

Little ol' Me
Nope never crossed our minds :lol: Took us a while to get pregnant together..... Were getting ready to have our last one on Monday...

Awesome and congratulations.

I haven't decided if I totally want another but my husband says he's to old.
I'm 32 and he's 39 :killingmeJust wanted to see if this is a normal guy reaction...
Mind you we have 3 kids (2 his and 1 mine, none together)


So happy!
You are an exception.... not the rule. Damn girl you MUST be fertile, because that is QUICK! :lol:

Tell me about it. Same thing with the first one I was off BC for like 2 weeks had sex one time and was knocked up. WTF!


Well-Known Member
Question for the ladies who are prego or not

How old are you and how old is your husband, SO, boyfriend, etc.?

same question for your last child?

My oldest child will be 23 this month, the middle one is 20 and the youngest is 3. My youngest child's father is 8 years younger than me, the two older kids father is 3 years older. I am not pregnant and never plan to be again :yahoo:



Little ol' Me
My oldest child will be 23 this month, the middle one is 20 and the youngest is 3. My youngest child's father is 8 years younger than me, the two older kids father is 3 years older. I am not pregnant and never plan to be again :yahoo:


Wow, you really started all over again... Was it planned or an oopsie?
Do you find you have less patience with the last child because of your age?


New Member
Tell me about it. Same thing with the first one I was off BC for like 2 weeks had sex one time and was knocked up. WTF!

Funny... and then there is me who would have sex and then do a handstand up against the bedroom wall and stay there for 15 minutes, still couldn't get pregnant. :lol:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Question for the ladies who are prego or not

How old are you and how old is your husband, SO, boyfriend, etc.?

same question for your last child?
I was 28 and he was 37.
Funny... and then there is me who would have sex and then do a handstand up against the bedroom wall and stay there for 15 minutes, still couldn't get pregnant. :lol: need to stop. :tmi:


So happy!
Isn't it funny how different bodies work so differently...

Yea. I have a friend who has been trying for over a year to get preggo, she even started drugs to help. Here I am didnt even try for a month and I'm knocked up.


Well-Known Member
Wow, you really started all over again... Was it planned or an oopsie?
Do you find you have less patience with the last child because of your age?

I did start all over, and no, I found I had MORE patience with the last. She has been a true blessing. She was not planned, but I'm sooooo glad she came along. BTW, I was 39 and her father was 32 when she was born.


Throwing the deuces
I was on the pill for two years. It was about a year after going off the pill before I got pregnant with my 1st. I was 29 and hubby was 35 (almost 36). When son #2 was born, I was 32 and hubby was 39. Hubby got fixed when #2 was a few month old (and he never went back for his follow-up visit either).


Happy Camper
My oldest child will be 23 this month, the middle one is 20 and the youngest is 3. My youngest child's father is 8 years younger than me, the two older kids father is 3 years older. I am not pregnant and never plan to be again :yahoo:


I'm 48, Hubby is 51. Our son is 26, and our daughter is 22. We decided together when she was 2 that we didn't want anymore and I had a tubal.


Little ol' Me
I did start all over, and no, I found I had MORE patience with the last. She has been a true blessing. She was not planned, but I'm sooooo glad she came along. BTW, I was 39 and her father was 32 when she was born.

See this is how I feel. We are older more calm and laid back. Of course any child is a blessing. Ours would diff have to be planned, I have been on the depo shot for 10 years, so we would have to take steps if that is what we decide.


Little ol' Me
I did start all over, and no, I found I had MORE patience with the last. She has been a true blessing. She was not planned, but I'm sooooo glad she came along. BTW, I was 39 and her father was 32 when she was born.

My husband said knowing our luck we would end up with twins or triplets :killingme I asked what would be wrong with that, I just got the look :cds: