The American Child After Same-Sex Marriage


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by ceo_pte
Christian my ass.... The only thing you are is an IDIOT

Sorry, but I am sick of seeing you make stupid post. Your stupidity shows everytime you post. I'm not attacking the way you spell, just how screwed-up your mind is. God have mercy on your soul and go buy and asbestos suit. You may need it....
See? There's a textbook example of intolerance and insecurity. But as long as you admit you're intolerant and insecure, it's okay.


Sorry about that chief.
Originally posted by ceo_pte
Christian my ass.... The only thing you are is an IDIOT

Sorry, but I am sick of seeing you make stupid posts. Your stupidity shows everytime you post. I'm not attacking the way you spell, just how screwed-up your mind is. God have mercy on your soul and go buy and asbestos suit. You may need it....

Hey Pete, check your grammar and spelling. Don't want to compare you with any idiotic democrats like some folks were doing all day yesterday on this board. OH, I can't go to hell if I don't believe in it. Nyah, nyah...
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Originally posted by jlabsher
OH, I can't go to hell if I don't believe in it. Nyah, nyah...

I never believed in Iowa until I found myself smack in the middle of the damned thing.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Barbra
Very adult, Vrai.
I put that in there so you'd realize that it wasn't an attack on you, just general commentary. Obviously I failed in my intent.

I never said you were an azzhole.
There you go, being defensive again. I never said you said I was an azzhole. Again, just general commentary that you chose to take personally.

Back up your point w/ valid information and truths. Not half truths, biblical truths, or bullsh*t you pulled outta' yer azz.
I always back up my points with valid information, unless it's just merely my opinion, which this is. I challenge you to find me ONE post where I've used the Bible to back up my opinion. Hint: I'm an atheist so you're not going to find one.

Gay groups are not trying to normalize aberrent behavior.
By trying to portray gays as mainstream and saying they have a right to the same considerations as normal (read=heterosexual) people, they are indeed trying to normalize aberrant behavior. A more intelligent response would have been, "So what? There was once a time when slavery was considered normal and rights of citizenship for blacks was aberrant. Normalizing aberrant behavior is the foundation of gaining civil rights for minorities."


Originally posted by Barbra
This has been a banner day for my PM box. I'd like to take a moment to thank you all for inundating my PM box. I feel so special. :rolleyes:

Like it's the first time your box has been inundated. :duh:


Originally posted by jlabsher
Hey Pete, check your grammar and spelling. Don't want to compare you with any idiotic democrats like some folks were doing all day yesterday on this board. OH, I can't go to hell if I don't believe in it. Nyah, nyah...
Hey jlab, check who you are quoting. Don't want to compare you with any idiotic democrats like some folks were doing all day yesterday on this board.


New Member
I have yet to identify a smart democrat! Oh, there is not such a thing.

The immorality and stupidity of people in America baffle me. Can I get an AMEN?


Yo Gabba Gabba
Originally posted by ceo_pte
I have yet to identify a smart democrat! Oh, there is not such a thing.

The immorality and stupidity of people in America baffle me. Can I get an AMEN?
You have got to be the most intolerant, misguided human being I have ever seen. You amaze me.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by ceo_pte
I have yet to identify a smart democrat!
What about Ken King and rraley? There might be a few more but those are the ones on this forum that spring to mind. I think both of them are smart and thoughtful in their opinions.


Originally posted by Ehesef
You have got to be the most intolerant, misguided human being I have ever seen. You amaze me.
You are not a "real" Democrat, you are a Rebublican who just doesn't want to be called a Republican.


Originally posted by Barbra

What a big tongue.


Yo Gabba Gabba
Originally posted by Pete
You are not a "real" Democrat, you are a Rebublican who just doesn't want to be called a Republican.
This has nothing to do with my political affiliation. This has to do with the fact that ceo_pte is the same as Zutard in my eyes, if not worse. He's so wrapped up in himself and what he thinks is right that he doesn't think twice about spouting off at the mouth. His opinion should be carved in stone, but everyone else can go to Hell. That coupled with the fact that he uses and twists his "Christianity" to make his point and feels no remorse in doing so.


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
What about Ken King and rraley? There might be a few more but those are the ones on this forum that spring to mind. I think both of them are smart and thoughtful in their opinions.

Great, but there are things that democrts support that cannot be ignored. You must have a good moral foundation and if you do, then some things are just RIGHT OR WRONG. It's like Darkness & Light. Bump an opinion. Sorry, i disagree. If you support the democrats then you need help. People like jlab, prove it more everytime they post. They run-off at the mouth like some misguided fool. They can spit out numbers & figures, but have not clue what they mean. The only number I can think of for people like them is: 60 or below...