Southern County Youth Football & Cheerleading


New Member
SouthCountyMom said:
Hmm....Who do I believe??? The people whos kids don't play on either team and have some kind of enjoyment bashing Chris or do I believe a man that has a child that plays on Chris's team and you don't hear much from???? I'll pick #2. Let me ask the Pigskin backers something....Where are the people in charge of Pigskin at???? I give Chris credit...He's up here defending himself and the league. He's not letting others do his dirty work. Chris keep your chin up....Thank you again and again for giving this county some kind of hope that there will be choices. Ignore the bashing. It seems to me their trying to pull anything out of their magic hat to make you look bad. After all there were alot of witness that seen and heard everything that went on, on the fields over the few years. I still don't see a list of names that are on the board. I'm sure one of you Pigskin backers could let everyone in on this secret. Thank you!!! GOOOO COUNTY!!!!!!

I commend Chris for the work he has put into his league and he has every right to defend himself, remember every is allowed their opionion....... As far as the board members being on our website; as soon as the entire board is finialized they will be posted on the website.


Mr. Rollins of Park & Rec responds

vindog said:
Awww come on Red - don't you know that whenever someone presents contrary evidence and factual criticisms of a proposal that you have made public, step one is to try and take them out of the public forum to talk so that you don't have to answer their questions in the open, and step two is to threaten legal action, however ludicrous....

Just found this explanation on the Pigskin football site. This will clear up a lot of misconceptions being thrown around:

"As the County's Director of Recreation and Parks I wanted to clarify a few points in the "County Government wants to take over football program" article. First, the County Commissiners have not made a decison on this. The Board has taken R&P's proposal under advisement and plans to make a decision about this in the near future.

Second, the proposal for R&P to run the County football program will not cost taxpayers $300,000 as indicated in the article. R&P's proposal to the Commissioners suggested that it may be necessary to provide financial assistance (i.e loans) to three or more community youth football organizations or clubs that would be established.

These volunteer run clubs would be the backbone of the new program as they would do the necessary work to establish and enter teams into the League which would be run by R&P. The clubs would pay a franchise fee for each team entered into the League to pay for referees and other League expenses. This organizational model is used successfully in Charles and Calvert Counties for youth football.

In a worse case scenario, $200,000 in start up money may have to be available for loans to these clubs to enable them to purchase equipment and get established. This money would be expected to be repaid to the County over a couple of years after the clubs held registration and did fundraising.

A separate recommendation was made to the Comissioners about a youth sports iniative which would require youth league administrator's and coaches to have background checks and be trained through a national program. This initiative would be administered by R&P and involve all youth sports leagues who want to use County facilities. A new R&P staff person would be needed to work with sports leagues to implement and manage this program. Only about 25% of this new person's time would go towards running the youth football program. The new staff position would cost about $55,000 per year.

Finally, R&P proposed that the County provide $25,000 in tax funds for scholarships for all youth sports leagues. This would enable Leagues to accomodate low and moderate income families who have financial hardships. The $25,000 would provide financial support to all leagues for individuals unable to pay the registration fee.

The article also said "the plan has weight and age limits which are very unsafe for our kids and the registration costs will double from what you paid last year..." The R&P proposal did not address weight and age divisions; that is something that would be worked out with input from all of the youth football clubs if the new league is established. Nor did the proposal suggest what the registration fees would be. In reality, each community football club would determine what its participant registration fee would be, not R&P.

R&P and the County Commissioners are interested in hearing from League participants about this and we encourage you to do so.

Phil Rollins, Director
St. Mary's County Recreation, Parks
and Community Services
301-475-4200 x1811 "


New Member
smilin said:
Just found this explanation on the Pigskin football site. This will clear up a lot of misconceptions being thrown around:

"As the County's Director of Recreation and Parks I wanted to clarify a few points in the "County Government wants to take over football program" article. First, the County Commissiners have not made a decison on this. The Board has taken R&P's proposal under advisement and plans to make a decision about this in the near future.

