

Supper's Ready
I'm trying to get my head around what I think of Tebow. He's certainly demonstrated winning so far, and like most think, I think he's fun to watch and his attitude contagious. Yesterday I watched the end of the match with the Vikings. When I looked at the score and the clock, it just fit the 'Tebow' model of 3:00 to go and a catch-up, tie, and win....and sure enough.

But what gets in my way of thinking may partly be my own paradigm that this way of playing doesn't work in the NFL (or at least for very long).

It's isn't like option ball is anything new. Or, I'm scratching my head wondering why anyone else never plays option in the pros. I'm sure this is a question that's been answered many times at the coaching level. Why does option ball work in college ball, but not the pros...(rhetorical question)

And maybe the Broncos goal FOR NOW really is to build the team around him and develop him in the passing game for balance, but somehow I just can't get past this style of play as having any kind of medium or long term success. Maybe I just don't think running QBs can go 16 games (or more).

Can't argue with 5-in-a-row or 6-1, though, right? Yet I feel like I'm waiting for what I think (that it doesn't work) to be proven correct. Maybe I'm not alone in that regard, or maybe I am. :shrug:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm trying to get my head around what I think of Tebow. He's certainly demonstrated winning so far, and like most think, I think he's fun to watch and his attitude contagious. Yesterday I watched the end of the match with the Vikings. When I looked at the score and the clock, it just fit the 'Tebow' model of 3:00 to go and a catch-up, tie, and win....and sure enough.

But what gets in my way of thinking may partly be my own paradigm that this way of playing doesn't work in the NFL (or at least for very long).

It's isn't like option ball is anything new. Or, I'm scratching my head wondering why anyone else never plays option in the pros. I'm sure this is a question that's been answered many times at the coaching level. Why does option ball work in college ball, but not the pros...(rhetorical question)

And maybe the Broncos goal FOR NOW really is to build the team around him and develop him in the passing game for balance, but somehow I just can't get past this style of play as having any kind of medium or long term success. Maybe I just don't think running QBs can go 16 games (or more).

Can't argue with 5-in-a-row or 6-1, though, right? Yet I feel like I'm waiting for what I think (that it doesn't work) to be proven correct. Maybe I'm not alone in that regard, or maybe I am. :shrug:

I think you, like a lot of NFL fans, are WAY over thinking this. Right now, he is a whole new thing; not just a running QB or a very athletic QB but, a brute at QB. He is big, fast, strong and has an immense will to win.

How many QB's has the league seen come and go who had all the goods as per the experts? Proper form, foot work, release point, etc and could learn the pro game but, just never won all that much?

I suggest forgetting about what he is or isn't, what he should or shouldn't be and just enjoy the pure joy and competitiveness he brings to the game. Whatever else he is, he is a very unique and special player.



Supper's Ready
I think you, like a lot of NFL fans, are WAY over thinking this. Right now, he is a whole new thing; not just a running QB or a very athletic QB but, a brute at QB. He is big, fast, strong and has an immense will to win.

How many QB's has the league seen come and go who had all the goods as per the experts? Proper form, foot work, release point, etc and could learn the pro game but, just never won all that much?

I suggest forgetting about what he is or isn't, what he should or shouldn't be and just enjoy the pure joy and competitiveness he brings to the game. Whatever else he is, he is a very unique and special player.

Oh, I'm definitely over thinking it for sure (over thinking is something I do a lot), :lol: and do appreciate what he is bringing to the game, I'm actually awed some by it. When I look at the game match-ups each week, I look at the Broncos game closer than most of the others because of it. :lol:

Definitely is as you're saying it, a special and unique player.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Would you build your team around him?


I loved him in college and for the same things he does now; just a hard core competitor. It always amazed me the knocks on him; poor mechanics, poor footwork, not accurate enough, won't be able to make NFL reads quick enough and I was like "yeah, and let's start the list of how many kids had all those traits but, just couldn't translate it to success in the NFL..." He, clearly, was the reason why the Gators won. Not in spite of him.

To me, he's got that Joe Montana/Joe Theisman thing; Montana's knack of making plays when he needed to and T's 'you'll have to kill me before I back off' fight about him.

Rogers is the class of the NFL right now and he is stunningly accurate and, clearly a competitor as well. If he is the standard then, OK, Tebow ain't the guy. However, Rogers has weapons galore and a first rate O line coupled with an opportunistic D. Not bad things to go along with technical excellence.

Maybe I haven't seen enough of him but, what I have seen is he is learning to make his reads and, for damn sure, is trying. Jason Campbell did the same thing the first year or so of starts; buy time and never quit on the play. You can learn when to get rid of it but, you can't teach a guy that focus in the maelstrom, the absolute will to keep alive and FIND someone.

Add to that Tebow's instincts on when to take off seem good.

Add to that, and I get this from the highlights, he is decisive; either keep looking OR run. Then, on that one play, he was about to run, fading left, fading left, wait, wait, nothing...run, NO! There he is!!! BAM!!! And he gets rid of it QUICK. Jason would do the same thing but, get sacked halfway through his 30 second wind ups.

