St. Mary's gets sued


New Member
Originally posted by cmdrfunk
I just realized something.

Isn't straight marriage unnatural too? (btw where does this idea that everything natural is good come from? Lick a colorful toad lately?)

Everyone is constantly desiring other people even when they're married to someone else. This is called natural, and we don't usually act on these urges. Isn't marriage restricting our natural tendencies to want to roam? Straight marriage is unnatural!

News flash folks;

A person is not born gay! Homosexuality is an adaptation, not an inborn trait. It is not 'normal. On the contrary, it deviates (note the term-as in a sexual deviate) from the norm. Nature exists whether academics like it or not. And in nature, procreation is the single relentless rule.

Quit believing the myths the pro gay establishment wants you to believe.


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by BuddyLee
Good philosophical take on that.:yay:

Nothing is normal.

Can you see why I made the statement earlier about standards going to hell in modern society? If nothing is normal, then no behavior can be construed to be correct or incorrect. How far will you let society slip before you realize something is wrong.

Commander Funk wants me to get over it. I don't think he appreciates the fact that society is falling apart incrementally. It seems to me that modern America has many parellels with ancient Rome.

1) We basically rule the world politically/financially.
2) We are arguably the most powerful nation militarily.
3) We have a representative government.
4) We have lost our focus as a nation and are becoming easily distracted by the "god of the week."
5) Our politicians think that they can get away with just about anything provided they give the people their "bread and circus" in the form of welfare and TV.

A morally corrupt society must eventually collapse on itself because it has lost its standards. For those of you thinking that I am saying that homosexuals are causing this, you're wrong. The homosexual cause is just a symptom of the overall dengration of our society.

How can we fix it? I don't think we can, but mankind will get through it and another new nation will be born one day. Hopefully they'll learn the lessons we have ignored. Hope that this cheers everyone up on this gleeful Friday morning!

Hey don't worry about it, the weekend is almost here and we can have more bread and circus!


New Member
Originally posted by T.Rally
News flash folks;

A person is not born gay! Homosexuality is an adaptation, not an inborn trait. It is not 'normal. On the contrary, it deviates (note the term-as in a sexual deviate) from the norm. Nature exists whether academics like it or not. And in nature, procreation is the single relentless rule.

Quit believing the myths the pro gay establishment wants you to believe.

Newsflash to you too!!! There are quite a few studies that show even animals have same sex partners!! So obviously procreation is not the only reason for sex. By the way, what makes you the expert on if a gay person is born that way or chooses to be that way. Have you done studies? I am just curious because any of the studies I have read were either inconclusive or pointed to the fact that there seems to be a difference in a certain part of the brain.


New Member
Originally posted by Racingwolf
Newsflash to you too!!! There are quite a few studies that show even animals have same sex partners!! So obviously procreation is not the only reason for sex. By the way, what makes you the expert on if a gay person is born that way or chooses to be that way. Have you done studies? I am just curious because any of the studies I have read were either inconclusive or pointed to the fact that there seems to be a difference in a certain part of the brain.

Look man, I'm not interested in some study conducted by Gay Weekly or something. For now I'll stick with Darwin's Origin of the Species. Says something about reproducing and survival of the species. You should check it out, funny he doesn't mention homosexuality.

The purpose of sex is to reproduce, the purpose of the pleasure involved is to bond, the purpose of the bond is to create a mutual co-existance between the man and woman so that their children are given good nurturing- nurturing required by both parents of both genders.

Homosexual sex does not equal reproduction. Homosexual bonds do not create a mutual co-existance as each gender has its inherent duties.

Is it really that hard to figure out?
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New Member
Originally posted by T.Rally
Look man, I'm not interested in some study conducted by Gay Weekly or something. For now I'll stick with Darwin's Origin of the Species. Says something about reproducing and survival of the species. You should check it out, funny he doesn't mention homosexuality.

The purpose of sex is to reproduce, the purpose of the pleasure involved is to bond, the purpose of the bond is to create a mutual co-existance between the man and woman so that their children are given good nurturing- nurturing required by both parents of both genders.

Homosexual sex does not equal reproduction. Homosexual bonds do not create a mutual co-existance as each gender has its inherent duties.

Is it really that hard to figure out?

Is the only reason you have sex is to have children? And what about all the pople who get married and dont want to have children, are they "in the wrong" because of it? By the way the studies i read dont come from Gay weekly, in fact one scientist wrote a whole book about it. You can believe anything you want, but dont say "for a fact" that it is a choice if you dont really know it is!!


Originally posted by Racingwolf
There are quite a few studies that show even animals have same sex partners!!
Do they run around trying to adopt baby animals, too?


Originally posted by Racingwolf
Newsflash to you too!!! There are quite a few studies that show even animals have same sex partners!!

Yes, but have you ever been to the zoo? Monkeys spend all day masturbating and flinging feces too. Would you condone this behavior in people?


New Member

they are talking about monkey sex in here. :handscoveringearsandsingingfalalalalalaicanthearyouicanthearyou:


New Member
Originally posted by Racingwolf
Is the only reason you have sex is to have children? And what about all the pople who get married and dont want to have children, are they "in the wrong" because of it? By the way the studies i read dont come from Gay weekly, in fact one scientist wrote a whole book about it. You can believe anything you want, but dont say "for a fact" that it is a choice if you dont really know it is!!

Did you even read what I said? Are you so blindedly offensed that someone would dare to disagree that you can't even read what I wrote.

"the purpose of the pleasure involved is to bond."

One anonymous scientist does not a scientific consensus make.

Saying it is not a fact is like saying evolution is not a fact. Its not but the overwhelming mountain of evidence leads to believe it is closer to fact than fiction.

Go ahead and deny all that evidence (and the father of modern biology) based on what some scientist said.


New Member
Originally posted by czygvtwkr
Yes, but have you ever been to the zoo? Monkeys spend all day masturbating and flinging feces too. Would you condone this behavior in people?

I hate to tell you but there are people that do this too. I am sure there are a few men out there that would love to sit and masturbate all day!!!!


New Member
Originally posted by T.Rally
Did you even read what I said? Are you so blindedly offensed that someone would dare to disagree that you can't even read what I wrote.

"the purpose of the pleasure involved is to bond."

One anonymous scientist does not a scientific consensus make.

Saying it is not a fact is like saying evolution is not a fact. Its not but the overwhelming mountain of evidence leads to believe it is closer to fact than fiction.

Go ahead and deny all that evidence (and the father of modern biology) based on what some scientist said.

No I dont have a problem with someone disagreeing with me at all, i am just stating the fact that you cant be sure if it is a choice or not!!! Even scientist dont know for a fact so how can you be so sure of it.


Originally posted by Racingwolf
I hate to tell you but there are people that do this too. I am sure there are a few men out there that would love to sit and masturbate all day!!!!

You never answered the question.....Animals also have been known to kill and eat their young (Alligators), kill other animals young (Grizzley bears) etc etc.

Just because an animal does it does that mean it makes it ok for a human?

I saw a study of rats, when placed under much stress rats that previously had heterosexual sex suddenly engaged in homosexual sex.......

You can't have it both ways, either you can use animals as a model or you cant, which one do you want to choose?


professional daydreamer
Originally posted by czygvtwkr
You never answered the question.....Animals also have been known to kill and eat their young (Alligators), kill other animals young (Grizzley bears) etc etc.

They have also been known to adopt orphaned babies, or even steal other babies.


New Member
Originally posted by Racingwolf
No I dont have a problem with someone disagreeing with me at all, i am just stating the fact that you cant be sure if it is a choice or not!!! Even scientist dont know for a fact so how can you be so sure of it.

Last post by me on the subject.

If you believe a person can be born a homosexual, do you also believe a person can be born a murderer? That they can't be held responsible for their behavior because of something they couldn't control? What is the difference? I'm sure there are plenty of scientists who have conducted studies concluding murderers are born. Are you going to jump on that bandwagon?

I'll stick with saying homosexuals are not born. There is a mountain to your mole hill of evidence that proves just that.


Asperger's Poster Child
Is the cause of homosexuality really important to the legality of gay marriage? I don't think it is. I think the cause is really important only when someone makes the BS claim that Matthew Shepherd deserved to die.


Active Member
Yeah. Ok.

Ok, for T. Rally that says you are not born gay. I am an identical twin. My brother is straight, has a wife and four kids. I on the other hand am gay. Always have been, always will be. I don't recall ever making the "decision" to be gay. I just know that I am, and will be. So, even though I don't believe in religion, and I do believe more in Darwinism, fullfil my curiosity on how you know that we are not born gay or straight. I mean, I am the closest thing to having a clone.


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by Tonio
I think the cause is really important only when someone makes the BS claim that Matthew Shepherd deserved to die.

On that I can agree. If Mr. Shepherd was killed just because he was gay (and it looks like that was the motive), then throw the book at his murderers. While you're at it throw the book at the rednecks that dragged Mr. Byrd (sp?) to death in Texas. Lock up and/or execute all of those monsters that you want.