The American Child After Same-Sex Marriage


New Member
Originally posted by Barbra

And you know what? Some of the same men that b*tch about the evils of homosexuality are the same men whose "minds have been set in motion". So let me get this right, guys. Gay women are okay, provided of course that they aren't dykes, because every guy thinks two chicks going @ it is hot. But gay men are not okay because that's just unnatural and gross. Right.

Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. Matthew 23:28

Both are wrong. I can see a guy agreeing with what you said about girls, but the fact is they are both wrong.


Originally posted by Barbra
So let me get this right, guys. Gay women are okay, provided of course that they aren't dykes, because every guy thinks two chicks going @ it is hot. But gay men are not okay because that's just unnatural and gross. Right.

It's a threat factor for most men, they don't see two women as a threat to their manhood.


New Member
Originally posted by justhangn
It's a threat factor for most men, they don't see two women as a threat to their manhood.

JH... that's similar to something I read last night. It said that most men marry for security. Said that most men marry women that don't threaten their masculinity. I was like woooo..

I think it is true though.


Originally posted by ceo_pte
JH... that's similar to something I read last night. It said that most men marry for security. Said that most men marry women that don't threaten their masculinity. I was like woooo..

I think it is true though.

I'd say most men marry for a steady piece of leg. :shrug:
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New Member
Originally posted by justhangn
I'd say most men marry for a steady peice of leg. :shrug:

Um, some do. If they are ugly, I mean less attractive, and have found a fairly attractive girl. But a handsome guy could get leg, just about any time he wanted it.

I'm saying if you look at the female in the marriage. Most times she is unchallenging and no threat to the man. Most guys have a hard time dealing with a lady of strength. They want to feel needed. I was that way.


Originally posted by ceo_pte
Um, some do. If they are ugly, I mean less attractive, and have found a fairly attractive girl. But a handsome guy could get leg, just about any time he wanted it.

I'm saying if you look at the female in the marriage. Most times she is unchallenging and no threat to the man. Most guys have a hard time dealing with a lady of strength. They want to feel needed. I was that way.

I would agree with that, it's man's place in natur to be the provider and if he feels that he's not the provider and protector, he feels like he's not doing his primal duty.


New Member
Originally posted by justhangn
I would agree with that, it's man's place in natur to be the provider and if he feels that he's not the provider and protector, he feels like he's not doing his primal duty.

But in the book, it points out this: That if you totally rely on that feeling, then you are missing something. He points to a deeper purpose for your life.


Originally posted by ceo_pte
But in the book, it points out this: That if you totally rely on that feeling, then you are missing something. He points to a deeper purpose for your life.
MOST people are missing a lot in their life.........due to misguidance when being raised, feelings of abandonment as a child and many other causes.


New Member
Originally posted by kwillia

I know of several successful relationships where spouses are on equal footing....:confused:

I don't think that he meant it in a demeaning way. Not that the lady is below the man, just that a man feels it is his responsibility to be the leader in their house. Not that the lady is less important, financially or emotionally.


Originally posted by kwillia
I know of several successful relationships where spouses are on equal footing....:confused:

I agree, they are out there..........but I would have to say they are NOT the majority. :shrug:


New Member
Originally posted by justhangn
MOST people are missing a lot in their life.........due to misguidance when being raised, feelings of abandonment as a child and many other causes.

it talks alot about that stuff too. Alot of emphasis is placed on the importance of a father figure in a young boy/girls life. It's so good.


New Member
Originally posted by Barbra
It isn't an issue of being "tight" w/ BK/justin. It's an issue of name calling & you being insulted by my calling you an idiot when you just called someone else an idiot. That's the pot calling the kettle black.


Originally posted by ceo_pte
I don't think that he meant it in a demeaning way. Not that the lady is below the man, just that a man feels it is his responsibility to be the leader in their house. Not that the lady is less important, financially or emotionally.

Exactly, the majority of men want to do right by the wife. They want to provide for her and the family; they want to make her happy and will do most anything to make that happen.

YES, there is the other side of the coin where the guy doesn’t want these things, but there is dirt in every species too.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by kwillia
So that means a man feels disfunctional and insecure if he hooks up with "a lady of strength"...:confused:

I say a real man doesn't feel intimidated by a lady of strength, and is a true partner with his wife. A real man's ego is strong.


Originally posted by kwillia
So that means a man feels disfunctional and insecure if he hooks up with "a lady of strength"...:confused:

That’s very possible; it all depends on how secure he is with himself. I would speculate that he would never “hook up” with a “lady of strength” in the first place because he wouldn’t feel needed enough.


Originally posted by kwillia
maintaining his masculinity and virility despite being married to me for 13 years...:lmao:

He's a strong man indeed. :jet: