The Letter of 138 Muslim scholars to the Pope and Christian Leaders


New Member
Do you not understand that there are Muslims already here? And they've been here for a few hundred years? They are just as American as you.

As such, if your argument is (and it basically is) :
  • A Muslim Holy man made some proclamation stating Islam should be the Only Relgion - Muslims are bad
  • A Muslim Holy man preached some intolerance based on his bible - Muslims are bad
  • A Muslim Fanatatic commited some Violence in the name of his Religion - Muslims are bad
  • A Muslim Fanatatic used his bible to justify Violence - Muslims are bad
  • Islam is anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, anti-Atheist - Muslims are bad
  • The Q'uran has passages of intolerance (paraphrasing) - Muslims are bad
Do you understand the EXACT same can be said of Christians? Every argument you have about Muslims a non-Christian can factually say about Christianity.

If the above arguments against Islam, that you make, make it a "bad" religion, then what does that say for Christianity?

You wont face that because its your belief, but that doestn mitigate that the arguments you use against Muslims are the same arguments that can be made about Christianity

Not Exactly! The points you are making to implicate "Christianity" are Old Testament writings which comprise the Torah/Tanakh of Jewish tradition and teachings!

The New Testament is the New Covenant between God and mankind through Jesus Christ, Y'shua HaMashiach, who taught that there should be love and peace between God and mankind. Jesus is the foundation of Christianity while Moses and Orthodox Judaic laws are the ones that call for hating the enemy and the philosophy of "an eye for an eye"

The Old Testament is included in the Christian Bible as an historical account of man's disobedience and separation from God. The New Testament is the account of God's Plan of Salvation through Forgiveness found in the Atoning Blood of Jesus. "Christianity" is a Jewish sect that separated from the Orthodox which broke the Covenant with God since the days of King Solomon.
Thus, God's provision of the New Covenant (New Testament) through Jesus.

However, as you know, Orthodox Judaism and Islam both reject Jesus Christ as being the Son of God and deny His Deity as the Resurrected Saviour of mankind. Ironically, Islam and Orthodox Judaism still await the coming of a "Messiah" whom they will accept as being the one to restore peace on earth. In reality, that "Messiah" will be the false one who ushers in the rule of anti-Christ, as prophesied in the Bible.
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Harley Rider
Islamic theology prohibits Muslims from taking Jews and Christians as friends and associates. Muslims, however, are permitted to lie and deceive in order to advance the cause of Al'lah and belief in Muhammad. Muslims are allowed to enter into a temporary "peace-pact" calld a "Hudna" until which time they gain advantage over non-Muslims and can then break the peace treaty in order to wage Jihad again. The overall goal of Islam is to subjugate all societies dominate the entire world with the rule of Islam.

Through the present "political correctness" Islam will have an easy task in making changes within America as it is doing now in Europe.

Perhaps this is the beginning of the prophesied false peace treaty that takes place in order to usher in the reign of the One World Government/One World Religion and eventual rise of anti-Christ.
Attention Nucklesack, Xaquin44, tommyjones and any other person refusing to take their head out of their butts! If these people are so willing to negotiate for peace, then why are they blowing up things everywhere? The pope ALSO fails to see that these people DO NOT negotiate, they dominate the weak and the stupid. Thanks to our government, we're becoming both!
I've discussed this earlier with some of you. As myself & 2A said, we HAVE to be wary of them, it's not about hatred. They will use peace (olive branch) tactics to catch us off guard. They're waiting and hoping that Hillary or one of the other traitors gets elected next year so they can come in and have their way with us. It's ALL predicted in "that book" you don't believe in!
You hear but never understand and look but never see! (Isaiah 6 v 9).
The Bible predicts that; "while people are saying peace & safety, destruction will come upon them suddenly". (1 Thessalonians 5 v 3).
(Revelation 20 v 4) says that people will be beheaded for their faith in Jesus. Whom do you think does the most beheadings? Not the Columbine kid! This is how we know that we are in the end times.
Last one. (John 16 v 2, 3). Read it yourself! Who is Jesus speaking of? These 14th century, devil's children would like nothing more than to FOOL you fools into thinking they want peace! It's convert or kill. (and please don't say that I hate ALL muslims, we've been through this before and you know where I stand). Thanks.
Hard as I try, I just can't get away from this topic.:banghead:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Attention Nucklesack, Xaquin44, tommyjones and any other person refusing to take their head out of their butts! If these people are so willing to negotiate for peace, then why are they blowing up things everywhere? The pope ALSO fails to see that these people DO NOT negotiate, they dominate the weak and the stupid. Thanks to our government, we're becoming both!
I've discussed this earlier with some of you. As myself & 2A said, we HAVE to be wary of them, it's not about hatred. They will use peace (olive branch) tactics to catch us off guard. They're waiting and hoping that Hillary or one of the other traitors gets elected next year so they can come in and have their way with us. It's ALL predicted in "that book" you don't believe in!
You hear but never understand and look but never see! (Isaiah 6 v 9).
The Bible predicts that; "while people are saying peace & safety, destruction will come upon them suddenly". (1 Thessalonians 5 v 3).
(Revelation 20 v 4) says that people will be beheaded for their faith in Jesus. Whom do you think does the most beheadings? Not the Columbine kid! This is how we know that we are in the end times.
Last one. (John 16 v 2, 3). Read it yourself! Who is Jesus speaking of? These 14th century, devil's children would like nothing more than to FOOL you fools into thinking they want peace! It's convert or kill. (and please don't say that I hate ALL muslims, we've been through this before and you know where I stand). Thanks.
Hard as I try, I just can't get away from this topic.:banghead:

