To all you folks


It's your disjointed nonsensical diatribes that come out of the blue in threads that do not concern you in the slightest yet you jump in and make them all about you that make us assume you are a drunk.

And the fact that they come mostly at night, sometimes at 2:00 and 3:00 in the morning. If you did this during the day (as bad) I'd simply think you were mental. However I've been doing this long enough to recognize PWD when I see it.

I do have some sympathy for you because I remember when I was angry and my life sucked, so I'd drink and pick fights on here. That's how I recognize it when someone else does it.

Must have been before my time, oh wait, I do remember some really interesting late night threads :killingme


PREMO Member
No. But, I have met others here, and it still doesn't make a difference. However, I think I like you!

You have never met me.

And just to let you know, I am a very mean and nasty person.
Not that I ever plan on meeting you.


mama to two
Of course not, otherwise she'd know that Kom is salt of the earth and a stellar person.

vrai, get with the program. This was all about Baja and then Kat. I hate when you guys turn everything around, because you can. I am trying to keep up with the program. Summary. Baja helped kom. I made comment that Baja was nice to help kom, but that is not how Baja presents himself on this forum. All Hell broke loose, and you know the rest.


my war
vrai, get with the program. This was all about Baja and then Kat. I hate when you guys turn everything around, because you can. I am trying to keep up with the program. Summary. Baja helped kom. I made comment that Baja was nice to help kom, but that is not how Baja presents himself on this forum. All hell broke loose, and you know the rest.

nobody cares


They call me ... Sarcasmo
vrai, get with the program. This was all about Baja and then Kat. I hate when you guys turn everything around, because you can. I am trying to keep up with the program. Summary. Baja helped kom. I made comment that Baja was nice to help kom, but that is not how Baja presents himself on this forum. All Hell broke loose, and you know the rest.

Your approach to the ramp started with post #5 and you launched over the shark on post #11. Do try to keep up.

You are a lying bag of fetid jizz. YOU are the one that started all the shiat. You don't like Baja so you decided to hop on your soapbox and piss and moan about how everyone on the forum is against you. Then you decide to attack Bay Kat for some imaginary reason. I sincerely hope that you do not act like this in public in a social situation because you would end up as a #1 candidate for a c%%t punt.

To all the ladies of the forum I sincerely apologize for dropping the "C" word.
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mama to two
Your approach to the ramp started with post #5 and you launched over the shark on post #11. Do try to keep up.

Thank you, oh so wise one. Hopefully, I will come back as you in my next life. Do you really have time to judge, oh, sorry, counsel people, and keep up with your real job? Oh, but, thank you for your sincerity for the obvious person you are.


my war
Thank you, oh so wise one. Hopefully, I will come back as you in my next life. Do you really have time to judge, oh, sorry, counsel people, and keep up with your real job? Oh, but, thank you for your sincerity for the obvious person you are.



They call me ... Sarcasmo
Thank you, oh so wise one. Hopefully, I will come back as you in my next life. Do you really have time to judge, oh, sorry, counsel people, and keep up with your real job? Oh, but, thank you for your sincerity for the obvious person you are.

I have had the last word.


New Member
I really don't need help. We are well prepared, and take care of ourselves. My comment was showing how someone presents themselves on the forum. Baja belittles people here, but now he is a hero in real life, according to you. Don't get me wrong, I am glad you were helped, but you can't expect people to change their minds because of a single incident.

Wow..So you make up a lie to get attention...again?????? You always have to criticize people you know NOTHING about!....what a waste....


New Member
Exactly the responses expected with no surprises! :roflmao:

This WAS a nice thread about someone stepping up and helping another after the storm. It was great that Baja offered and helped up.

Then, as usual, you crap on it all making it all about YOU!!!
Where do you get off slamming people for no other reason but to feed your sick, home wife ego?

Hey BAJA....YOU DID REAL GOOD!!!! I'll buy you a cold one, any place, any time Dude!!!


mama to two
The last word, really? At least I don't have to post videos to back up my arguments. I am the most humble person you would ever meet; maybe that is why for so long, I didn't have the guts to post how I really feel here. But, go on with your bad self; you are very self righteous, by the way.


mama to two
Wow..So you make up a lie to get attention...again?????? You always have to criticize people you know NOTHING about!....what a waste....

What is my lie? And you should be the last person here talking about lies. Do you want to revisit yours? Should I do it, or give you the privilege?

Also, FYI, it would help if you read the entire thread. Oh, my bad, that wouldn't make a difference because you will bash me, no matter what. Carry on.
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