Big Fatty
I see nothing wrong with people talking to each other at the gym. Really, can you imagine what the gym would be like if people just said hi.. and thats it. People have diffrent goals/habbits when they work out. If you work out with a partner.. it only makes sense that you talk to them while working out/in between sets. Trainers talk to their clients. The gym isnt just a place to go, workout, and leave. I look forward to seeing friends/other members at the gym and talking for a few minutes.
The cell phone use doesnt bother me either. I listen to an Ipod so I cant hear them anyways.
If I run with a friend, cycle with a friend, or even eliptical with a friend I will talk.. i find that it can actually help with my breathing (when I think about breathing thats when I mess up, when I am talking and not thinking about it time flies). It doesnt mean I am not working hard enough. Dont get me wrong, if I am sprinting at 9.0 I am not going to talk.
It's people like this that piss me off in the gym. You have no respect for those around you. If you are there to chit chat and socialize......go to freaking Curves. Get outta my way.
Leave work at work, socialize at bars or Tastefully Simple parties, and leave the gym to folks who are training.
I do not pay a damn membership to hear about how you burnt the grill cheese or how Oprah has gained another 10 lbs. I also don't want to wait to use a machine because you're having a conversation with your "trainer" or "workout partner".
Get a clue and be courteous. Most folks in the gym have goals and a purpose. Most folks also are in a hurry.
I can't believe how much reading this has fired me up.