The Little Things...Do ya get mad or not?


New Member
In this corner wear the red trunks weighing in at 120 we have the Fireman's Ex.

In the oppisite corner wearing the blue trunks weighing in at 170 we have Pixiegirl's Ex

Lets get it on!

:D :D


Mr. Shud da hell up
Let's not

I think I'll stick to being my gay straight self rather. Now my g/f its ok for her lol, and you pixie. Its different for girls


Attire Monitor
You see, I have a bit of a problem with the talk about "break-ups" because that's the part of today's woman I just don't understand.
It's like there's always something out there on the horizon that could be better, and it's always so easy to just dump the guy you're with because you're not absolutely 100% sure that he's the PERFECT man for you.
Forgive me, as this is a sore subject. I'm not really lashing out at anyone in particular, I just don't understand...


Cleopatra Jones
Would you rather be with a woman who thinks you're just "ok" or one who knows you're "perfect" for her? The man I end up with doesn't have to be perfect just perfect for me.


New Member
Come on Joey times arn't that tuff are they. You alway have good old Rosey. If she gets made at you then try the other hand. lol
(just joking around)


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by pixiegirl
Would you rather be with a woman who thinks you're just "ok" or one who knows you're "perfect" for her? The man I end up with doesn't have to be perfect just perfect for me.

Amen to that!:)


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by cariblue

I'm sure glad I didn't keep looking for mister perfect, because if I had, I wouldn't have him right now.

It takes time, work, love and a huge desire to be perfect for each other.

What SHE said!!!

I hear what you're sayin' Pixie, but you may never find anyone who fits your description of "perfect"; what cariblue's saying is true. You have to work at it some too!


New Member
You could alway hop in the Camero and take a short drive to Rose's Place in Lexington Park. That will make you apperciate the hand.


Mr. Shud da hell up

Bk, thats kinda what she was getting at pixie, was basically saying she snot looking for perfection. Just someone that matches her is all.

and rose's place lol. I hear Umm good things bout that place hahahahaa


Attire Monitor
Re: lol

Originally posted by sgtsprout
Bk, thats kinda what she was getting at pixie, was basically saying she snot looking for perfection. Just someone that matches her is all.

and rose's place lol. I hear Umm good things bout that place hahahahaa

I know, I know, I just wish that women would lower their standards more so they'd like me better!!!

Talk about appreciating the hand, try Cheney's in North Beach!
:barf: :barf:


Cleopatra Jones
Not all women have high standards. I for one don't expect anymore from a man then I am willing to give myself. Employed, decent morals, likes to have fun, attractive (let's all be honest looks do matter and I'm woman enough to admit it), just basically a decent person. Have you checked your standards? Maybe you've got them set to high and therefore are getting shot down a lot? Not trying to be mean just trying to help. I haven't found the person that's perfect for me but I'm sure he's out there somewhere. I don't feel like I have to lower my standards just to be with someone though.


Cleopatra Jones
Joey, I think you're a cutie!

Cariblue, I totally agree. I don't care what the rest of the worls thinks about what the person I'm with looks like as long as I am attracted to them.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's funny how you go out with a guy who really isn't that much to look at but by the end of the night, he's the most gorgeous guy you've ever met. The flipside are those absolute hotties who, the more you get to know them, the less attractive they are.

You're better off going for someone that you actually like, rather than just a pretty face and body.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sorry...Another Story!

I have a girlfriend who really isn't much to look at - she's overweight, kinda dumpy, not particularly attractive. But she's kind, and funny, and smart. And she's got this husband who is a ringer for JFK, Jr - this guy is seriously good looking! And he adores her - worships the ground she walks on. He gets a lot of little gals who take a look at his wife and try to hit on him, thinking it should be an easy snag. But they just laugh about it in bed later because she's pretty secure in the relationship and he only has eyes for his true love.