Actually, sex is both a biological thing and a biblical thing. Are you denying that people either fail to use condoms or choose not to use them? Your own citations regarding sub-Saharan African men says as much.
We weren't discussing unwanted pregnancy but rather the spread of AIDS, which is the subject you brought up with regards to the Church (post #32).
No s
hit, rather they teach them the value of abstinence instead in order to prevent pregnancy and AIDS.
I have given it rational thought and I most certainly can hang the spread of AIDS on promiscuous persons no matter who they are or where they be. We just happened to be talking about SSA not the USA.
I wasn't attempting to prove the "Catholic dogma solution is valid" regarding the spread of AIDS. Frankly, I don't think that solution any more effective than telling someone to use a condom (because neither are very pragmatic). The only thing I set out to do was disprove your assertion that "Catholics are contributing to the death rates in Sub-Saharan Africa" and point out that the individuals who make their own choices are. In addition, I pointed out to you that if the Church is evil for it's teaching on abstinence and birth control, then surely you are for your tacit approval of promiscuous sex regarding a people who would never use the damn condom anyway by their own admission. And no, the comparison between the Church and you is not a stretch.
Do you have any statements you'd like to take back?