

nomoney is duuurrrrr
Ohhhhhhhh ok.... Carry on then. :buddies:

(now who is bored)?

Not I, I'm multi tasking.

Trying to upload my video I made last night of my kids doing the Thriller dance I taught them ....but the sound isn't working once its uploaded. It's a Sony digital handycam and its playing on Window's Media Player.....any ideas??


Well-Known Member
Her and I have talked about it A LOT.. We know what we are dealing with. :buddies:

Its not up to "us".. Anything can happen.

There you go. Sounds like it's under control :yahoo:

In the mean time, she should have her thyroid checked if this is in fact real, and not a FC mission :killingme
is this a mission ?????


WAIT...maybe you're on to something...not that I know what you mean by "mission", I'm just sayin...

Not I, I'm multi tasking.

Trying to upload my video I made last night of my kids doing the Thriller dance I taught them ....but the sound isn't working once its uploaded. It's a Sony digital handycam and its playing on Window's Media Player.....any ideas??

You're going to call his life boring then ask for his advice? :rolleyes:



WAIT...maybe you're on to something...not that I know what you mean by "mission", I'm just sayin...

You're going to call his life boring then ask for his advice? :rolleyes:

It was a general question to the masses. Why don't you go choke on a zuchinni


New Member
Not I, I'm multi tasking.

Trying to upload my video I made last night of my kids doing the Thriller dance I taught them ....but the sound isn't working once its uploaded. It's a Sony digital handycam and its playing on Window's Media Player.....any ideas??
Got nothing for ya :shrug:


New Member
Hysterectomy-Topic Overview
A hysterectomy is surgery to take out a woman’s uterus, the organ in a woman's belly where a baby grows during pregnancy. After a hysterectomy, you will not be able to get pregnant.

:lol: Actually a partial hysterectomy takes the uterus and leaves the cervix. A total takes both. If you take all of that along with the ovaries, it's call total hysterecomy with oophorectomy..or something like that. I know...I had a total years ago...kept my ovaries.

And perhaps I am calling it the wrong thing but they did remove a section of my uterus. It is very unusual to have what I had done and they never really understood what caused a mass to grow the way it did around the ovary, fallopian tube and attach itself to the uterus the way it did. The ovary they removed never developed and they believe this was cause from an old Pneumonia virus I had when I was 8. Removing a piece from the ovary they left was only for the purpose of biopsy.

I was told that they just didn't know if I was going to ever have children and after years of using no birth control method and not getting pregnant, I figured it wasn't going to happen. It took nearly 6 years. My first son was 4 weeks early; my 2nd son, almost 10 weeks early.

This past year, I had an endometrial ablation. They could clearly see the thickening of the uterus but ruled out cancer (after several test) and really weren't convinced I was menopausal, although I had all the signs and symptoms. There just isn’t a hell of a lot of research done on the surgery I had and I still think there is a link between early menopause and the procedure I had.

Even with the procedure I had, I still am not out of the wood for a total hysterectomy in the future but is it sure nice not having any periods. :yay:
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New Member
we want to have a kid someday, just not right now. he can always get unfixed. its not a huge deal.

You may want to do some investigating on this issue. It is a huge deal, and not nearly 100 % effective. It's much harder to do a reversal and the chances of success also depend on how long it's been since he had it done.

I was going to say that! Did I get personal enough? I have put most of my reproductive health out here for all to see so I think I am entitled to ask any questions I want now. :lol:


New Member


Little ol' Me
may I change the topic around a little ? :)

Since we are all here sharing....

Has anyone ever got off depo to get prego and how long did it take??