St. Mary's gets sued

Hot N Bothered

New Member
Originally posted by Club'nBabySeals
I don't know about that....but I believe (at least up until a few years ago) Sodomy was still illegal in the state of Maryland. I don't know if certain counties were allowed to maintain, or enforce that law. Perhaps St. Mary's has not repealed it?

That would certainly make marriage a little difficult...
Sodomy is on the books as illegal in most states, but the Supreme Ct. has ruled that what goes on behind closed doors between consenting adults is not the state's business. It stays on the books because it is used in cases where the parties weren't consenting adults in order to add one more charge against rapists and child molesters and maybe add a few more years the their sentences.

Hot N Bothered

New Member
Originally posted by Ken King
I'm still confused as to why the county would be the subject of a suit concerning a state statute, unless there were an extraordinary number of prosecutions from that specific county.
Why would there be ANY prosecutions. It's not like gay people get married anyway. They may apply for a license, they get turned down. The ACLU must be suing the county licensing agency for discrimination. I guess it's because there isn't a state licensing agency, they have to name some entity. :shrug: But I would think that as soon as it gets to court the judge would throw it out because they are suing the county over a state law. If they want to sue, they have to find a state entity to sue.


New Member
I guess it's because there isn't a state licensing agency, they have to name some entity. :shrug: [/B]

I believe the license is issued through the Circuit Court, part of the MD State Judiciary...

Aimhigh, where are you getting your information?

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Article from the Washington Post

Nine gay couples sued the state of Maryland yesterday, contending that its ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional and should be overturned.

The couples filed the suit in Baltimore Circuit Court after officials in Baltimore and three counties, including Prince George's, denied them marriage licenses over the past two weeks. A gay man whose partner recently died, but who would like to marry one day, is also a plaintiff.

Attorneys for the American Civil Liberties Union, representing the plaintiffs, said they hope to make Maryland a test case in their ongoing struggle to legalize same-sex marriage.
The nine couples, who include Patrick Wohahn, 28, and Dave Kolesar, 26, of College Park, sought marriage licenses in Baltimore or the counties of Prince George's, St Mary's and Dorchester.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Hot N Bothered
Sodomy is on the books as illegal in most states, but the Supreme Ct. has ruled that what goes on behind closed doors between consenting adults is not the state's business. It stays on the books because it is used in cases where the parties weren't consenting adults in order to add one more charge against rapists and child molesters and maybe add a few more years the their sentences.
In the Supreme Court decision for Lawrence V. Texas it states that there are only 13 states that still have such laws on the books ( ). Of those only 4 enforce the laws for homosexual conduct.


Originally posted by baswm

1. The legalization of homosexual marriage will quickly destroy the traditional family.

As if the traditional family wasn't already destroyed in our country.


Active Member
to Surfacetension..

What info specifically are you referring to? Most everything I get is from work, Library of Congress, GW University. Watching idiots like (r) Rick Santorum spew his hate on CSpan.


New Member
my personal belief is that i am against it. marriage should be MAN AND WOMAN.

from a leagle standpoint, i think it should be allowed. its dangerous to let the government stop any group of people from doing something everyone else is allowed to do.

what would happen if the government decided african-americans were no longer allowed to marry?

or what if the government decided gay people cant vote anymore?

you rights as an american are not supposed to be affected by race, religion, age, etc.... and really that should include sexual preference.


Active Member
Originally posted by RPM
from a leagle standpoint, i think it should be allowed. its dangerous to let the government stop any group of people from doing something everyone else is allowed to do.

what would happen if the government decided african-americans were no longer allowed to marry?

or what if the government decided gay people cant vote anymore?

you rights as an american are not supposed to be affected by race, religion, age, etc.... and really that should include sexual preference.

Originally posted by cmdrfunk
As if the traditional family wasn't already destroyed in our country.

:clap: :cheers: :peace: :dude: :patriot:


New Member
Re: to Surfacetension..

Originally posted by Aimhigh2000
What info specifically are you referring to? Most everything I get is from work, Library of Congress, GW University. Watching idiots like (r) Rick Santorum spew his hate on CSpan.
I was just trying to get clarification on who was being sued - the County or the State. Contrary to what the opening post of this thread seemed to imply, it's my understanding that it's actually the State that is being sued.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by cmdrfunk
As if the traditional family wasn't already destroyed in our country.