Bottom line is Denver really wasn't a serious playoff team and now they are. Did the skill people get better? The D suddenly learn to read and react and make plays? O line get better? Tim is one of those Montana types that just exude that 'As long as I am still breathing, we got a chance and, boy oh boy, ain't this fun?' Sonny thing and the team, at least for now, to a man, seems to be of the 'I am not going to be the guy to mess this up' mindset.

He's a leader. Tilted points out that he isn't a textbook QB, just a guy playing that position. Partially fair, I think. In my NFL dictionary right next to QB is the definition;

Team leader.

He may as well have a sword and shield. He's leading the charge and his team is following him. They are becoming the team no one is going to wanna face in the playoffs; a team on a mission where evderyone is pitching in and pulling in the same direction.

Next season will be the real test. Does he continue to develop? Become better in the pocket, better reads, moving in the direction where he can go 25 of 36, 3 tds and a pick and run less.

Also rerminds me of a big Steve Young.

And, you've been waiting for this, the joy of St. Brett. :lol:



No Longer the Kid
I think, being teams are only looking at a small view of tape, on the new offense style Denver is ploying, it gives them a good advantage... But I do believe, once there is plenty of film to study, if Tebow hasn't picked up the throwing game, it's going to get ugly.

I mean, to me, it's kind of like a full all game wildcat offense :shrug:

Then I also know, it bothers me, that currently we have a Florida QB who I can run and possibly drink the 40 faster than :lmao:


Nothing to see here

I loved him in college and for the same things he does now; just a hard core competitor. It always amazed me the knocks on him; poor mechanics, poor footwork, not accurate enough, won't be able to make NFL reads quick enough and I was like "yeah, and let's start the list of how many kids had all those traits but, just couldn't translate it to success in the NFL..." He, clearly, was the reason why the Gators won. Not in spite of him.

To me, he's got that Joe Montana/Joe Theisman thing; Montana's knack of making plays when he needed to and T's 'you'll have to kill me before I back off' fight about him.

Rogers is the class of the NFL right now and he is stunningly accurate and, clearly a competitor as well. If he is the standard then, OK, Tebow ain't the guy. However, Rogers has weapons galore and a first rate O line coupled with an opportunistic D. Not bad things to go along with technical excellence.

Maybe I haven't seen enough of him but, what I have seen is he is learning to make his reads and, for damn sure, is trying. Jason Campbell did the same thing the first year or so of starts; buy time and never quit on the play. You can learn when to get rid of it but, you can't teach a guy that focus in the maelstrom, the absolute will to keep alive and FIND someone.

Add to that Tebow's instincts on when to take off seem good.

Add to that, and I get this from the highlights, he is decisive; either keep looking OR run. Then, on that one play, he was about to run, fading left, fading left, wait, wait, nothing...run, NO! There he is!!! BAM!!! And he gets rid of it QUICK. Jason would do the same thing but, get sacked halfway through his 30 second wind ups.

Bottom line is Denver really wasn't a serious playoff team and now they are. Did the skill people get better? The D suddenly learn to read and react and make plays? O line get better? Tim is one of those Montana types that just exude that 'As long as I am still breathing, we got a chance and, boy oh boy, ain't this fun?' Sonny thing and the team, at least for now, to a man, seems to be of the 'I am not going to be the guy to mess this up' mindset.

He's a leader. Tilted points out that he isn't a textbook QB, just a guy playing that position. Partially fair, I think. In my NFL dictionary right next to QB is the definition;

Team leader.

He may as well have a sword and shield. He's leading the charge and his team is following him. They are becoming the team no one is going to wanna face in the playoffs; a team on a mission where evderyone is pitching in and pulling in the same direction.

Next season will be the real test. Does he continue to develop? Become better in the pocket, better reads, moving in the direction where he can go 25 of 36, 3 tds and a pick and run less.

Also rerminds me of a big Steve Young.

And, you've been waiting for this, the joy of St. Brett. :lol:


He's had a few years to improve his passing mechanics and it hasn't happened, so I doubt it will happen. I don't question his leadership ability and competitiveness, they are off the chart...but....You build a team around his unique abilities and whats gonna happen when he gets hurt? Are you going to have a Tebow lite step in? I just don't see him as a long term QB solution to any team, once the NFL catches on to his act, he will keep Denver mediocre at best. He's a big boy, but he will get hurt.

Tebow is just as fun to watch as your St. Brett, but thats where the comparison stops.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think, being teams are only looking at a small view of tape, on the new offense style Denver is ploying, it gives them a good advantage... But I do believe, once there is plenty of film to study, if Tebow hasn't picked up the throwing game, it's going to get ugly.

I mean, to me, it's kind of like a full all game wildcat offense :shrug:

Nobody's Wildcat is run by a guy who is just as likely to throw it.

The thing is, in the NFL, guys don't make many mistakes on either side of the ball and it comes down to making plays be it the pulling guard getting to the LB or the LB shedding that block or the RB hitting the hole fast enough or the WR making his break sharp enough to defeat the zone or beat his man by a step and them the QB picking and hitting the receiver. Every play works on paper but, was the call right for the defense? Everyone, on both sides, is pretty much where they are supposed to be when they are supposed to be and, again, it comes down to winning that one on one battle.

Point being, every D coordinator Tebow faces has him bottled up and forced where they want him to be. On paper. What you can't coach is his size and strength and reflexes and athletic ability and shear 'want to'. He's winning the one on one battles when it counts most. I mean, most of his high light plays, his ass has been trapped and about to be sacked. Right now, he has JUST enough edge to make plays. So, while I agree, he has to get better reading and deciding and passing, for the near term, defenses are doing everything right. He's just beating them. And, when his tendencies are 'whatever it takes' that only makes it worse. Look at the highlights. He's been forced left. He's been forced right. He's thrown into coverage.

He just makes plays. :buddies:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
He's had a few years to improve his passing mechanics and it hasn't happened, so I doubt it will happen. I don't question his leadership ability and competitiveness, they are off the chart...but....You build a team around his unique abilities and whats gonna happen when he gets hurt? Are you going to have a Tebow lite step in? I just don't see him as a long term QB solution to any team, once the NFL catches on to his act, he will keep Denver mediocre at best. He's a big boy, but he will get hurt.

Tebow is just as fun to watch as your St. Brett, but thats where the comparison stops.

What happens when any starter gets hurt? The only team I can recall that didn't miss much of a step when the starter went down was the Pats a few years ago and any Redskins team during Gibbs I.

Look at the Colts.

Most good teams are one man shows when it comes to the offense. Everything is built around THAT one talent. Can you imagine the Giants without Eli? What would the Saint's be without Bree's?

I have to say that if it is Andrew Luck or Tebow, you gotta pick the more polished guy and I am not saying I would have had him as my MUST HAVE in the draft. Would I have picked him at 25? Maybe.

Bradford went #1 and then no more QB's until Tim. Who else? McCoy? Clausen? Given the Bronco's felt solid for the time with Orton, the pick is debatable but, awful hard to dismiss on the potential side of the argument.

If it was us, our pick, who would you rather have then; Stay with Jason and use the pick elsewhere or go with McNabb or pick Tebow? I can tell you this much; I'd trade Trent Williams for Tebow right now.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Tebow is just as fun to watch as your St. Brett, but thats where the comparison stops.

I'd argue that might be a good thing. So far, Tebow hasn't shown Brett's propensity to just throw it up for grabs 5 times a game or blast it into triple coverage every fourth pass.


They're out to get us
Against Miami... Isn't really saying much..::bigwhoop:
Hey, they may have been sucking then but they're good now! So :smack:

What Tim Tebow is:

A football player
A leader
A winner
A competitor
Fun to watch
Hard not to like
Probably a cool dude to have as a buddy

What Tim Tebow is not:

An NFL quarterback

Again, what Tim Tebow is:

A solid, winning football player who plays the position traditionally referred to as quarterback, which we know only because he starts each play with his hands under the center's butt.
He's playing the NFL Quarterback position and his team is winning, even when you posted this...

Anyone see the pass on 3rd down before the late tying FG? He hit the WR and the guy just dropped it for a TD.

I'd say he's doing just fine on this whole QB development thing.
He played a great game and his receivers are still terrible. His throwing motion is weird but so is Phillip Rivers and nobody questions his skill.

Give it up for the Tebows, and their definite leader. The team has complete bought into him and whatever plan they have.

I couldn't stand him at Fl just because he was a stinking limpid lizard, but I always liked the guy for who he is and his absolute unabashed stance on Christianity.

That has not changed, and I hope he does not change or cave into PC because of all the bashing of his beliefs and stance going on in the media.
For hating a "stinking limpid lizard", you were certainly GREEN with envy.

Also, because this is extremely important in football...he is a total fricken Hottie. I would swipe that Vcard like paris hilton swipes her black card. :drool:

carry on. :coffee:

Would you build your team around him?
College football, yes (of course).

Pro football, not yet...gotta let the season play out. If he keeps up what he's doing, the Broncos have no choice but to not draft a QB next year (other than maybe a backup, Quinn sucks). They need to ride with Tebow as long as he's winning. If he sucks for the rest of this season, you bring in competition, and if he sucks next year then you replace him. Otherwise, you don't mess with success. They need to give him a better supporting cast on offense though, their only other good player at the moment is McGahee!


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Hey, they may have been sucking then but they're good now! So :smack:

He's playing the NFL Quarterback position and his team is winning, even when you posted this...

He played a great game and his receivers are still terrible. His throwing motion is weird but so is Phillip Rivers and nobody questions his skill.

For hating a "stinking limpid lizard", you were certainly GREEN with envy.


No hate at all, man. Always said UF would be a great place to go to college except for those stinking gators.....

No envy at all. I admire the young man for his convictions and his about-complete refusal to lose.

I originally believed when he was drafted so high he would never be a NFL QB, but if he can become just an adequate passer (he is getting closer the last few weeks), I think his teammates will believe they will be able to walk on the water Tebow created.....

If NFL teams need to place a full-time spy on Tebow, then that will open up consistent areas for the Broncos to exploit.
