Three Catagories


There is a million dollar question. I'm single, very few people to date. I work uptown. Do what everyone tells me "Go online". I haven't, but that is what people tell me. Join one of those dating sites like or E-Harmony. The idea of having to pay to meet someone just doesn't do it for me.

DATE HOOKUP. Com is a free site that works like any other date site plus they have a fun forum also


Love is Blind
Did you say you're married w/o kids and yet looking???? Typo I hope....I heard that the best way to meet someone is by having a mutual friend set you up. When I ask my friends if they know any single ladies, they say NO. (Sounds like a Rodney Dangerfield joke).

I gave up the bar scene many years ago but once in a while I hang out at Gilligans because I know the owner and a few of the waitresses. It seems that 90% are couples and the rest are the typical "bar flies".
The problem is what there is to choose from down here (and I mean both genders). Just my observation and not to degrade anyone but the way some dress, carry themselves and talk really speaks volumes about the attitude of many people in this country.
Online dating isn't much different. The faces are all different but the bio's read like they were cut & pasted from each other. As I've said before, you available people need to get out and advertise yourselves more!:evil:

It was a typo...sorry about that. I'm not married and no kids!!! :lmao:


Love is Blind
DATE HOOKUP. Com is a free site that works like any other date site plus they have a fun forum also

Yeah, someone at work also told me about one called "Plenty of". :lmao: I checked it out and looked. I still don't think on-line dating is my thing. I come from the Old School where you go out (whether it's at a bar, gym, grocery store, in a park, a party, etc) and meet someone or meet someone through mutual friends or something of that nature. It feels forced when you actually go on-line to look for someone. I guess w/most people's schedules, it's hard to meet people of opposite sex.


Harley Rider
Aren't you 50 something? Maybe 30-40 yr. old women don't want to date an older guy :shrug:

Again, it's not about dating, it's about going out to have fun, so there's no chance of heartbreak for either party. In the last 2 years, I've been out with gals ranging from 23 up to 55 and we had a great time but neither extreme was the type for me to want to get serious with. (Too young and too old). For me, someone in the 30-45 year age range usually works the best for compatibility. I prefer the younger ladies who enjoy my company but I can't see a serious relationship with them because of emotional incompatibility. But I do enjoy their liveliness, spontanaiety and zest for life (which is what I have) and which is something I do not find in most of the older ladies I've been out with. Plus I do not look at all like my age would indicate. I believe we're as old as we feel BUT, I'm not one of these old folks trying to be a kid again. I have fun to the max but not in the reckless way that some do today. Sorry for the sermon DT.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
Again, it's not about dating, it's about going out to have fun, so there's no chance of heartbreak for either party. In the last 2 years, I've been out with gals ranging from 23 up to 55 and we had a great time but neither extreme was the type for me to want to get serious with. (Too young and too old). For me, someone in the 30-45 year age range usually works the best for compatibility. I prefer the younger ladies who enjoy my company but I can't see a serious relationship with them because of emotional incompatibility. But I do enjoy their liveliness, spontanaiety and zest for life (which is what I have) and which is something I do not find in most of the older ladies I've been out with. Plus I do not look at all like my age would indicate. I believe we're as old as we feel BUT, I'm not one of these old folks trying to be a kid again. I have fun to the max but not in the reckless way that some do today. Sorry for the sermon DT.

Interesting....No sermon, you said what you feel. I don't look our age either and have dated from 20 years younger to 15 years older. To me, age is not a factor anymore but I prefer someone much closer to my age. I look at the total person and what I can learn, enjoy and what we have in common.
I was just interested in what you had to say about dating so much younger in years.


New Member
Interesting....No sermon, you said what you feel. I don't look our age either and have dated from 20 years younger to 15 years older. To me, age is not a factor anymore but I prefer someone much closer to my age. I look at the total person and what I can learn, enjoy and what we have in common.
I was just interested in what you had to say about dating so much younger in years.
My ex wife told me two summers ago that the first thing she thought when she saw me was that I 'looked old'. Thanks, #####!