More difficult than passing a camel through the eye of a needle. I am sure the God you have little faith in will be OK with you ignoring his statements.
There are verses that show how easy it is to be saved in the Bible but a rich man is exposed to people of the world and can become carnal. I work with heathens and they want me to cheat, they want me to lie, they want me to do unethical things. There is a lot of pressure on me. The problem is not that salvation is not available. The problem is that a selfish person won't let go of things and trust God.
A Christian has to make decisions in business. Am I going to trust God and say what I want to say or do I have to shut up about God because someone won't do business with me?
What is wealth? In the old days, you had to go get a container and go down to the river and today you have pipes. In the old days, you had to use an outhouse and today we have toilets. In the old days, you had to cut wood or carry coal but today we have gas lines hooked up and electricity hooked up. We don't have to depend on God because all of this is delivered to us.
Amused, I think you can't make the interpretation of those verses stick in a debate with someone who knows the Bible. I could even use the Bible dishonestly against you because you don't know any better but I can also use the Bible honestly against your interpretation.