I think that claims that gay marriage will destory the family just encourage hatred of gay people, even when the person making the claim honesty doesn't hate gays. At the very least, those claims encourage an atmosphere of fear and insecurity.


I think that claims that gay marriage will destory the family just encourage hatred of gay people, even when the person making the claim honesty doesn't hate gays. At the very least, those claims encourage an atmosphere of fear and insecurity.

This really isn't in reply to this and has the "universal you."

I think people need to stop imposing their inane morals on others and mind their own damn business.

Really... most of these issues like this it just doesn't matter either damn way.

Gay marriage... abortion... religion... genetic engineering...blah blah blah. No one is getting hurt, really. Just do your own damned thing and quit worrying about other people. Who cares what YOUR religion says? It's not mine; stop trying to make it mine. To hell with everyone else's morals. Don't want a man's penis in your butt? Fine, but if i want one in mine shut the hell up. We already tried the McDonald's eating population's method. Can we try mine now and shut up?

Meanwhile, while things that really matter are being destroyed everyone sits back ignorant of the fact because they're too busy reading at a 3rd grade level and/or are blissfully ignorant living happily watching Survivor as a puppet of the corporation owned and controlled government chipping away at our rights in the name of protection and a "war" against terrorism architected and run on poorly designed, implemented, and overpriced Microsoft systems.

"But, people putting their penises in each other! Egads! Holy poopola, screw the malnourished in africa... it's against the magical man in the sky! (He died for us, ya know?) We can't genetically engineer food!!!! Let them starve or drive in their 12 mpg SUV to super walmart like i do! Oh yeah, we sure need to pay those poorly educated engrish teachers more money, too! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!! HIDE THE BOOBIES!!!"

Oh my, i amuse myself so.


Active Member
Originally posted by cmdrfunk
This really isn't in reply to this and has the "universal you."

I think people need to stop imposing their inane morals on others and mind their own damn business.

Really... most of these issues like this it just doesn't matter either damn way.

Gay marriage... abortion... religion... genetic engineering...blah blah blah. No one is getting hurt, really. Just do your own damned thing and quit worrying about other people. Who cares what YOUR religion says? It's not mine; stop trying to make it mine. To hell with everyone else's morals. Don't want a man's penis in your butt? Fine, but if i want one in mine shut the hell up. We already tried the McDonald's eating population's method. Can we try mine now and shut up?

Meanwhile, while things that really matter are being destroyed everyone sits back ignorant of the fact because they're too busy reading at a 3rd grade level and/or are blissfully ignorant living happily watching Survivor as a puppet of the corporation owned and controlled government chipping away at our rights in the name of protection and a "war" against terrorism architected and run on poorly designed, implemented, and overpriced Microsoft systems.

"But, people putting their penises in each other! Egads! Holy poopola, screw the malnourished in africa... it's against the magical man in the sky! (He died for us, ya know?) We can't genetically engineer food!!!! Let them starve or drive in their 12 mpg SUV to super walmart like i do! Oh yeah, we sure need to pay those poorly educated engrish teachers more money, too! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!! HIDE THE BOOBIES!!!"

Oh my, i amuse myself so.
I think i agree? :confused: Im almost positive i do :) Asside from the genetic engineering thing... could make a race of super humans and take over the world, but we arent there yet :)


Originally posted by Spoiled
I think i agree? :confused: Im almost positive i do :) Asside from the genetic engineering thing... could make a race of super humans and take over the world, but we arent there yet :)

So then it's just like cromagnons vs neanderthals (were those the right two?) ... gotta evolve sometime.

Everyone would be superhumans so what's the difference?

But, regardless of that "COULD BE" isn't a valid reason. If we were to live in fear over everything we did and every advance we'd never get anywhere. (FUD-fear, uncertainty, and doubt -- often a govt and corporation tactic) There could have been an alien race living on the moon that coulda got pissed and killed us all but we still went.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Originally posted by cmdrfunk
This really isn't in reply to this and has the "universal you."

