St. Mary's gets sued


Active Member
Originally posted by tlatchaw
My point is that in this day and age anything goes. Everything is supposed to be accepted as normal and natural no matter how rare or odd or perverse it may be. Since we have always had homosexuals throughout history, they should be included now as a viable sexual option.

Hmmm. What else could we apply that argument to? How about crime. People have always stolen from each other, that's just how they get along, so theft should be legal. How about pollution? Mankind has made a mess everywhere we went, so why bother trying to clean it up or do less damage.

I realize that this is a straw man type argument, but that seems to be the logic used by the pro-gay marriage side of the argument. "We've always been around, accept us and embrace us now as 'normal' or we'll sue."

As far as individuals go, I find homosexuals to be intelligent, humorous and lots of fun to be around, but I still don't think that they should raise a family.
problem with this flawed arguement is that theft and pollution hurt other people, homosexuality does not...


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by tlatchaw
My point is that in this day and age anything goes. Everything is supposed to be accepted as normal and natural no matter how rare or odd or perverse it may be. Since we have always had homosexuals throughout history, they should be included now as a viable sexual option.

Thanks for the response. You're still implying that homosexuality is a choice. I don't believe it is for most people, although I also don't believe we will ever know what causes it. It frustrates me when people claim that it's a "fact" that homosexuality is a choice. Whether it is or isn't shouldn't make any difference in how we as straights treat gay people.


New Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
problem with this flawed arguement is that theft and pollution hurt other people, homosexuality does not...

What about it being biologically wrong?

If a man wants to have sex with another man or an animal or a fencepost for that matter, it is his perogative. I just don't want to know about it and they shouldn't be asking for special treatment because of it. In other words, stay in the g.d. closet. Most normal people don't wear their sexuality as a badge of honor neither should homosexuals.


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by Spoiled
problem with this flawed arguement is that theft and pollution hurt other people, homosexuality does not...


Tell the father of a son that has turned gay that he's not hurt. Look at the damage done to relationships within families and marriages caused by homosexuality and tell those people that they are not hurting and then re-think your argument.

Your argument is similar to the argument that pornography doesn't hurt anyone and neither does prostitution. Their all seives that hold no water.


Active Member
Originally posted by T.Rally
What about it being biologically wrong?

If a man wants to have sex with another man or an animal or a fencepost for that matter, it is his perogative. I just don't want to know about it and they shouldn't be asking for special treatment because of it. In other words, stay in the g.d. closet. Most normal people don't wear their sexuality as a badge of honor neither should homosexuals.
They arent asking for special treatment, they are asking for the same treatment heterosexuals get... You are watning to give them special treatment


Active Member
Originally posted by tlatchaw

Tell the father of a son that has turned gay that he's not hurt. Look at the damage done to relationships within families and marriages caused by homosexuality and tell those people that they are not hurting and then re-think your argument.

Your argument is similar to the argument that pornography doesn't hurt anyone and neither does prostitution. Their all seives that hold no water.
Why does it hurt? The father of the son thinks he failed, because society has tought him that homosexuality is bad... If homosexuals where indeed equal in everyway in the eyes of the law that would be a first step toward getting this fixed... Just like 50 years ago if your daughter came home saying she wanted to spend the rest of her life with a black guy, the family would also be destroyed, not so common now though. And the thing in regards of marriage and families each is an individual case but ide be willing to bet that in most cases the "closed homosexual" involved was too affraid to come out of the closet due to society... The whole situation could have been prevented if homosexuals where infact equal


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by tlatchaw
Tell the father of a son that has turned gay that he's not hurt.

You have GOT to be kidding. Sounds like that father doesn't recognize that his son is an adult. The father has NO RIGHT to hurt by what his son is or what he does. I hope you're not suggesting that parents should love their children less if they're gay.


Active Member
Originally posted by Tonio
You have GOT to be kidding. Sounds like that father doesn't recognize that his son is an adult. The father has NO RIGHT to hurt by what his son is or what he does. I hope you're not suggesting that parents should love their children less if they're gay.
Unfortunatly this may and probably does happen, it is very ignorant and sad...


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by Spoiled
The father of the son thinks he failed, because society has tought him that homosexuality is bad.

If the father thinks that, then he needs to do some growing up.


Not dead yet.
Interesting perspective, but an incorrect assumption. The father could just as easily be upset because his son will likely have a shorter lifespan and be more likely to suffer mental and emotional problems related to the damage caused by his lifestyle choice.

