Big Fatty
Maximum Fitness, part 1
This is not really a SOYG. Just my opinions and observations. I know that there is a forumite on here that works at Maximum Fitness. I sincerely hope I do not offend her.
My sister and her friend joined the Maximum. They have been doing their own thing for 2 months now. Both have lost weight. All they did was slightly change their eating habits and exercise 3-4 days/week (mainly cardio). Rocket science plan to lose weight, huh? Well, it worked.
My sister wanted me to help her devise a new routine. She wanted me to come to Maximum and show her.
I was knocked over by Maximum when they let me come in for free. They also let me train my sister and her friend without objection. (I am still a certified fitness trainer) Maximum also let me workout afterwards for free. I was so overwhelmed I felt obligated to buy something and bought a protein shake. I really want to convey how extremely cool Maximum was to me. I did get some stares from the trainers there but I expected that.
I competed in two powerlifting competitions at this gym in the past but never really checked the gym out. It is a pretty nice gym. Things are spaced out, not cramped. There is a good variety of equipmen. The lockerrroom is very nice compared to other gyms in Southern Md. (Maximum Fitness is the only gym I had not trained at. Except the Women's Only gyms.) The folks there were extremely nice. Although I wasn't too keen on the daycare gals. I expected that considering the area I was in.
Part 2 coming soon.
This is not really a SOYG. Just my opinions and observations. I know that there is a forumite on here that works at Maximum Fitness. I sincerely hope I do not offend her.
My sister and her friend joined the Maximum. They have been doing their own thing for 2 months now. Both have lost weight. All they did was slightly change their eating habits and exercise 3-4 days/week (mainly cardio). Rocket science plan to lose weight, huh? Well, it worked.
My sister wanted me to help her devise a new routine. She wanted me to come to Maximum and show her.
I was knocked over by Maximum when they let me come in for free. They also let me train my sister and her friend without objection. (I am still a certified fitness trainer) Maximum also let me workout afterwards for free. I was so overwhelmed I felt obligated to buy something and bought a protein shake. I really want to convey how extremely cool Maximum was to me. I did get some stares from the trainers there but I expected that.
I competed in two powerlifting competitions at this gym in the past but never really checked the gym out. It is a pretty nice gym. Things are spaced out, not cramped. There is a good variety of equipmen. The lockerrroom is very nice compared to other gyms in Southern Md. (Maximum Fitness is the only gym I had not trained at. Except the Women's Only gyms.) The folks there were extremely nice. Although I wasn't too keen on the daycare gals. I expected that considering the area I was in.
Part 2 coming soon.