1. I'd like B23 to comment on the above assertion given his place of worship doesn't have a pastor--inspired individuals with something to say can do so. I doubt any have degrees from seminary
2. As a Catholic, I could not disagree with you more. Some of the most holy, God-like people (saints) were poor, uneducated, and in some case teenagers.
Man up. Post YOUR credentials. No PII can be obtained by you simply posting the degree and conferring institution. If it's an online diploma mill, don't bother.
On-line "diploma mills", as long as they are accredited, do matter. Many small theological schools, especially in the South, some accredited, some not, produce outstanding knowledge of the Bible, and teachers/preachers/workers for the Lord.
We actually agree on parts (#2) of this one, but not all. We have two elders in our small church family that have various degrees in seminary from places like Trinity Theological, Dallas Theological, New Orleans Baptist, Wheaton College, Newburgh seminaries. There are dozens of others that are highly respected and fully accredited. Many other leaders, young and old, have similar degrees - masters and PhD's from those and numerous other fully accredited theological universities and seminary. I just have a regular BA from USF, but after nearly four decades of reading, studying, and discussing the Bible, I and many, many others understand it and knows what it says very well and thoroughly.
Age doesn't matter - there are many young men in their late 20's and early 30's that have the qualities and requirements for eldership and do in fact serve as elders in ministering to their churches, DD's not required. We have many ladies with degrees from Moody, Emmaus, Wheaton, that are leaders in mission work and for women and children in their assemblies.
Educational degrees don't matter - we have speakers that are highly qualified that come from prison, high scxhool diplomas, and just plain school of street knocks. You will know when they come from the heart for the Lord.
Seminary is nice to have, but is not required to be an effective teacher, preacher, or worker for the Word. Just a heart for the Lord.
Understanding what the Bible teaches about ministering, evangelizing, and working missions does not require high level seminary.
You are a hoot, great onel.