To all you folks


mama to two
Post #5 and then post #11. :coffee:

#5 was sarcastic, whoosh, and #11 was the truth. Why are you interacting in my posts? Oh, because you can because you like to cause trouble. No trouble here; I can handle it. So, you can move on. Thanks anyway. Actually, we need a new smilie for you, and it would be called :swoop:


mama to two
It's your disjointed nonsensical diatribes that come out of the blue in threads that do not concern you in the slightest yet you jump in and make them all about you that make us assume you are a drunk.

And the fact that they come mostly at night, sometimes at 2:00 and 3:00 in the morning. If you did this during the day (as bad) I'd simply think you were mental. However I've been doing this long enough to recognize PWD when I see it.

I do have some sympathy for you because I remember when I was angry and my life sucked, so I'd drink and pick fights on here. That's how I recognize it when someone else does it.

It is 2am, and you are not right. Oh, heaven forbid! But, thanks for the analysis compared to your life. And, no fights were picked on my part. It was my opinion. It reafirms what is already known about this forum. And, as a moderator/owner, you should not really be getting involved. Is it because you met me once at Vera's a year ago that you feel you can say these things? Again, just my opinion. I have tried to submit this reply for 30 minutes, but the server has been too busy. Finally! It must be great to be you.


mama to two
What a miserable bitch you are.

Oh, I missed this post until now. Back at ya, vrai. OMG, somebody help me! I am so drunk, and I can't get up! :roflmao: And, on a side note, does it make you feel better to call someone a miserable bitch? Seriously, how dare you, as a site owner to conduct yourself this way; not to mention it is unprofessional; no wonder you allowed the word bitch to not be censored. You need that word for your every day vocabulary. You will never be considered fair and balanced, as it should be IRL on this site, except for your itty bitty minions will worship you forever. Also, it seems that you haven't gotten over your own life problems yet, and are projecting such on to other forum members. That's ok. Most get it. It is so obvious that you are the miserable bitch.
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Well-Known Member
that think Baja is an azzwhole ... eff you.

Kom's title was " To all you folks"

I just have to say many here have thought the above about Baja. Good he's a good guy to his friends. But, you really can't blame others here that find it hard to believe he's a good guy. Again, the title said to all! Mamatutu shared her opinion.

I really do not understand some people here. And you people have been out of school for years!
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New Member
Mamatutu making it all about MamaUU (as in you-you; you yo-yo), AGAIN.

Your husband puts up with you because you give a BJ as well as you give BS is my best guess.


I am so very blessed
Oh, I've been called worse, by better, to my face, not hidden by anonymity of the internet. #itsnotreal

I think you're freakin' awesome.

I've met you, I know you, I know your family - both close and extended - and know what fine people you all are.

For that matter, I can say the same thing about DoWhat and Baja.

I can't imagine why anyone would say negative things about you, unless they are projecting their own pathetic life and unhappiness on you. :shrug:
I really don't need help. We are well prepared, and take care of ourselves. My comment was showing how someone presents themselves on the forum. Baja belittles people here, but now he is a hero in real life, according to you. Don't get me wrong, I am glad you were helped, but you can't expect people to change their minds because of a single incident.

I'm coming into this party a bit late, missed all this fun last night!! :jet:

I consider myself prepared and more than able to take care of myself, BUT...

If someone offers a hand to make life easier, you can be sure I'm going to accept it. And I will offer my help to those in need. And in case you aren't paying attention, Baja, Kom, and countless others have repeatedly offered their help and service out of the good nature of their hearts, not because they expect anything from it.

You can live in your secluded, delusional world taking care of your own, while we help each other, get the job done faster, and enjoy our friendships.


It is 2am, and you are not right. Oh, heaven forbid! But, thanks for the analysis compared to your life. And, no fights were picked on my part. It was my opinion. It reafirms what is already known about this forum. And, as a moderator/owner, you should not really be getting involved. Is it because you met me once at Vera's a year ago that you feel you can say these things? Again, just my opinion. I have tried to submit this reply for 30 minutes, but the server has been too busy. Finally! It must be great to be you.

And yet you keep coming back. What does it say about a person who has nothing but negative things to say about the forums, but keeps coming back?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Gee, who didn't see a nasty comment coming there. You really are a piece of work.

:yay: What an effing bitch she is. Gawd, can you imagine livng with a shrew like that? She is always so busy lying in wait for the next opportunity to snark out on someone that I guess she has NO clue how long some forumites have known each other. In real life, even.

Now let me go see the rest of the highlighted comments to see how this tread turned into a "why is ever-body always pickin' on me" mamakookoo tread. :drama:



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Look, I have never brought your husband into any posts, why do you insist on bringing mine into it? But if that's the route you want to go, why don't you show you husband your posts, see what he thinks. You always say, "I read this post to my hub" or something to that effect, but do you ever tell him what you post?
Her and Zara both have hubs. What a coinkydink!


