The Brett Favre Saga

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...Lord, let this drag on up until at least the beginning of the regular season and, if you truly love us, your children, will it that it begins again in about, oh, twelve months.



Dancing Up A Storm
Please, lord, let this be over with that POS..Trade him somewhere so some other team has to deal with his 2faced azz.

I'm afraid we're going to hear every last painful reply he, or his team mates, his manager, his agent, his uncle, or any other newshound from ESPN, SI, or Fox Sports thinks we want to hear.

It's nearing tragedy time. I can feel it coming. Only days and hours away........


Dancing Up A Storm
You know what? If we are merely a cross section of the U.S., here on this forum, tired of hearing about Brett Favre, Brett Favre, Brett Favre, every other minute, doesn't it make you wonder what the rest of the country is feeling about this farce?

Are they flipping to the next channel any quicker than we are? Or, are they totally engrossed, waiting for the next "breaking news" ticker to flash on the screen?


Football addict
Trade pending. Just a matter of when now.

NFL Network says the talks have stalled and there have been too many emotional wounds to heal this. McCarthy says that Favre is not of sound mind to play football with the Packers. Favre wants to be cut.

Too little...too late for friendship.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

You know what? If we are merely a cross section of the U.S., here on this forum, tired of hearing about Brett Favre, Brett Favre, Brett Favre, every other minute, doesn't it make you wonder what the rest of the country is feeling about this farce?

Are they flipping to the next channel any quicker than we are? Or, are they totally engrossed, waiting for the next "breaking news" ticker to flash on the screen?

...not tired of hearing about Brett Favre. I look forward to each and every report. The NFL uses up players like french fries at McDonalds. Yes, the players need to negotiate for better contracts and, yes, no one is forcing them to play for a living. I'm just happy to see the nail get a piece of the hammer once in awhile.

Brett is one lone individual facing the end of his moment in the sun at what he loves most and does better than most. I hated the Redskins for getting rid of Art Monk. I hated them for letting Brian Mitchell go. I hated the 49'ers for letting Joe and Jerry go, but, in every case, those teams were big enough to say "Hey, we don't want you anymore. We're letting you go."

The Packers, perhaps THE storied franchise, were not big enough nor dignified enough to just let him go and avoid an ugly end. What the hell does one last drop of compensation matter after all he has done and been to the team, the fans, the franchise and, frankly, the league? How many draft picks or dollars would a team give, right now, if they knew they had a 22 year old Favre available? They got their use out of him. This wasn't necessary. They got absolutely nothing out of him if he stayed retired. Why is it suddenly of some paramount importance to get a dime now that he wants to play? Release him, right away. Stick with your plan of moving on without him. Let him look bad if that's the way it plays. There was NO need for this to drag out like this. None at all.

I am not going to place some expectation on the individual to, somehow, be the spec of dignity and grace in this mess when all he wants to do is what everyone is supposed to want to do; play and win.

The Packers organization, the front office and the owner are the foolish bad guys in this.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Trade pending. Just a matter of when now.

NFL Network says the talks have stalled and there have been too many emotional wounds to heal this. McCarthy says that Favre is not of sound mind to play football with the Packers. Favre wants to be cut.

Too little...too late for friendship. the Bucs.

Sunday, September 28. Pack at Tampa. :buddies:


New Member
I think the Packers have handles this train-wreck as best they could.

Favre has never wanted to come back to GB but he plays these games to make him look like the good guy here. He used his fanatical fan base to drive a wedge beteen them and the Front Office. And for what? Because he wanted to play for the Vikings. He is no different from Chad Johnson, only Chad was man enough to admit what he wanted from the beginning.

Sad part is he used his fans to try and get an unconditional trade (so he could go to the Vikins) which would have actually hurt the very fans that adimently stood by him. I am glad Ted Thompson and Mike McCarthy stood their ground and prevented Favre from going to the Vikings.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I think the Packers have handles this train-wreck as best they could.

Favre has never wanted to come back to GB but he plays these games to make him look like the good guy here. He used his fanatical fan base to drive a wedge beteen them and the Front Office. And for what? Because he wanted to play for Minnesotta. He is no different from Chad Johnson, only Chad was man enough to admit what he wanted from the beginning.

Sad part is he used his fans to try and get a ticket to Minnesotta which would have actually hurt the very fans that adimently stood by him. I am glad Ted Thompson and Mike McCarthy stood their ground and prevented Favre from going to the Vikings.

...why didn't the Packers just release him the moment he uttered a word about coming back and defuse the whole thing, huh? Why didn't they just say 'fair well and good luck!' if they knew they didn't want him back and didn't want the distraction they have allowed to happen?

He was nothing to them a few months ago, not trade bait, not a distraction, nothing. Why does he all of a sudden have any more value, value worth the price they have paid in disruption and distraction, now that he just wants to play again?

To compare Chad Johnson to Brett Favre is a joke unless the question is 'Which annoying superstar who can't make up their mind is going to the hall of fame and which one is not?"

I'm sorry the desires of the fans so bothers you, what with their wedge driving and all. I guess they should just sit down, shut up, buy parking and tickets and $8 beers and do as they're told, just like Brett, huh?

There is no NFL without fans. There is no NFL without players. The Packers blew this and made it a mess.


This whole thing has become a huge joke in Minnesota, with many people ready to buy purple #4 jersies because it's that hilarious.


New Member
I would like to see Ted Tompson traded to Tampa or Minnesota, hell send that jack a## to Washington. I don't want him in GB anymore. This S**T is got out of hand, Bye Brett have fun with the Buc's, try not to kick our A@@ to bad come Sept. 28!


not quite as hilarious as what the Viking program has become though....

