Thought pirate
What do you know about Hermeneutics?
Want me to post a bunch of links to crap I Google? Will that make me as "educated" as you?
What do you know about Hermeneutics?
What do you know about Hermeneutics?
Jesus allowed the people he physically broke bread with and who walked with him to be tortured terribly just to prove they believed in him, but he will save a bunch of fat and lazy American pseudo-Christians from the front lines of battle against the Dark One.
II. Hermeneutics
3. Pretribulationism is the only view which allows a literal interpretation of all Old and New Testament passages on the great tribulation.
4. Only pretribulationism distinguishes clearly between Israel and the church and their respective programs.
See? I can cut and paste from the internet. Now I is a biblical skolar, too!
II. Hermeneutics
3. Pretribulationism is the only view which allows a literal interpretation of all Old and New Testament passages on the great tribulation.
4. Only pretribulationism distinguishes clearly between Israel and the church and their respective programs.
See? I can cut and paste from the internet. Now I is a biblical skolar, too!
Ok. Now answer this test.
These are some actual questions to aid a Church in ordination of a teacher or pastor. The Bible tells us to “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of Truth.”-II Timothy 2:15 It would be good for each of you to take the test to see how you are arriving at fulfilling II Timothy 2:15.
Answer each of the following in not less than 500 words and not more than 1000 words.
1. Why I believe in the divine inspiration of Scripture.
2. Why I believe in the deity of Jesus Christ.
3. Why I believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ.
4. Describe the Substitutionary Atonement of Jesus Christ.
5. Describe the Person and work of the Holy Spirit.
6. Eschatology: What I believe about the future (give special attention to the return of Jesus Christ).
7. What I believe about the nature and purpose of the church.
Write out three Old Testament prophecies which were fulfilled in the life and death of Jesus along with the corresponding New Testament verses that show the fulfillment.
Approximately how many authors wrote the Bible.
Approximately how many years did it take to write the Bible?
What is the meaning of the word Pentateuch?
What is commonly considered the oldest book in the Bible?
Name the books of the Old Testament which make up the following:
Books of the Law
Books of History
Poetical Books
Major Prophets
Minor Prophets
Name the books of the New Testament which make up the following:
The Gospels
The Historical Book
Pauline Epistles
General Epistles
The Book of Prophecy
In What languages was the Bible written?
Name two important manuscripts of the New Testament.
Give the date of the translation of the King James Version.
There are five women named in St. Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus; give their names.
Where were the disciples first called Christians?
Approximately how many years elapsed between the Old and New Testament?
What is the meaning of “I am the Alpha and the Omega?”
Sermons fall in several different categories. Name at least two of them. Describe them.
Do you think I can have your answers by Monday?
I only have one question. What does all that B.S. have to do with accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and teaching others that Jesus is the one and only way into Heaven, you sanctimonious fraud and charlatan?
It is pretty basic and easy. All of the people who said they know everything couldn't pass the test or send it back.
There is only one test. Will Jesus recognize you or tell you to get away because he does not know you.
I would say you are a false prophet by the quote you provided.
Yes and I am waiting for what you want to say.
Will you two just get back on track? Pre-trib rapture all the way - the only thing that makes sense.
Actually I don't want to say a whole lot to you. I find rapture talk more or less fruitless. God is omnipotent and it's going to go down how it goes down and God will choose whom He chooses in whatever manner He may see fit, so there is no need for me to be right about how it's going to happen because being right on this just doesn't matter in the long run. So go wag your tail, toot your horn or whatever it is you do when you feel oh so proud of yourself.
Funny, because it makes absolutely no sense to me, but then again that's because scripture can be interpreted differently by every single individual who reads it. Some people use more reason and logic than others. Pre-trib thought is a newbie in the 2000 year old history of Christianity (John Darby circa 1830), and frankly I could debate the veracity of Chuck's assertion that Irenaeus and Tertullian were speaking of a pre-trib rapture merely by quoting the fathers in their actual context, but like I said it's a fruitless endeavor and there's just no point to it.
As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter what you believe about it. Just live every day as it it's your last. :shrug:
Actually I don't want to say a whole lot to you. I find rapture talk more or less fruitless. God is omnipotent and it's going to go down how it goes down and God will choose whom He chooses in whatever manner He may see fit, so there is no need for me to be right about how it's going to happen because being right on this just doesn't matter in the long run. So go wag your tail, toot your horn or whatever it is you do when you feel oh so proud of yourself.
Funny, because it makes absolutely no sense to me, but then again that's because scripture can be interpreted differently by every single individual who reads it. Some people use more reason and logic than others. Pre-trib thought is a newbie in the 2000 year old history of Christianity (John Darby circa 1830), and frankly I could debate the veracity of Chuck's assertion that Irenaeus and Tertullian were speaking of a pre-trib rapture merely by quoting the fathers in their actual context, but like I said it's a fruitless endeavor and there's just no point to it.
As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter what you believe about it. Just live every day as it it's your last. :shrug:
Funny, because it makes absolutely no sense to me, but then again that's because scripture can be interpreted differently by every single individual who reads it. Some people use more reason and logic than others. Pre-trib thought is a newbie in the 2000 year old history of Christianity (John Darby circa 1830), and frankly I could debate the veracity of Chuck's assertion that Irenaeus and Tertullian were speaking of a pre-trib rapture merely by quoting the fathers in their actual context, but like I said it's a fruitless endeavor and there's just no point to it.
Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible
Then we which are alive and remain,.... See Gill on 1 Thessalonians 4:15.
shall be caught up; suddenly, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and with force and power; by the power of Christ, and by the ministry and means of the holy angels; and to which rapture will contribute, the agility which the bodies both of the raised and changed saints will have: and this rapture of the living saints will be
together with them; with the dead in Christ, that will then be raised; so that the one will not come before the other, or the one be sooner with Christ than the other; but the one being raised and the other changed, they will be joined in one company and general assembly, and be caught up together:
in the clouds; the same clouds perhaps in which Christ will come, will be let down to take them up; these will be the chariots, in which they will be carried up to him; and thus, as at our Lord's ascension a cloud received him, and in it he was carried up out of the sight of men, so at this time will all the saints ride up in the clouds of heaven:
So you don't care about right and wrong? So if the Catholic Church doesn't tell the truth, you don't care either?
The History of the Pre-trib Rapture
How do you TRULY know who is right or wrong about something that hasn't happened?
You're just a dick.
And you are kind, considerate, friendly, happy, a good friend.