up!


New Member
thrasher said:
My name is John by the way and I was a coach in the early 80’s prior to the take over. I do know what I am talking about with living in the county for years and you with your 2 years of experience in any program. With a grand son in the program I would like to see change. What is so hard about that? Trust me I have put my time in and so has my son, why such hatred? AS I SAID BEFORE MARCH 7TH will be a day celebration. Trust me on that one. :howdy:

Sir, I have no problem with competition or a new league - but not to the detriment of the current one. How would you feel if the county came to your front door and told you that they had decided they didn't like the way you were maintaining your property? That they intended to move you out of it, put another family in place, and give them money to get them started - but that the WORST case would be that their cost estimates were high, depending on whether or not you wanted to donate your furniture to the county's effort.... That is what they propose to do with Football - kill the current program, break up the teams, and give the rights to play football to a new untested, inexperienced organization. Why am I supposed to like that? How is that competition? How is that even AMERICAN???
If southern county would like to set up as a new organization, able to compete with pigskin, great. But they are unable to play with anyone other than themselves, unless they have county backing. County backing means that pigskin will be forced to build their own fields and play on private property. Are you so jaded, cynical, and "passionate for change" that you are willing to see the civil liberties of an independant organization be destroyed?
Pigskin has never complained, or tried to stop a new organization from starting. But compete fairly - put together a better product, BE WILLING TO SHARE FIELDS - the county has already offered alternate fields for your organization, but you TURNED THEM DOWN because you are convinced that everyone will rush to your group, and you will only accept the fields that pigskin currently occupies. Compete fairly - start from a small organization and grow - don't demand that the county kills a successful one.

Bottom line is this - Competition is good, and how things should happen. Southern County Youth Football, its organization and leaders and advocates all support the idea that their organization (however untested, experimental and more expensive) should be adopted by the county to the detriment of Pigskin. They expect the county to kill our organization and support theirs. This tyranny of the minority is nothing short of what we saw in Iraq under Saddam, in every Fascist government that ever existed, and is totally 100% unamerican and wrong.

Yes sir, I have only spent THREE seasons here as a pigskin parent / coach / board member. I have spent the last 10 coaching two sons in multiple sports from baseball, to flag football, to tackle, as well as working with kids through the Boy Scouts of America. I am in the military and recently recieved TAD orders that will send me to Iraq for a year. And yet, I use some of my precious little time left to participate in this forum, to meet with the county commissioners, and to stop this unamerican, and wrong destruction of a private organization. Please explain to me John, why enlisting the county to destroy one organization and set up a new one is morally correct?


New Member
youthfootball said:
I have seen everything you have written on here and I think you need to becareful, because you speak nothing of the truth when it comes to Southern County Youth Football Inc. You have done nothing but bash and put down something you know nothing about. Did you attend any of the meetings that we had??? Everything you say is something that you have heard from someone else. You are more then welcome to call me and ask me any question that you want. The county is doing whatever they want to do I have no control over that. I told the County we would use any field that they could provide to us. So please if you don't know what you are talking about then please don't comment on it. I coached for Pigskin last year and I do know how that operation is worked. You talk about selling pizza but what you don't tell everyone is that each child must sell 5 kits and that money goes to Pigskin and every pizza over that then goes to the team. Then you talk about the cost being double well it isn't doubled it just isn't hidden behide pizza. raffles. jersey cost, etc... So Vince please do yourself a favor if you don't know what you are talking about then leave it alone. Ok an offer to Pigskin Football and to you... Allow Southern County Youth Football Inc. to take over the South in your league and I will provide my own equipment and everything else,we will also hire an outside officiating group... Yea like Pigskin is going to allow that... So please feel free to call me Vince with anything you may have to ask me. If you have a problem with what the county is doing then talk to them and stop blaming everything on everyone else.


If you go back and LOOK at my previous posts, you will find that I have no desire to call you. Hell, you may convince me Chris, but I don't want you to convince me - I want you in public to answer the questions previously posted.
Pizza - here we go again. $90 to register for football. Yes, you have to SELL five pizzas. Not buy them yourself. If a parent is too lazy to have their kids go out and sell five pizzas, then yes, I guess that they will spend an extra $40. Personally, AFTER each kid on my team sold five kits, all the rest of the money rolled back to our team - because we had some motivated kids, we earned an extra $360 from the league towards our pizza party. You think the parents just each bought 10 kits themselves??? Hell, my folks usually "buy" three to four kits for us and send us the money. So once again - $90 for pigskin, plus a little extra legwork to sell five pizza kits, plus discounts and hardship board sponsorships for those who need help, or $160 flat rate for southern county. There is a reason that nobody hardly EVER uses the buyout option for pigskin to avoid the fundraiser - BECAUSE THEY CAN'T AFFORD IT!!!

As for attending your meetings, if I am able to bring up all sorts of discrepancies and inconsistencies just off what you have posted online, then why do I need to waste my time at one of your meetings?

#1 - If you will be non profit, so state on your website. Until then, you will have to continue to evade responding to the charge that after year one, you will either have to drop the registration fee, or explain what the profits will be going towards....because if you are not depreciating equipment, then you will be raking in money.

#2 - "an offer to take over the southern teams"....How Generous.....we just roll over and "donate" all our hard work to a group of people who have NEVER operated a league before, have questionable financing, a different and marginal weight standard, and who will guarantee that we will be travelling over the bridge for games all the guys are too much.

Besides that, as a coach I have observed whom your supporters are - most of them good people, but more than a couple whom I have always questioned whether or not they are in it for the glory or for the kids - not you, of course, but I for one have seen emails from one of your ardent supporters and suppliers of pigskin info to Don himself asking to coach again for Pigskin, should we go back to Pop Warner.

Chris, the right way to do this would have been to stand up like a man, and approach the Pigskin board with your ideas last fall. Open kimono, lay down your cards. The county is exploding, and there would be no doubt in my mind that had you approached us with an idea to cooperate and start up a league that could even have played against pigskin from the start, we could have worked something out. But you didn't - you snuck around, had folks supply you with pigskin info, and worked it out for the county to get involved. Deliberately or inadvertently. Live by the sword, die by the sword my friend. Your business plan is faulty, your numbers don't work, and I will be surprised if you can convince the people of this county that you and a few of your bubbas can manage a league better than pigskin has for over 25 years.