I think people need to stop imposing their inane morals on others and mind their own damn business.

Really... most of these issues like this it just doesn't matter either damn way.

Gay marriage... abortion... religion... genetic engineering...blah blah blah. No one is getting hurt, really. Just do your own damned thing and quit worrying about other people. Who cares what YOUR religion says? It's not mine; stop trying to make it mine. To hell with everyone else's morals. Don't want a man's penis in your butt? Fine, but if i want one in mine shut the hell up. We already tried the McDonald's eating population's method. Can we try mine now and shut up?

Meanwhile, while things that really matter are being destroyed everyone sits back ignorant of the fact because they're too busy reading at a 3rd grade level and/or are blissfully ignorant living happily watching Survivor as a puppet of the corporation owned and controlled government chipping away at our rights in the name of protection and a "war" against terrorism architected and run on poorly designed, implemented, and overpriced Microsoft systems.

"But, people putting their penises in each other! Egads! Holy poopola, screw the malnourished in africa... it's against the magical man in the sky! (He died for us, ya know?) We can't genetically engineer food!!!! Let them starve or drive in their 12 mpg SUV to super walmart like i do! Oh yeah, we sure need to pay those poorly educated engrish teachers more money, too! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!! HIDE THE BOOBIES!!!"

Oh my, i amuse myself so.

This is the best post I've seen in this thread. I wholeheartedly agree that government needs to butt out of things that aren't there business and stick to the duties outlined in the constitution.


Asperger's Poster Child
Funny post, Cmdrfunk. Imagine if the goverment made homosexuality illegal (as opposed to the act of sodomy). I guess all men would have to report for testing, where they would have buzzers attached to their penises and be shown naked pictures of Laetitia Casta and Antonio Banderas.


Not dead yet.
Personally I think that this whole issue is just another signpost on the road paved with good intentions. Oh well, who cares about standards anymore anyway?

Just for the sake of argument, however, I would like to know what "hate speech" Rick Santorum used during his speach yesterday. I understand that you might hate what he had to say because your ox got gored, but really, did he use epithets? Did he advocate concentration camps or something? Was the public encouraged to go out and beat up homosexuals? What did he say that qualifies as "hate speech"?

I seems to me that most liberal causes like to label anything they don't agree with as "hate speech" and then make alot of noise about it. Unless and until the concept of "hate speech" is defined in the public forum, this defense is meaningless.

Now tell me how hateful I am because I challenged you.


Asperger's Poster Child
Tlatchaw, although I didn't hear Santorum's speech, you may have a point about the illogic of comparing him to Hitler.

Still, I don't understand your point about "standards." Do you really believe that gay people simply find gay sex more enjoyable than straight sex? I hope you don't believe that. Surely sex is about much more than getting off. It's about intimacy and romance, which all humans crave no matter what their sexual orientation.


Active Member
Originally posted by Tonio
Tlatchaw, although I didn't hear Santorum's speech, you may have a point about the illogic of comparing him to Hitler.

Still, I don't understand your point about "standards." Do you really believe that gay people simply find gay sex more enjoyable than straight sex? I hope you don't believe that. Surely sex is about much more than getting off. It's about intimacy and romance, which all humans crave no matter what their sexual orientation.

First off the only people who could prove this are ones that have tried both...

Second off, a man can love a man and a woman can love a woman just as a man can love a woman... In all 3 cases intamacy can be equal...


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by Tonio

Still, I don't understand your point about "standards."

My point is that in this day and age anything goes. Everything is supposed to be accepted as normal and natural no matter how rare or odd or perverse it may be. Since we have always had homosexuals throughout history, they should be included now as a viable sexual option.

Hmmm. What else could we apply that argument to? How about crime. People have always stolen from each other, that's just how they get along, so theft should be legal. How about pollution? Mankind has made a mess everywhere we went, so why bother trying to clean it up or do less damage.

I realize that this is a straw man type argument, but that seems to be the logic used by the pro-gay marriage side of the argument. "We've always been around, accept us and embrace us now as 'normal' or we'll sue."

As far as individuals go, I find homosexuals to be intelligent, humorous and lots of fun to be around, but I still don't think that they should raise a family.