Second, the proposal for R&P to run the County football program will not cost taxpayers $300,000 as indicated in the article. R&P's proposal to the Commissioners suggested that it may be necessary to provide financial assistance (i.e loans) to three or more community youth football organizations or clubs that would be established.

These volunteer run clubs would be the backbone of the new program as they would do the necessary work to establish and enter teams into the League which would be run by R&P. The clubs would pay a franchise fee for each team entered into the League to pay for referees and other League expenses. This organizational model is used successfully in Charles and Calvert Counties for youth football.

In a worse case scenario, $200,000 in start up money may have to be available for loans to these clubs to enable them to purchase equipment and get established. This money would be expected to be repaid to the County over a couple of years after the clubs held registration and did fundraising.

A separate recommendation was made to the Comissioners about a youth sports iniative which would require youth league administrator's and coaches to have background checks and be trained through a national program. This initiative would be administered by R&P and involve all youth sports leagues who want to use County facilities. A new R&P staff person would be needed to work with sports leagues to implement and manage this program. Only about 25% of this new person's time would go towards running the youth football program. The new staff position would cost about $55,000 per year.

Finally, R&P proposed that the County provide $25,000 in tax funds for scholarships for all youth sports leagues. This would enable Leagues to accomodate low and moderate income families who have financial hardships. The $25,000 would provide financial support to all leagues for individuals unable to pay the registration fee.

The article also said "the plan has weight and age limits which are very unsafe for our kids and the registration costs will double from what you paid last year..." The R&P proposal did not address weight and age divisions; that is something that would be worked out with input from all of the youth football clubs if the new league is established. Nor did the proposal suggest what the registration fees would be. In reality, each community football club would determine what its participant registration fee would be, not R&P.

R&P and the County Commissioners are interested in hearing from League participants about this and we encourage you to do so.

Phil Rollins, Director
St. Mary's County Recreation, Parks
and Community Services
301-475-4200 x1811 "

This is what is takes to run a football program; "Only about 25% of this new person's time would go towards running the youth football program. The new staff position would cost about $55,000 per year." You mean you agree with this type of proposal only 25% of this position will be dedicated to running this 3 league football program that is crazy, Let everyone hear me say this again, the quality of the football program in this county will decline quickly with a government paid employee at $55,000 a yr using only 25% of their time towards the football program. Independent organizations have several unpaid volunteers dedicating more than 25% of their time to make an successful program work.

Please people think about this before you jump on the counties bandwagon. If you support the new league support them, they county taking over is not the answer to these problems you have.


New Member
GhostWriter said:
This is what is takes to run a football program; "Only about 25% of this new person's time would go towards running the youth football program. The new staff position would cost about $55,000 per year." You mean you agree with this type of proposal only 25% of this position will be dedicated to running this 3 league football program that is crazy, Let everyone hear me say this again, the quality of the football program in this county will decline quickly with a government paid employee at $55,000 a yr using only 25% of their time towards the football program. Independent organizations have several unpaid volunteers dedicating more than 25% of their time to make an successful program work.

Please people think about this before you jump on the counties bandwagon. If you support the new league support them, they county taking over is not the answer to these problems you have.

If you read the next post in the pigskin website, you will find a yet to be answered post replying to Phil -

200,000 + 55,000 + 25,000 = 280,000 - so we were off by 20,000!

Phil also said that the "worst case" was based on whether or not Don Kemp would "donate" his equipment to the county....... And he is the genius who will be in charge!!!


vindog said:
If you read the next post in the pigskin website, you will find a yet to be answered post replying to Phil -

200,000 + 55,000 + 25,000 = 280,000 - so we were off by 20,000!

Phil also said that the "worst case" was based on whether or not Don Kemp would "donate" his equipment to the county....... And he is the genius who will be in charge!!!

