I'll throw this out there... instead of the government catering to everyone that whines about differences we all have in the human race and always will have, and we always will find things objectionable in other people. Why not focus on tolerance of others :shrug: I mean hasn't that always been a part of the democrat's platform - buzzwords like "tolerance" "diversity" :shrug: I see nothing wrong with having some restaurants smoke free and some with smoking - it gives everyone a choice.
As for the poor waiters and waitresses, they can choose to work in a smoke environment or not, no one is forcing them at gunpoint to work in a restaurant with smokers :shrug: There's other jobs out there if it offends them. :shrug: Basically if you don't like something don't hang around it :shrug: I think its very self-centered to think the world all around you can be whittled down and legislated to just the way YOU like it. I say teach tolerance and freedom of choice. If you don't like it tolerate it or go elsewhere or just choose not to patron the place to begin with. Just the same as any other environment you wouldn't want to be a part of :shrug:
The antismoking movement is starting to come across like the little blue girl on Willie Wonkie... "Me daddy!! Me!! Me!!! Me!!!" "I don't like it... make everyone else change Daddy!!! I can't simply choose not to patron a particular place... so make everything in the world change for ME!!!" What ever happened to give and take...having a choice, if folks didn't like something that wasn't catered to them to their likeing, they sucked it up, pulled up their big boy or girl panties and went elsewhere to place more in line of what they would like instead of demanding the world cater to them. Even if I wasn't a smoker, I'd still be upset with them taking away choices of group of people on behalf of another group and dictating what businesses now can or can't do ... I think in general we need to learn more about tolerance and compromise as we all are human and we all have faults.