And Protestants and Catholics have been killing each other for centuries so what's your point?


Soul Probe
Ironically, Islam and Orthodox Judaism still await the coming of a "Messiah" whom they will accept as being the one to restore peace on earth. In reality, that "Messiah" will be the false one who ushers in the rule of anti-Christ, as prophesied in the Bible.

Gee, and here I thought their Messiah would be the second coming of Christ.

Attention Nucklesack, Xaquin44, tommyjones and any other person refusing to take their head out of their butts! If these people are so willing to negotiate for peace, then why are they blowing up things everywhere? The pope ALSO fails to see that these people DO NOT negotiate, they dominate the weak and the stupid.

What a gross generalization. Such an attitude only perpetrates the ignorance and hatred.

Maybe the Pope realizes that not all Muslims can be lumped together in one not so pretty package. There are peace loving Muslims who do not support Islamic terrorism, just as there are peace loving Christians who do not support abortion clinic bombings. Not all Muslims are out to get you or the world.

I'm rather glad Islamic scholars view the Pope as a Christian authority and not Christian fundies so that a reasonable dialogue can be had; perhaps those biblical prophecies, in which your interpretation you seem so sure of, can be averted.


New Member
Attention Nucklesack, Xaquin44, tommyjones and any other person refusing to take their head out of their butts! If these people are so willing to negotiate for peace, then why are they blowing up things everywhere?

hey moron, if every muslim was a suicide bomber then there wouldn't be any.

your head is so far up your holy ass that you can't see it.


New Member
Not Exactly! The points you are making to implicate "Christianity" are Old Testament writings which comprise the Torah/Tanakh of Jewish tradition and teachings!

and you dont think that the muslim clergy aren't saying the same thing about the passages you keep citing from the quran to fuel your hate?

probably something about the ideas being arcahic and not representative of their faith......


New Member
exactly, their meaasage is that we believe in the same god, so lets unite under that understanding.
what is so wrong with that?

Everything like the first commandment
'You shall have no other gods before Me.'
We dont worship the same God called by a differnt name!
Their god isnt alive today, nor does he provide for remission for their sins. Or even assurance of salvation.
No joy or peace, in this life or the next.
Also Christ said I am the way the truth and the life, and NO man commenth unto the father but by me.


New Member
Everything like the first commandment
'You shall have no other gods before Me.'
We dont worship the same God called by a differnt name!
Their god isnt alive today, nor does he provide for remission for their sins. Or even assurance of salvation.
No joy or peace, in this life or the next.
Also Christ said I am the way the truth and the life, and NO man commenth unto the father but by me.

"nor does he provide for remission for their sins. Or even assurance of salvation."

neither does 'ours' unless we ask him for it (like theirs).

"No joy or peace, in this life or the next."

according to .... you. Certainly not according to them.

"Also Christ said I am the way the truth and the life, and NO man commenth unto the father but by me."

so? They don't believe that.

edit: their belief is a tiny bit different .... but spoken in a scary different language.
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New Member
Everything like the first commandment
'You shall have no other gods before Me.'
We dont worship the same God called by a differnt name!
Their god isnt alive today, nor does he provide for remission for their sins. Or even assurance of salvation.
No joy or peace, in this life or the next.
Also Christ said I am the way the truth and the life, and NO man commenth unto the father but by me.

keeping up the hate ladies and gentlemen.....

god is god, if you can't see that your representation is no more valid then theirs then you truely are a tard.

no wonder the POACRE is in such trouble with genies like you on the board


New Member
and you dont think that the muslim clergy aren't saying the same thing about the passages you keep citing from the quran to fuel your hate?

probably something about the ideas being arcahic and not representative of their faith......