He is still a azzhole, just your kinda azzhole. He is probably my kinda azzhole too.


Obama destroyed America
Where to begin...

Wow! Thanks Kom. This wasn't necessary. It was my pleasure and I had a great time. The lil Jr. Kom helping us was adorable! He alone made the trip worth it.

Before I get to the drunk kook, let me tell you all about Kom.

I pull in his driveway and am facing the river. Get out and an osprey is hollering at me from a pine tree right over my head. Momma bunny is munching grass 15 feet away and couldn't care less about big ugly human. What a gorgeous evening.

I grab my chain saw and walk toward the Komster who's got all the cool man tools (rope, tractor, saw) out around the trees.

He devised an ingenious way for dragging larger logs that I would never have thought of. This fool even gets out his ladder, climbs the tree with the big Stihl saw, swings from a vine like Tarzan cutting the limbs off as he swings by screaming the Tarzan yell!!! :faint: Oh his LW Jane showed up later. :hot:

So we play with the chainsaws and pile up brush, limbs and tree trunks for awhile all the time being supervised by the coolest lil boss we ever had. Little guy was even grabbing branches bigger than him and putting them on the piles.

Oh almost forgot.... saw an Eagle and an Osprey in a midair battle over territory! Man he's got the life down there! :buddies:

As for our resident kookoo (the one who in typical, expected fashion made this all about her), didn't you all sort of expect it? I did.

Mamakookoo, you don't have to live this way. There is help if you want it (though I don't think you do). When you are ready, click here and change your life. The first step is admitting that you have a problem.

And you have the unmitigated gal to criticize and call Kom names?? To say I am an angel compared to him?? That alone places you squarely in the looney bin! You don't know jack $hit about him!!

As has been said, he is the salt of the earth. He is very active in his community, his church, the Optimist club and various other functions. He's started numerous threads here so others can enjoy the events where he works hard (church dinners, Blessing of Fleet, Optimist kids outings etc...)

Ask yourself why you don't have any friends here. Well Homesick just showed up again so maybe you have one out of the tens of thousands of members. Do you really not see what's wrong with that picture?? Get help woman, get help.

Thanks again for the kind words Kom (and others). :buddies:
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Wow! Thanks Kom. This wasn't necessary. It was my pleasure and I had a great time. The lil Jr. Kom helping us was adorable! He alone made the trip worth it.

Before I get to the drunk kook, let me tell you all about Kom.

I pull in his driveway and am facing the river. Get out and an osprey is hollering at me from a pine tree right over my head. Momma bunny is munching grass 15 feet away and couldn't care less about big ugly human. What a gorgeous evening.

I grab my chain saw and walk toward the Komster who's got all the cool man tools (rope, tractor, saw) out around the trees.

He devised an ingenious way for dragging larger logs that I would never have thought of. This fool even gets out his ladder, climbs the tree with the big Stihl saw, swings from a vine like Tarzan cutting the limbs off as he swings by screaming the Tarzan yell!!! :faint: Oh his LW Jane showed up later. :hot:

So we play with the chainsaws and pile up brush, limbs and tree trunks for awhile all the time being supervised by the coolest lil boss we ever had. Little guy was even grabbing branches bigger than him and putting them on the piles.

Oh almost forgot.... saw an Eagle and an Osprey in a midair battle over territory! Man he's got the life down there! :buddies:

As for our resident kookoo (the one who in typical, expected fashion made this all about her), didn't you all sort of expect it? I did.

Mamakookoo, you don't have to live this way. There is help if you want it (though I don't think you do). When you are ready, click here and change your life. SMIA Where and When Corner The first step is admitting that you have a problem.

And you have the unmitigated gal to criticize and call Kom names?? To say I am an angel compared to him?? That alone places you squarely in the looney bin! You don't know jack $hit about him!!

As has been said, he is the salt of the earth. He is very active in his community, his church, the Optimist club and various other functions. He's started numerous threads here so others can enjoy the events where he works hard (church dinners, Blessing of Fleet, Optimist kids outings etc...)

Ask yourself why you don't have any friends here. Well Homesick just showed up again so maybe you have one out of the tens of thousands of members. Do you really not see what's wrong with that picture?? Get help woman, get help.

Thanks again for the kind words Kom (and others). :buddies:
You handled that very well, Baja. Rather than take her attack you have acknowledged that she isn't well and have even offerer some insight to where she can get help. Thanks for being the bigger man... very respectful post...:yay:


PREMO Member
You handled that very well, Baja. Rather than take her attack you have acknowledged that she isn't well and have even offerer some insight to where she can get help. Thanks for being the bigger man... very respectful post...:yay:

I wanna hang out at Kom's house!!!!!!!!!!!!


In My Opinion
Anyone that has met Baja in person is not going to be surprised at his helping someone out.
Cheeseburger in Paradise has even named one of their burgers after him. The Baja Burger
How many of us can say that?