Let's try this the way it's written:
Up to $200,000 as a loan IF the league has to buy it's equipment (I can't seem to find a reference to the Pigskin league anywhere). To be amortized and repaid. Pigskin has all it's equipment and doesn't have to buy ANYTHING.
Once the loan is repaid (with interest, presumably), the county has not paid out anything.
The new R&P position is not ONLY for football with all its insurmountable problems, but will also be doing other things during the rest of the year. Maybe working with other sports - basketball, soccer, swmming come to mind right off.
So if you accept Mr. Rollins' estimate of the time this person will be working on football, (which I'm sure in your capacity, you won't) which is 25%, then you have to divide his/her salary by 4 (55000 divided by 4 = $13,750).
I also think it's pretty magnanimous of the county to take The Pigskin league's donations over, plus some, to make sure underpriviledged kids get to play. Tack on up to $25,000.
I won't bore you with the math, but will ask a question:
How much does a new car or truck cost today?


New Member
vindog said:
If you read the next post in the pigskin website, you will find a yet to be answered post replying to Phil -

200,000 + 55,000 + 25,000 = 280,000 - so we were off by 20,000!

Phil also said that the "worst case" was based on whether or not Don Kemp would "donate" his equipment to the county....... And he is the genius who will be in charge!!!
Who wants that old equipment anyways???? I would love to see the papers where the helmets were recertified!!!


New Member
SouthCountyMom said:
Who wants that old equipment anyways???? I would love to see the papers where the helmets were recertified!!!

I am sorry ma'am, but your understanding of the situation is lacking. Recertification is just like "gently used" cars - it means the manufacturer charges the user a cutrate fee to guarantee that the helmet is still usable. By definition, Recertification MEANS USED EQUIPMENT!!!!!!!!!


New Member
vindog said:
I am sorry ma'am, but your understanding of the situation is lacking. Recertification is just like "gently used" cars - it means the manufacturer charges the user a cutrate fee to guarantee that the helmet is still usable. By definition, Recertification MEANS USED EQUIPMENT!!!!!!!!!
Ummm....I realize they are used. But, just like used cars they need to be maintain and checked after so many miles. So are the helmets recertified every 2 years by the manufacture.


First of all I would like to wish you God speed and pray you get back here after your tour safe and sound.
I hope you will be able to relate to anyone who will listen, that when you left your home you were engaged in some freedom of speech!
Thanks, Freedom isn't Free.


New Member
you did it!!!

:popcorn: Thanks BOCC for supporting the New League. It took awhile Chris but it was well worth it, thanks. Good luck with the '06 season Southern County Football.


New Member
youthfootball said:
We are still working on the final details with St. Mary's & Calvert Parks & Rec... We will be posting Registration information on our web site in the next couple of days. This league will inner league with Calvert County teams. We will be playing here in St. Mary's and in Calvert.... All information will be posted... Please call or email us with any questions.

301-862-4155 or
I got the news yesterday. :clap:


My son's eyes lit up when he heard he might be playing against Calvert County teams.
Keep up the great work, and keep us informed.


New Member
Patuxent River Raiders will also be holding registration at this years So. Md. 13th Annual Spring Festival, held at the St. Mary's County Fairgrounds.

Friday May 5th 5p.m. - 9p.m.
Saturday May 6th 10 a.m. - 9p.m.
Sunday May 7th 10 a.m. - 6p.m.

For more information on the Spring Festival please visit

Please check out our web-site for all our other registration dates, and you can also register on-line...
Last edited:


New Member
Registration Dates:

May 6th 9A - 3P California Wal-Mart
May 13th 9A - 3P California Wal-mart

June 17th 9A - 3P Chancellors Run Park
June 24th 9A - 3P Chancellors Run Park

July 8th 9A - 3P Lancaster Park
July 12th 6P - 8:30P Lancaster Park

Patuxent River Raiders will also be holding registration at this years So. Md. 13th Annual Spring Festival, held at the St. Mary's County Fairgrounds.

Friday May 5th 5p.m. - 9p.m.
Saturday May 6th 10a.m. - 9p.m.
Sunday May 7th 10a.m. - 6p.m.

For more information on the Spring Festival please visit