Superbowel tread


Oh goody. Tom Petty. :yawn:

The fake cheers are embarrassing.

Like anybody younger than 40 gives a crap about Tom Petty. :boo:

Tom Petty is my hero. :lmao:

Actually, I think he played very good on a live stage. The Rolling Stones last year was pretty lame.


New Member
The fake cheers are definitely noteable. If God sends me to hell and wants me punished I'll have to listen to Tom.

Now...don't get me wrong...I'm not opposed to Tom Petty, in general. It's just a stupid f'n WAYYY TOO CONSERVATIVE pick for a Super Bowl in 2008.

Ghey. :boo:

When I'm President, Tool's playing a SuperBowl.


Happy Camper
Nice. :getdown: RUNNING DOWN A DREAM.

Hey for his age (Wikipedia has his birthday as 20 Oct 1950) he looks and sounds AWESOME.

Tom and I share the same birth date, just different year (I'm younger though... :whistle: :lmao:)! Though Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers weren't one of my favorite groups, I think they did a good job in the half-time show. Played most of the biggest, most well liked hits and did them well (IMO). Okay, back to the game and more :otter:


Supper's Ready
And when the Patriots usually gather momentum. Especially in the 4th QTR.

Oh yes, totally realize that. Why I'm a bit disappointed in the Giants first half offense. we go into the rest of it.


Common sense ain't common
Ok is it just me...

or are a bunch of these commercials in some crappy widescreen format?
(Note: I have a 27 in flat screen TV)