Which Muslim clergy are you talking about? The Muslim clergy who reside in the U.S. or the Muslim clergy in Saudi Arabia where the Qur'an originated as well as all other Islamic nations who hold to every Qur'anic tenet of waging Jihad against non-Muslims?

Of course, the Islamic clergy in any Western/Free Society is going to claim that Islam is a peaceful religion and that Islam is a "tolerant religion; think they'd ever admit to the real truth while living among non-Muslims?

Read the Qur'an yourself to see what it says.


New Member
keeping up the hate ladies and gentlemen.....

god is god, if you can't see that your representation is no more valid then theirs then you truely are a tard.

no wonder the POACRE is in such trouble with genies like you on the board

Hmmm... Sorry but all "gods" are not the same tommy. the Islamic Al'lah commanded his angels to bow down to Adam; that is just the beginning of many differences between the Islamic deity, Al'lah, and the God of the Judeo/Christian faith.


New Member
Hmmm... Sorry but all "gods" are not the same tommy. the Islamic Al'lah commanded his angels to bow down to Adam; that is just the beginning of many differences between the Islamic deity, Al'lah, and the God of the Judeo/Christian faith.

see, you are talking about what is in books written by me describing god. since we have all agreed that none of these people actually knew god (or even jesus), then it is all just conjecture, so religions may be different, but GOD is not.

as to the stupidity of your earlier post, i was talking about the clergy in the article, the 138 who backed the statement..... most of which sure dont live in the US of A


New Member
I'm rubber you're glue asdhgkjasncvma;eroig

you would try Jesus Christs patience.

Hmmm... Does this mean you are not willing to read the Qur'an for your ownself in order to make the comparison between theological teachings?

Regarding Jesus: Even the Islamic "Jesus" known as Isa' is not the same Jesus of the New Testament since Muslims believe that Jesus was not the Son of God. They also believe that Jesus was not crucified at all, thus, His Blood does not atone for the sins of mankind as proclaimed in the New Testament.


New Member
Hmmm... Does this mean you are not willing to read the Qur'an for your ownself in order to make the comparison between theological teachings?

Regarding Jesus: Even the Islamic "Jesus" known as Isa' is not the same Jesus of the New Testament since Muslims believe that Jesus was not the Son of God. They also believe that Jesus was not crucified at all, thus, His Blood does not atone for the sins of mankind as proclaimed in the New Testament.

I have read it .... it's exactly like the Bible in the respect that if you pick and choose you can make it say whatever you want.

and it was the same jesus .... they just don't maintain the same beliefs as to what he did.


New Member
see, you are talking about what is in books written by me describing god. since we have all agreed that none of these people actually knew god (or even jesus), then it is all just conjecture, so religions may be different, but GOD is not.

as to the stupidity of your earlier post, i was talking about the clergy in the article, the 138 who backed the statement..... most of which sure dont live in the US of A

Muslims are permitted to lie and deceive in order to advance their advantage over non-Islamic socieites. For the most part, though, they have been honest enough to admit that they are wanting to wipe Israel off the map and destroy America - the Great white Satan.

Like the article stated; one day the Muslim cleric says one thing, the next day he says something else different.


New Member
I have read it .... it's exactly like the Bible in the respect that if you pick and choose you can make it say whatever you want.

and it was the same jesus .... they just don't maintain the same beliefs as to what he did.

So which Jesus do you believe to be the True Jesus?


New Member
Muslims are permitted to lie and deceive in order to advance their advantage over non-Islamic socieites. For the most part, though, they have been honest enough to admit that they are wanting to wipe Israel off the map and destroy America - the Great white Satan.

Like the article stated; one day the Muslim cleric says one thing, the next day he says something else different.

and christians are allowed to lie cheat steal and molest children as long as they have jesus in their hearts when they die.......

you really work hard at your religious bigotry


New Member
Muslims are permitted to lie and deceive in order to advance their advantage over non-Islamic socieites. For the most part, though, they have been honest enough to admit that they are wanting to wipe Israel off the map and destroy America - the Great white Satan.

Like the article stated; one day the Muslim cleric says one thing, the next day he says something else different.

this post reminds me strongly of the shortest sentence in the bible.

You are doing a wonderful job of listening to only extremists. Of course I'd wager dimes to dollers that on the Southern Agrabijistan boards over yonder they talk about all the insane christians protesting at funerals and screaming about homos while Muslim Xaquin and Tommyjones are trying to tell them that those are only extremists.