:lmao: I'm not even a football fan... I'm a true Minnesotan Viking Fan... which means I only care when they're winning or playing Green Bay :yay:


I would like to see Ted Tompson traded to Tampa or Minnesota, hell send that jack a## to Washington. I don't want him in GB anymore. This S**T is got out of hand, Bye Brett have fun with the Buc's, try not to kick our A@@ to bad come Sept. 28!

yeah....this is crap...drama or don't treat Brett Freaking Farve like this....and that press conference was a complete load of crap.

No offense Duffman, but I hope you guys suck it hard this year....just to make the front office and staff look like the A$$holes they have allowed themselves to be.


New Member
yeah....this is crap...drama or don't treat Brett Freaking Farve like this....and that press conference was a complete load of crap.

No offense Duffman, but I hope you guys suck it hard this year....just to make the front office and staff look like the A$$holes they have allowed themselves to be.

Tompson just want Rogers to be the starter because he is the one that drafted him and he is stuck up Rogers A**. I'm hoping it all works out and Rogers end up being the next Romo or Brady, but I doubt it!


New Member
...why didn't the Packers just release him the moment he uttered a word about coming back and defuse the whole thing, huh? Why didn't they just say 'fair well and good luck!' if they knew they didn't want him back and didn't want the distraction they have allowed to happen?

He was nothing to them a few months ago, not trade bait, not a distraction, nothing. Why does he all of a sudden have any more value, value worth the price they have paid in disruption and distraction, now that he just wants to play again?

To compare Chad Johnson to Brett Favre is a joke unless the question is 'Which annoying superstar who can't make up their mind is going to the hall of fame and which one is not?"

I'm sorry the desires of the fans so bothers you, what with their wedge driving and all. I guess they should just sit down, shut up, buy parking and tickets and $8 beers and do as they're told, just like Brett, huh?

There is no NFL without fans. There is no NFL without players. The Packers blew this and made it a mess.

Why in the world would you just let a player like Brett Favre go with an unconditional release? It was obvious that he wanted to play for the Vikings. Talk about bad football senses. In football, there is a side called the business side. You don't build successful franchises (like GB has recently done) by making bad football decisions. He was the one who pushed for the first 100 million dollar contract. He signed it. With that being said, the Pack has his rights. It is that simple.

Let me ask you this though, why did Favre re-retire? Yes, re-retire. He called GB in late March wanting to come back. The Pack accepted him back and chartered a jet to pick him up from Mississippi so they could break the news via a press conference. Two days before the conference (and right before the draft) he called it off. Yes, re-retired. That doesn't sound like someone who just wants to play again. On top of that, when the rumors of his "itch" to return started to fly, why did he text the press again saying it was all rumors?

The Chad Johnson situation is a great example here. Both superstars on their respective team, both not wanting to play for their respective teams, both under contract from their respective teams. Both have been attention whores for many years now. Chad outright demanded his release stating ill-will towards the Bengals because of personnel decisions. Favre played games behind the scenes working for his release. How are they that different?

Last, I like the desires of the fans. I am a fan myself. What makes you think from anything that I wrote that I am not in support of the fans? What I don't like is a superstar playing with his fans to oust the Front Office so he can get what he wants, especially when he wants to play for an excellent division rival with almost every piece in order to make a Superbowl run. Like I said before, he is using his fans and they are the exact ones that will be hurt when this is all said and done.


Why in the world would you just let a player like Brett Favre go with an unconditional release? It was obvious that he wanted to play for the Vikings. Talk about bad football senses. In football, there is a side called the business side. You don't build successful franchises (like GB has recently done) by making bad football decisions. He was the one who pushed for the first 100 million dollar contract. He signed it. With that being said, the Pack has his rights. It is that simple.

Let me ask you this though, why did Favre re-retire? Yes, re-retire. He called GB in late March wanting to come back. The Pack accepted him back and chartered a jet to pick him up from Mississippi so they could break the news via a press conference. Two days before the conference (and right before the draft) he called it off. Yes, re-retired. That doesn't sound like someone who just wants to play again. On top of that, when the rumors of his "itch" to return started to fly, why did he text the press again saying it was all rumors?

The Chad Johnson situation is a great example here. Both superstars on their respective team, both not wanting to play for their respective teams, both under contract from their respective teams. Both have been attention whores for many years now. Chad outright demanded his release stating ill-will towards the Bengals because of personnel decisions. Favre played games behind the scenes working for his release. How are they that different?

Last, I like the desires of the fans. I am a fan myself. What makes you think from anything that I wrote that I am not in support of the fans? What I don't like is a superstar playing with his fans to oust the Front Office so he can get what he wants, especially when he wants to play for an excellent division rival with almost every piece in order to make a Superbowl run. Like I said before, he is using his fans and they are the exact ones that will be hurt when this is all said and done.
Brett Favre wanting to play for the Vikings is the ultimate F-U to Green Bay


Dancing Up A Storm
Brett Favre wanting to play for the Vikings is the ultimate F-U to Green Bay

Point well taken! :lol:

I do not, for one minute, take Brett Favre for granted, nor do I not acknowledge what he's done for the Packers, and NFL football as well. This guy is a guaranteed shoo-in to the NFL Hall of Fame, but geeeez, let's get this done and out of the way, already!

Unlike you Larry, I'm tired beyond belief of every sportscaster who feels he/she has to give us their "take" on what each news flash means to the NFL, and to us.

Like, give it a rest!:lmao: