and when my dad was deployed for one his ecxtended trips to Vietnam, or Korea, we (mom and the three of us kids) always moved back home to CT to be around her family.. Now don't get me wrong, I think generally we TRIED to behave in his absence, but if we screwed up, the Uncles were there to do the fill in azzwhoopin..
Strange, I have a memory of one day in Ct, where I ate the frosting off of a birthday cake.. and I remember all of us kids lining up, "If you don't confess I'll beat all of you".. well lo and behold he just happened to start with me... and damn if I didn't confess during THAT beating.. but the strange part is, I remember if being my dad, but it couldn't have been him, he was in the jungle at the time. OH, and I never stuck my fingers into cake frosting again.