The American Child After Same-Sex Marriage


New Member
Originally posted by Ehesef
This has nothing to do with my political affiliation. This has to do with the fact that ceo_pte is the same as Zutard in my eyes, if not worse. He's so wrapped up in himself and what he thinks is right that he doesn't think twice about spouting off at the mouth. His opinion should be carved in stone, but everyone else can go to Hell. That coupled with the fact that he uses and twists his "Christianity" to make his point and feels no remorse in doing so.

I've never twisted Christianity. It's a matter of right or wrong. Don't worry, I'm not too wrapped-up in myself. It's not my opinion, that I state.

Are you a male or female? I really don't know?


Originally posted by Barbra
I have a question, may I ask it?


New Member
Originally posted by Ehesef
You have got to be the most intolerant, misguided human being I have ever seen. You amaze me.

I am a long ways from being misguided. It's many people in this world that try to make wrong seem right and right, wrong. The worst thing is stupid people will actually argue about it. Sorry that you have never had the pleasure of meeting someone that has a backbone and doesn't mind taking a stand for what's right. Someone that doesn't mind fighting for what's right. There are so many whimps out there that have no moral foundation and therefore no compass in their life. Sorry if my compass is straight and although I know I am not perfect, never have been, never will be, I know what is right and I am not afraid to say it...