And yes, for many it IS a choice. I watched my own brother go through a homosexual phase before he straightened himself out (if you'll pardon the pun). His old "gay" friends were mostly angry and self destructive, and I'm glad he got away from them, although at the time I too was too young to see them for the defensive and angry young men that they were.


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by Tonio
You have GOT to be kidding. Sounds like that father doesn't recognize that his son is an adult. The father has NO RIGHT to hurt by what his son is or what he does. I hope you're not suggesting that parents should love their children less if they're gay.

See my response to Spoiled's post for a better perspective on this.


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by Spoiled
Unfortunatly this may and probably does happen, it is very ignorant and sad...

Nice pile on, but you're projecting and not thinking through the position.


jack of all trades
Originally posted by tlatchaw
And yes, for many it IS a choice. I watched my own brother go through a homosexual phase before he straightened himself out (if you'll pardon the pun). His old "gay" friends were mostly angry and self destructive, and I'm glad he got away from them, although at the time I too was too young to see them for the defensive and angry young men that they were.

everyone has a story to tell and one person's experience does not mean that it's applicable to everyone else.

oh, i did notice that you stated "for many..."


Active Member
Originally posted by tlatchaw
Interesting perspective, but an incorrect assumption. The father could just as easily be upset because his son will likely have a shorter lifespan and be more likely to suffer mental and emotional problems related to the damage caused by his lifestyle choice.

And yes, for many it IS a choice. I watched my own brother go through a homosexual phase before he straightened himself out (if you'll pardon the pun). His old "gay" friends were mostly angry and self destructive, and I'm glad he got away from them, although at the time I too was too young to see them for the defensive and angry young men that they were.
That is as ignorant as saying hanging out with black people will make you want to steal TVs, eat water mellons and smoke crack... Not all gay people are the same, just like all white people arent Nazi, KKK, Arab hating, ignorant, war hungry, red neck people who beat their wives...

Sounds like your brother was a metrosexual, not a homosexual...


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by Spoiled
Just like 50 years ago if your daughter came home saying she wanted to spend the rest of her life with a black guy, the family would also be destroyed

I can't believe you're equating this with race. Do you mean to tell me that homosexuals have been through what African-Americans have had to go through? Or Asians?

Were gays enslaved? Were they rounded up during WWII and put in camps for "protection?" The wrongs done to minorities in this country are far worse than the inconvenience of choosing the gay lifestyle.

To my way of thinking, lifestyle choices do not rate the same as those situations thrust upon our lives by the accident of birth.


Asperger's Poster Child
Are you suggesting that even being straight is a choice for the entire human race? As I said, I think that suggestion demeans the idea of romance and loving human relationships. I've known that I'm straight since I was 6 years old. I didn't choose to be attracted to the pretty girl with red hair in my first-grade class.


Active Member
Originally posted by tlatchaw
I can't believe you're equating this with race. Do you mean to tell me that homosexuals have been through what African-Americans have had to go through? Or Asians?

Were gays enslaved? Were they rounded up during WWII and put in camps for "protection?" The wrongs done to minorities in this country are far worse than the inconvenience of choosing the gay lifestyle.

To my way of thinking, lifestyle choices do not rate the same as those situations thrust upon our lives by the accident of birth.
Yes im comparing them... They where/are called ******s spicks, gooks you call gay people ******s, gays, fudge packers... They are victims of neodiscrimination... Maybe you are right and i shouldnt compare being a race with being a homosexual... Do you choose to like girls? I know i dont, i just do... That is how gay people are... My favorite color is blue, i didnt choose it, its just the most pleasing to me... I like the taste of sugar, i didnt choose to like it i just do... Why would anyone want to be gay when people like you hate them for what they do in the privacy of their own bedroom? and if it causes all these family problems? and if it reduces their life span (which is a joke in itself because everything these days reduces your life... being left handed, going in the sun, watching TV, sitting infront of a computer, smoking ...)


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by Spoiled
Why would anyone want to be gay when people like you hate them

And so the finger pointing and the links to "hate speech" return when the logic of the argument breaks down. Thanks for making my point about "hate."

Did you not read earlier my comments about my gay friends? My aunt is gay by the way and I think she's wonderful. Why do you think that I hate them because I disagree with their lifestyle?


Active Member
History lesson

Yes, they were rounded up and put to death by the Nazi's. That is how the "Pink Triangle" came to be a symbol. Hitler had gays marked with an upside down triangle and they were rounded up and placed in the camps to die. So, do you really want to continue with that line? How about not being able to visit a loved one in the hospital because there is no "legal right" to visit? Yes, I know what discrimination is, and you are part of it.