Vince said:Alright, break it up. Go to neutral corners and wait for the bell.![]()
Now that wouldn't be any fun.

Vince said:Alright, break it up. Go to neutral corners and wait for the bell.![]()
Lever and fulcrum would be more appropriate.vraiblonde said:I'll put up a poll....
Ken King said:Stand up and say that, oops sorry you are standing.![]()
But you didn't notice that I had my popcorn.Kizzy said:Now that wouldn't be any fun.![]()
Give some to Kwillia, that rat looks hungry.Vince said:But you didn't notice that I had my popcorn.![]()
Vince said:But you didn't notice that I had my popcorn.![]()
"on-way" is better then "off-way" I guess.Kizzy said:I noticed and you know, they name street signs after you "on-way."
You didn't offer to share.
Well so much for that, it looks like show is over.
The albino guy on FOX said the same thing last night in his "My Word" segment. Basically he said Gov B was elected by the people, therefor his actions were condoned by the peoples will so he should just sent troopers in to cart her off to safety and re insert the tube, then moon the judiciary and show then who is boss and so "Look what I did, so What, what you going to do about it?"vraiblonde said:The nutties were ranting about the Bush boys last night, saying that they should, basically, WAY abuse their power and break the law to "save Terri's life". For all the world, they sounded like those loose screws over at the DU.
But wouldn't there be legal, if not political, repurcussions?Pete said:If Gov B did just that, the judiciary can be mad all they want, they have nothing to enforce any orders they make because the law enforcement and National Guard all belong to Gov B.
He is in his last term, said he doesnt want to be Pres and probably could not win anyway.vraiblonde said:But wouldn't there be legal, if not political, repurcussions?
I don't think the Governor can just violate a court order and get away with it.
Um...actually...he's not. Wouldn't it be cool if Jeb Bush chained himself to Terri Schiavo's bed and George Bush had to call out the National Guard to arrest him?Pete said:Sure, he can do whatever he wants. Who is going to arrest him, he is the top cop.
What country do you live in? Nobody is above the law in this country...or at least that's how it's supposed to work.Pete said:Sure, he can do whatever he wants. Who is going to arrest him, he is the top cop. Of course if anything did happen, the LT Gov could pardon him.
Ah ah ahh, only if he broke Federal law. Which he has not done.vraiblonde said:Um...actually...he's not. Wouldn't it be cool if Jeb Bush chained himself to Terri Schiavo's bed and George Bush had to call out the National Guard to arrest him?
I am not sayning it would be legal, I am saying what would stop him?ylexot said:What country do you live in? Nobody is above the law in this country...or at least that's how it's supposed to work.
(pete said)Which does bring up a point
vraiblonde said:And, PS for the tards, Michael Schiavo IS Terri's family. I'm getting tired of the news dudes calling her parents and weasely brothers "the family".
Nurses say that his girlfriend washes Terri's clothes and helps care for her.Christy said:I still believe he gave up his rights to Terri when he moved on and found a replacement. I am still simply flabbergasted that anyone thinks that is okay, and that he still has her best interests at heart.