Originally posted by tlatchaw
My point is that in this day and age anything goes. Everything is supposed to be accepted as normal and natural no matter how rare or odd or perverse it may be. Since we have always had homosexuals throughout history, they should be included now as a viable sexual option.
Hmmm. What else could we apply that argument to? How about crime. People have always stolen from each other, that's just how they get along, so theft should be legal. How about pollution? Mankind has made a mess everywhere we went, so why bother trying to clean it up or do less damage.
I realize that this is a straw man type argument, but that seems to be the logic used by the pro-gay marriage side of the argument. "We've always been around, accept us and embrace us now as 'normal' or we'll sue."
As far as individuals go, I find homosexuals to be intelligent, humorous and lots of fun to be around, but I still don't think that they should raise a family.