The Duke rape case gets more interesting....

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Silver lining...

vraiblonde said:
This just on Fox:

One of the guys arrested wasn't even AT the party when this hooker says she was raped. He was at an ATM machine getting some cash and it is well documented. He not only has a timestamp from when he removed the money, but they've got him on the security camera as well.

Ain't that some #### when you can be arrested and become the target of a nationwide witchhunt just because a whore says you raped her, even though she has no evidence and can't even get her story straight?

This is the PC reality in our world.

OJ getting off BECAUSE he was black.

The endless stories of white women doing something wrong and blaming it on mysterious black men with ski masks.


The Charles County thing.

Now this story.

As uncomfortable as it is, this is the price we pay for true equality; a period of false accusations and justice and logic turned on its head to reach a time and place where, when enough of this has happend, when enough people reflexively shout 'BS!" when we hear it, then the old stereotypes and grievences die.

It takes time. Maybe another generation.


New Member
camily said:
Being stupid does not give someone the right to hold you down and brutaly rape you. NOT saying she was, just arguing your point that lack of better judgement brought this on. No still means no, and by the way, if you have sex with someone not able to say no (such as being passed out drunk) it is also rape. Also, you have no idea what is going on in this womans life. Maybe she is a real piece of shiat, maybe not. Who are we to judge why she chose to dance/whore etc.? Regardless of whether she or any woman takes their clothes of for a living, likes to party, whatever, they don't "deserve" to be raped. Maybe it is incredibly stupid to do what she did but lets not act as if none of us have done stupid things.

I did not say that being stupid give a person the right to rape her!!! I said being stupid like that will get you in trouble... She never should have put herself in that situation.. just as simple as that.. It does not give anyone the rights, but you have to be aware of the danger that can come of what she was there for... There are situation where I feel that a person puts themselves in a dangerous situation..

By the way, I do not think anyone here is saying she deserved to be rape. I know I am trying to say she put her self in that situation... If you read the reports, they were calling her a bunch of names and then she goes back inside. FOR WHAT!!!!!

And Yes I have done stupid things plenty of time. Now I say to myself that I am glad that I am here living walking this earth... Why? I put my self in the situation.. As for she did as well..


New Member
cdsulhoff said:
I did not say that being stupid give a person the right to rape her!!! I said being stupid like that will get you in trouble... She never should have put herself in that situation.. just as simple as that.. It does not give anyone the rights, but you have to be aware of the danger that can come of what she was there for... There are situation where I feel that a person puts themselves in a dangerous situation..

By the way, I do not think anyone here is saying she deserved to be rape. I know I am trying to say she put her self in that situation... If you read the reports, they were calling her a bunch of names and then she goes back inside. FOR WHAT!!!!!

And Yes I have done stupid things plenty of time. Now I say to myself that I am glad that I am here living walking this earth... Why? I put my self in the situation.. As for she did as well..[/QUOTE]

Let me rephrase that!!!
I have done stupid thing in my past. I have done stuff that could have gotten me killed like sneaking out of my house when I was a teen and walk the streets in Suitland.... It was small stupid stuff but dangerous stuff..
No I never dances or took off my clothes unless you are my hubby!!!!
And When I look back I think of how stupid I was and how I could have been killed and I am glad that I am here.
that last part did not sound to good!!!!!!! oh well, what to do, I am not going to edit it or I will get blasted..


cdsulhoff said:
I did not say that being stupid give a person the right to rape her!!! I said being stupid like that will get you in trouble... She never should have put herself in that situation.. just as simple as that.. It does not give anyone the rights, but you have to be aware of the danger that can come of what she was there for... There are situation where I feel that a person puts themselves in a dangerous situation..

By the way, I do not think anyone here is saying she deserved to be rape. I know I am trying to say she put her self in that situation... If you read the reports, they were calling her a bunch of names and then she goes back inside. FOR WHAT!!!!!

And Yes I have done stupid things plenty of time. Now I say to myself that I am glad that I am here living walking this earth... Why? I put my self in the situation.. As for she did as well..

Oh ya?