Damnit!!!! Why did he "fire" the whole Supercharger team? It's the End Time!!!!!!
Oh right, never mind.
So, this one is interesting. Would or even could a human have avoided that? I think perhaps not. What I see is that the deer is small, and almost perfectly aligned with the line in the road, including color.
But this opens the other can of worms. Autonomous vehicles can never be perfect. What they can be is better than humans. So how much better do we want them to be? And how much better than what driver? How many people are seriously injured or killed each year simply because hitting the deer or other animal was the best choice but they instinctively swerved and hit a phone pole or guardrail? My kids were trained that sometimes Fluffy has to die.
The average driver? Oh hell no, the average drivers an idiot who barely survives the crappy choices he makes day in and out. The average driver here in the States kills well over 30,000 people a year. Mostly due to crappy training and low expectations.