The Walking Dead


Well-Known Member
Andrea needs to be slapped around a few times . Had chance to kill the "Governor" end the fighting and maybe unite everyone . What did she ? Nothing , but climb back in bed with a## hole


NAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! It was good, build up some tension... next week's episode is going to blow your mind (if the sources are correct).

Can't have action 24/7 for this show

You can if you do it right....the only thing last night did besides piss me off was solidify my hatred for Lori number 2...


We can only hope Andrea recovers and has a monumental kill that sways it in favor of Rick's Squad.

That's the only thing that could possibly redeem her....even the actress that plays her is annoying...Did you see her complaining on Twitter about everyone hating her character?


Andrea needs to be history.

:lmao: As much as I dislike the governor, I was hoping he would wake up and kill her. Hopefully they have something real good planned for her departure.

I'm with warneckutz - I think the tension is building up and next week should be real good. :yay:


New Member
I stopped watching. I found that last season all I did was fast forward to the good stuff. Lori ruined me, Andrea ruined me, Carl ruined me. I'm done. I, like everyone else continued watching the show hoping it would get better. It never did for me.


I stopped watching. I found that last season all I did was fast forward to the good stuff. Lori ruined me, Andrea ruined me, Carl ruined me. I'm done. I, like everyone else continued watching the show hoping it would get better. It never did for me.

Lori's dead and Carl is an epic badass now....2 outta 3 ain't bad!:buddies:


Well-Known Member
2....ok....episodes so far, they better have a good one soon.

I stopped watching. I found that last season all I did was fast forward to the good stuff. Lori ruined me, Andrea ruined me, Carl ruined me. I'm done. I, like everyone else continued watching the show hoping it would get better. It never did for me.

I think they'll be fine...

Think back to last season. After the heard passed through in the first episode through the moment we had the "barn scene", there were tons of people complaining it was moving too slow.

There were tons of people complaining the tv showed strayed too far from the comics, but what's the fun if it mirrors everything you read in the comics? No suspense there...

I received the Walking Dead Compendiums 1 & 2 for Christmas, I've had a little time to read them but they're much darker than what the TV show can show us and how characters die versus the tv show is much different.

I think the last few episodes will be great. Since Season 4 will include the prison, it may be awhile before we see the Gov's future, but who knows...

The TV show seems to be quickly catching up to the comics, so who knows how that'll affect future seasons...

Anyway, I'm stoked for this Sunday's episode, rumors flying around of a return everyone wants to see...

Plus, there's no football, except combine and draft talk... basketball and hockey provide a little entertainment... baseball is like going backwards...

Zombies :yay:


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