The Walking Dead


I think they'll be fine...

Think back to last season. After the heard passed through in the first episode through the moment we had the "barn scene", there were tons of people complaining it was moving too slow.

There were tons of people complaining the tv showed strayed too far from the comics, but what's the fun if it mirrors everything you read in the comics? No suspense there...

I received the Walking Dead Compendiums 1 & 2 for Christmas, I've had a little time to read them but they're much darker than what the TV show can show us and how characters die versus the tv show is much different.

I think the last few episodes will be great. Since Season 4 will include the prison, it may be awhile before we see the Gov's future, but who knows...

The TV show seems to be quickly catching up to the comics, so who knows how that'll affect future seasons...

Anyway, I'm stoked for this Sunday's episode, rumors flying around of a return everyone wants to see...

Plus, there's no football, except combine and draft talk... basketball and hockey provide a little entertainment... baseball is like going backwards...

Zombies :yay:

Agree to everything except the idea that basketball and hockey is somehow better than might as well be curling in the squat rack with that nonsense!


:killingme Bahahaha... Damnit!

I just don't dig baseball, too slow.

It's only slow if you don't know what is going on! But I digress, they better have a showdown between the prison and Woodbury this season.....i'm not interested in a soap opera type cliffhanger...


Well-Known Member
Glad to see Morgan ALIVE . I hope he joins the group when Rick now armed with AMMO assaults the Governor group next week A Question still bothers me ! The helicopter Rick saw in Atlanta ,was that the SAME one that crashed from the National Guard Unit that the Governor had murdered??? If its NOT then there is somewhere a safer place :whistle:


Well-Known Member
Glad to see Morgan ALIVE . I hope he joins the group when Rick now armed with AMMO assaults the Governor group next week A Question still bothers me ! The helicopter Rick saw in Atlanta ,was that the SAME one that crashed from the National Guard Unit that the Governor had murdered??? If its NOT then there is somewhere a safer place :whistle:

I don't think it's the same... when the chopper went down, Andrea and Michonne were in the area... when Rick saw the chopper he hadn't even met the Atlanta group. Maybe the
Alexandria Safe Zone


Alright, Morgan said he shot his wife after she attack thier son, right? That is what I thought he told Rick.

My son swears up and down that Morgan's wife was the one in the white gown (which would be what I remembered her as being dressed in) at the bar where they went in to get the picture. Carl shot her in the head.

So... could Morgan be keeping people in the bar locked up? If it was Morgan's wife, what was the significance? To show Morgan lied? :confused:

Anyway, thoughts?


Glad to see Morgan ALIVE . I hope he joins the group when Rick now armed with AMMO assaults the Governor group next week A Question still bothers me ! The helicopter Rick saw in Atlanta ,was that the SAME one that crashed from the National Guard Unit that the Governor had murdered??? If its NOT then there is somewhere a safer place :whistle:

They portrayed him as bat shiat crazy - I dunno - if he joins the rest of the group, it could get interesting. :eyebrow:


Well-Known Member
Alright, Morgan said he shot his wife after she attack thier son, right? That is what I thought he told Rick.

My son swears up and down that Morgan's wife was the one in the white gown (which would be what I remembered her as being dressed in) at the bar where they went in to get the picture. Carl shot her in the head.

So... could Morgan be keeping people in the bar locked up? If it was Morgan's wife, what was the significance? To show Morgan lied? :confused:

Anyway, thoughts?

His wife was around the house he was holed up in... he shot and killed her after she bit their son. During talking dead they do a "final goodbye" to those who were shot... this time all walkers and they showed that zombie, it was someone else.


Well-Known Member
"Face Off" was a DUD ! Rick should have shoot the Governor in the other eye . Governor would have killed Rick if he had disarmed like that Bast@rd wanted . 3 more episodes remain for the year . Michone either cuts off Governor head or Andrea kills him after sex


Well-Known Member
Not much action in last night's episode....

But, it did set up, what looks to be, an exciting episode next week.


I thought it was good...loads of tension....I was the one whining a couple of weeks ago about no action but this one really did it for me. I liked how the memebers of the prison and Woodbury found they were kind of the same and were able to bond for a little bit while Rick and Gov debated....


Not much action in last night's episode....

But, it did set up, what looks to be, an exciting episode next week.

Best line last night....

"At least buy me a drink first."

And.... I liked it when Daryl asked "so you brought your butler?"

But you are right, last night was a bit boring. There are only 3 episodes left of the season I think. :ohwell:


Well-Known Member
I thought it was good...loads of tension....I was the one whining a couple of weeks ago about no action but this one really did it for me. I liked how the memebers of the prison and Woodbury found they were kind of the same and were able to bond for a little bit while Rick and Gov debated....

I definately think this past episode was better than the first few in the second half of the season.

Yea, I hope that comes into play if they do try killing each other.

Best line last night....

"At least buy me a drink first."

And.... I liked it when Daryl asked "so you brought your butler?"

But you are right, last night was a bit boring. There are only 3 episodes left of the season I think. :ohwell:


"Can I see your stump"


New Member
I came across these today #:biggrin:


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New Member
I think I covered my eyes during this episode than any other. Eek

I had to explain to my husband what the one tool was that the governor had on his table. You ladies would recognize it.

I'm pissed too


Well-Known Member
Andrea is DUMB DUMB DUMB ! First she didn't make sure the Walkers got to the Governor , then she ALLOWED herself to be capture by the A$$ hole . But even she doesn't derserve the torture the Governor has in that twisted mind . Next 2. episodes should be a nail biter.