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So which Jesus do you believe to be the True Jesus?
looking at all the evidence we have, I'd say none of the above (lol, above .... get it?!).
So which Jesus do you believe to be the True Jesus?
and christians are allowed to lie cheat steal and molest children as long as they have jesus in their hearts when they die.......
you really work hard at your religious bigotry
I feel sorry for you tommy. I sense that you are so antagonostic toward the Truth that you abhor and fight against those who bring God's Plan of Salvation that can save your soul through the New Testament Jesus.
So then you argue to defend those who do not have the Truth of God and instead give the spirit of anti-Christ the benefit of the doubt.
You are in my prayers.
looking at all the evidence we have, I'd say none of the above (lol, above .... get it?!).
I feel sorry for you tommy. I sense that you are so antagonostic toward the Truth that you abhor and fight against those who bring God's Plan of Salvation that can save your soul through the New Testament Jesus.
So then you argue to defend those who do not have the Truth of God and instead give the spirit of anti-Christ the benefit of the doubt.
You are in my prayers.
There Is Only One Truth. (John 14:6)
God Did For Mankind What Abraham Was Going To Do For God.
There Is Only One Truth. (John 14:6)
so what some unknown person said john said jesus said is your proof?
sounds like you are at least 3 steps removed from the 'truth' to me
In other words, you reject Jesus Christ as being the Son of God and Saviour of mankind. You do not need a saviour and you are able to save yourself?
OK - it's your free will to believe as you do.
oohh ooohhhh my turn!
In other words, YOU Starman reject Jesus Christ because some guy said he'd give you $50.00 and a coupon for a free Whopper (with purchase of any value meal at participating locations)!
I love making up things and writing 'In other words' in front of it.
Jesus proclaimed that He Is the Way, The Truth and The Life and that no one could come to the Father except through Him as written in (John 14:6)
The New Testament proclaims Jesus as being the Son of God whose blood atones for the sins of mankind for those who trust in Him by faith.
I believe Jesus and by faith have trusted Him as my Lord and Saviour.
Where do you stand in your relationship with God - with or without Jesus?
we're cool.
He knows you don't need a third person book written in a different language 2,000 years ago to be a good person.
Such ignorance of God's Word perpetrates destruction due to apathy.What a gross generalization. Such an attitude only perpetrates the ignorance and hatred.
Maybe the pope doesn't care that it has been tried before without success. I'm sure he wants peace as we all do but, again, the extremists are relentless and do not negotiate. These people want exactly what the Bible speaks of; a one world government with complete control & power. The Bible says it's coming so why do you people try to explain it away?Radiant1 said:Maybe the Pope realizes that not all Muslims can be lumped together in one not so pretty package. There are peace loving Muslims who do not support Islamic terrorism, just as there are peace loving Christians who do not support abortion clinic bombings. Not all Muslims are out to get you or the world.
If it could be averted, the Bible would be wrong and that ain't gonna happen.Radiant1 said:I'm rather glad Islamic scholars view the Pope as a Christian authority and not Christian fundies so that a reasonable dialogue can be had; perhaps those biblical prophecies, in which your interpretation you seem so sure of, can be averted.
That's true, but my point is that these muslim extremists want world domination and the Protestants & Catholics did not. The latter doesn't go all over the globe exploding bombs and killing to convert everyone to their way of thinking.And Protestants and Catholics have been killing each other for centuries so what's your point?
How did you get "every muslim" out of what I said?hey moron, if every muslim was a suicide bomber then there wouldn't be any.
your head is so far up your holy ass that you can't see it.
To fuel our hate? I guess what they're doing is out of love for us all? GEEEZZZZ!and you dont think that the muslim clergy aren't saying the same thing about the passages you keep citing from the quran to fuel your hate?
probably something about the ideas being arcahic and not representative of their faith......
I'm sure he wants peace as we all do but, again, the extremists are relentless and do not negotiate.
How did you get "every muslim" out of what I said?
because we were talking about muslims in general and you said:
"Attention Nucklesack, Xaquin44, tommyjones and any other person refusing to take their head out of their butts! If these people are so willing to negotiate for peace, then why are they blowing up things everywhere?"
you said it, not me.
Seems like the "peace making efforts" of the Islamic contingency would be better served if they were to first confront all Islamic terror groups and bring them under control to seek peace.
The Muslim representatives who want to have peace with "Christianity" and the West should make greater efforts to calm down all known Islamic terror groups, i.e. Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Palestinian Authority, etc. and tell them that "Islam means peace" as they claim.
The greatest effort they can make to help bring peace is to reveal all the hiding places of the terror group headquarters, divulge all known members of the Islamic terror groups and assist Western coalition troops in bringing those guys to justice. Fat chance that would ever happen, thus, all "peace efforts" that the Islamic group attempts will only be futile.
This ain't gonna stop, folks. Fundamental Islam is an ideology that will not rest until it subdues all non-Muslim societies and attempts to destroy Jewish existence off the map.
Seems like the "peace making efforts" of the Islamic contingency would be better served if they were to first confront all Islamic terror groups and bring them under control to seek peace.
The Muslim representatives who want to have peace with "Christianity" and the West should make greater efforts to calm down all known Islamic terror groups, i.e. Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Palestinian Authority, etc. and tell them that "Islam means peace" (as Muslim PR groups claim)
The greatest effort that "peaceful Muslims" can make to help bring "peace" is to reveal all the hiding places of the terror group headquarters, divulge all known members of the Islamic terror groups and assist Western coalition troops in bringing those guys to justice. Fat chance that would ever happen, thus, all "peace efforts" that the Islamic group attempts will only be futile.
This ain't gonna stop, folks. Fundamental Islam is an ideology that will not rest until it subdues all non-Muslim societies and attempts to destroy Jewish existence off the map.