Exactly right. Thanks 2A. My intention is to warn that we should in fact be wary of those who extend an olive-branch which is really not in good faith but in deception in order to get us to let our guard down.
That is exactly what Jesus would do; warn of wolves in sheeps clothing and of false prophets.
The quotes I posted are the true intentions of the Islamic ideology and these spokesmen mean what they say.
I believe many who claim that I did not read the article did not really read it themselves, otherwise they would have noted the following comment within the article:
Also, the Islamic claim that Muslims worship the "same God" is not true, as "Al'lah" discounts the Deity of Jesus. Muslims do not believe that Jesus is the Son of God and Saviour of mankind; the fundamental faith in Christianity.
Islam is anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, anti-Atheist - basically against any non-Islamic society. Those who wish to deny this do so at the peril of their own future.