I asked you my question because you have no idea the challenges you are about to embark on if one isn't able to reproduce and the other wants to have a child. Girl, I was completely prepared to leave my husband and let him go so that he could find somebody that could give him the family he always wanted and numerous hurts that you'll become acquainted with during a marriage happened during that time frame. My husband and I weren't even living in the same house when I learned I was pregnant (talk about putting your dirty laundry out there). But, I was very lucky and will never consider myself (or us) unfortunate because having children was a huge gift to us when things were really stacked against us but things don't always turn out that way.
I think you need to seriously consider and discuss the fact that you may never have a child of your own and consider and discuss
other measures that can be taken because 4d might not be able to give you sperm.
I'm blunt... especially on this topic and I will not sugar coat it.
I know, I have read some of the 'early' studies but
many doctors haven't been willing to acknowledge the preliminary research (mine was one of them) but my 2nd opinion did acknowledge it was a possibility. Thickening of the uterus is a significant sign when cancer has been ruled out and of course all the other wonderful symptoms.
On another note, I opted for the procedure I had vs. a hysterectomy at this time. However, it seems hysterectomies are no where near as invasive as they used to be. It isn't your grandmother's hysterectomy no more and that is a good thing!