St. Mary's gets sued


Active Member
Originally posted by tlatchaw
And so the finger pointing and the links to "hate speech" return when the logic of the argument breaks down. Thanks for making my point about "hate."

Did you not read earlier my comments about my gay friends? My aunt is gay by the way and I think she's wonderful. Why do you think that I hate them because I disagree with their lifestyle?
you cant rebut against any of my other statements so you have been proven wrong you just are unwilling to admit defeat....


professional daydreamer
Originally posted by Tonio
I didn't choose to be attracted to the pretty girl with red hair in my first-grade class.

If you'd had a crush on the little red haired boy with the funny looking glasses, that would have been a choice. :really:


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by Spoiled
Why would anyone want to be gay when people like you hate them

No, I take Tlatchaw at his word that he doesn't hate gays. But I do believe that when he and others claim that gay marriage hurts the family and straight marriage, that only encourages others to hate gay people.


Originally posted by tlatchaw

Tell the father of a son that has turned gay that he's not hurt. Look at the damage done to relationships within families and marriages caused by homosexuality and tell those people that they are not hurting and then re-think your argument.

Your argument is similar to the argument that pornography doesn't hurt anyone and neither does prostitution. Their all seives that hold no water.

Yeah whatever.

Let's just make everything that hurts anyone illegal. It hurts people's emotions and that's it. The people so damn hurt by this crap need to just slit their wrists already so those of us who aren't offended and hurt over stupid dinky things can move on with our lives and stand in shorter queues for rollercoasters. (I'm a grotty brit today!)

"My son packs fudge!" Woe is f'in me.

Btw, what exactly is "THE ARGUMENT" about pornography and prostitution? I didn't realize there was only one "THE ARGUMENT" for them?

Man, if your family falls apart over homosexuality then your family was hanging by a thread anyway. People need to worry more about their instant-gratification, maxed out credit card, homonym-ignorant lifestyle and less about little joey likin' the rooster. Dont most marriages fail because of financial reasons anyway?


Originally posted by tlatchaw
Interesting perspective, but an incorrect assumption. The father could just as easily be upset because his son will likely have a shorter lifespan and be more likely to suffer mental and emotional problems related to the damage caused by his lifestyle choice.

And yes, for many it IS a choice. I watched my own brother go through a homosexual phase before he straightened himself out (if you'll pardon the pun). His old "gay" friends were mostly angry and self destructive, and I'm glad he got away from them, although at the time I too was too young to see them for the defensive and angry young men that they were.

I'd be defensive and angry if everyone went around calling me queer too.

"1. They're gay.
2. They're angry and self destructive.
Therefore gay is bad!"

Where is this connection? The better deduction would come from adding number 3.

3. People pick on gay people and are against them to a large extent.

New deduction: they're angry and self destructive because people treat them like crap and they're constantly told something is wrong with them.

Sexuality is far more than gay, straight, and bi. I bet he is still attracted to men, but not so much or so against women that he can't just choose to ignore those feelings because the other way works for him too.


Twenty Something
I dunno, I hear diff. opinions from everyone. And when it comes down to it....people just want the chance to be married. It's not like they're going to shoot people & set off bombs...they want to be with the people they love! When has that ever been a crime?


Originally posted by Tonio
No, I take Tlatchaw at his word that he doesn't hate gays. But I do believe that when he and others claim that gay marriage hurts the family and straight marriage, that only encourages others to hate gay people.

I just realized something.

Isn't straight marriage unnatural too? (btw where does this idea that everything natural is good come from? Lick a colorful toad lately?)

Everyone is constantly desiring other people even when they're married to someone else. This is called natural, and we don't usually act on these urges. Isn't marriage restricting our natural tendencies to want to roam? Straight marriage is unnatural!


Football addict
Originally posted by janey83
I dunno, I hear diff. opinions from everyone. And when it comes down to it....people just want the chance to be married. It's not like they're going to shoot people & set off bombs...they want to be with the people they love! When has that ever been a crime?

But President Bush thinks we should make a constitutional amendment.:wink:


Originally posted by janey83
I dunno, I hear diff. opinions from everyone. And when it comes down to it....people just want the chance to be married. It's not like they're going to shoot people & set off bombs...they want to be with the people they love! When has that ever been a crime?

Same time the laws about fondling children came about.


Football addict
Originally posted by cmdrfunk
I just realized something.

Isn't straight marriage unnatural too? (btw where does this idea that everything natural is good come from? Lick a colorful toad lately?)

Everyone is constantly desiring other people even when they're married to someone else. This is called natural, and we don't usually act on these urges. Isn't marriage restricting our natural tendencies to want to roam? Straight marriage is unnatural!

Good philosophical take on that.:yay:

Nothing is normal. Throughout history we as a society have come to do things better and better to ensure our survival as a race. That's all anyone really knows. All differing religions are merely philosophies as to why we are here and what our purpose may be and any other perplexing questions we have not or may think we have figured out.


Twenty Something
:shrug: just want to know why it has to be such a huge deal. people want to get married, they want the chance to raise children if they want to.....sooo...what's the worry?


Football addict
Originally posted by janey83
:shrug: just want to know why it has to be such a huge deal. people want to get married, they want the chance to raise children if they want to.....sooo...what's the worry?

Ask the one your voting for.:wink:


Originally posted by BuddyLee
But President Bush thinks we should make a constitutional amendment.:wink:

I can think of 2/3 of the state and federal congressmen out of jobs when gay people and their friends come out in droves to vote them out if George tried this and it actually got anywhere.

Here's my proposal:

XVIII. All presidents of the united states upon election must give up all their worldly belongings and only be allowed to live on for the rest of their lives the current salary of the seat. They may not ever, even after termination of their position, accept any donations or gifts or ever be involved in any actions which would bolster their wealth, upon penalty of death. They must also be single and have not ever been a member of any political party in the entirety of their lives, and they must pass an IQ test with an above average score as well as pass a grammar and language skills test. They may not have held any prior government position and starting one year before the election date, they must wear glasses with a big nose and moustache to prevent them being elected based solely on physical appearance.


Originally posted by BuddyLee
Throughout history we as a society have come to do things better and better to ensure our survival as a race.

Are you serious?


Originally posted by BuddyLee
Tell me why you like Bush and not Kerry. I dislike them both.

my bid for world dictatorship is within my grasp!


Originally posted by BuddyLee
Well most things.:wink: There are always a few loose bolts and nuts in the machine.

i don't know who builds your crap but it's probably a government facility.


Football addict
Originally posted by cmdrfunk
i don't know who builds your crap but it's probably a government facility.

So you don't think we are better off physically and mentally than say the 1500's or even the 1950's?:confused: