This is where you lose me. Do you suppose someone's going to announce to the entire room that they really have a vagina or a penis?
I believe the ones that will are a danger. I don't think most will, but I think the ones that will are a danger.
Wait, according to what you said above you mean a law that says you can't be here if you happen to have *male sexual organs*, which ultimately makes a transgender person guilty of breaking a law by simple nature of what they born as. Of course, that's assuming you don't think transgenderism a choice like Psy does.
I believe homosexuality to be a genetic defect, not a choice. I believe transgenderism to be a mental health issue, and the psychological academia tend to agree.
That said, a law would not suggest that being guilty of transgenderism is illegal. The law suggests that using the bathroom that is not in align with your sex - because of the concerns of the majority, especially of those that would utilize the ability for transgender people to use the bathroom of their identity instead of reality in nefarious ways instead of simply being used by those few transgendered people it would affect in some positive way - is against the law.
How is there no redress? It's a law (harassment, obscenity, whichever you prefer), so presumably there is a consequence regardless of the gender of the person.
You mean, I'm going to have to either film the person in the bathroom, or I'm going to have to overcome the "yeah, I was in the bathroom and had my dick out, that's a problem?" defense. In a gain vs. loss analysis, where is the interest in taking the risk of the person who intentionally complies with the letter of the law - men in women's bathrooms is okay - but not the spirit of the law?
TP, I think this is kind of a cop out on your part, but so be it.
Call it what you will, but if we had an abortion rate of 0.025% being elective, I would not concern myself with it. If we had a rape rate of 0.025%, I probably wouldn't worry too much about it. If 0.025% of cars violated traffic laws, I probably would see no need for traffic cops. See where I'm going here?