Today's speed traps - a new record!


Well-Known Member
kellbelle said:
They were definatly out this morning on Rt.4. I saw 5 traps. Yeah beware of the woods along side of Rt. 4. They were even running rader behind the sign that says Louis Goldstein Highway or something like that...I saw the one cop run back there to talk to the cop holding the radar gun. LOL

Monday morning heading north on 4 to BWI, the fuzz was everywhere. :jameo: Luckily there was enough left lane loafers to keep my speed down.

BTW, Rack-em, saw you in your car leaving the 7-11 in Dunkirk.


New Member
Airgasm said:
Monday morning heading north on 4 to BWI, the fuzz was everywhere. :jameo: Luckily there was enough left lane loafers to keep my speed down.

BTW, Rack-em, saw you in your car leaving the 7-11 in Dunkirk.

Coming home from BWI on Monday afternoon there was not a police car in sight thank goodness :lol:
Toxick said:
I hope they are also making sure everyone brought their lunch, did all their homework, washed behind their ears, and put on clean shorts this morning.

Also I hope their handing out bubble wrap, so everyone can wrap up tight and nobody gets any ouchies during the day.

Yea, thank god we have the safety police to protect us from everything.

I figure with all those extra deputies, the county (state?) has to justify the extra money they get to pay them, so they just set them up everywhere to catch people doing every little thing wrong.

And with all the crime in other places, dont you think the State Police could be better used somewhere other than pulling people over with no seatbelts on 235? I personally think its a bunch of BS.


thakidistight said:
Yea, thank god we have the safety police to protect us from everything.

I figure with all those extra deputies, the county (state?) has to justify the extra money they get to pay them, so they just set them up everywhere to catch people doing every little thing wrong.

And with all the crime in other places, dont you think the State Police could be better used somewhere other than pulling people over with no seatbelts on 235? I personally think its a bunch of BS.

So you prefer the alternative like the photo radar in place everywhere that will catch you speeding or redlight-running wherever and whenever, yes?
SeaRide said:
So you prefer the alternative like the photo radar in place everywhere that will catch you speeding or redlight-running wherever and whenever, yes?

When did I say I prefer that? Dont put words into my mouth, I dont believe in any of these facist traps the police set up to catch citizens doing the most menial shite. They need to be used more effectivley like trying to catch dealers rather than users if you get my drift.
thakidistight said:
When did I say I prefer that? Dont put words into my mouth, I dont believe in any of these facist traps the police set up to catch citizens doing the most menial shite. They need to be used more effectivley like trying to catch dealers rather than users if you get my drift.
You mean like car dealers? :lmao:
SeaRide said:
So you prefer the alternative like the photo radar in place everywhere that will catch you speeding or redlight-running wherever and whenever, yes?
Is that the only alternative? How do you figure that? I think they want a large police force on hand and in order to fund it they do this kind of crap. Some speed enforcement is necessary, obviously, but seatbelt regs are horseshit.
desertrat said:
They sold me a car that would do 100mph, it's not my fault. :yay:
Wait, maybe what they should do is install a device on you car that will automatically deduct from your bank acct. whenever you exceed the speed limit. While they are at it they could install a device to shock the crap out of you if you start the car without the seatbelt fastened.


desertrat said:
Is that the only alternative? How do you figure that? I think they want a large police force on hand and in order to fund it they do this kind of crap. Some speed enforcement is necessary, obviously, but seatbelt regs are horseshit.

Only? nah .. there's more.


thakidistight said:
When did I say I prefer that? Dont put words into my mouth, I dont believe in any of these facist traps the police set up to catch citizens doing the most menial shite. They need to be used more effectivley like trying to catch dealers rather than users if you get my drift.

Whoa .. settle down boy. I am just asking to make you think twice that's all.


New Member
desertrat said:
I think it's ridiculous that they go to these extremes to catch people whose only "crime" is speeding or not wearing seatbelts.. They use the excuse that it lowers accident and injury rates, but it seems like most of us see through that BS. I'm convinced that the seatbelt law is there for to benefit insurance companies. Sure it's a good idea. Should you be harrassed and fined until you finally knuckle under and wear one? No. If they really want to lower accidents they need to get on the highways and look for drivers that are doing things that actually cause accidents. Tailgating, running lights and aggressive driving. If anyone had said many years ago, " lets create a police force to keep an eye on us and fine us if we do anything wrong while driving", I suspect they would have been run out of town.
Just my $00.02 :yay:

How does the seatbelt law benefit insurance companies anymore than the average insured driver? If someone gets into an accident and gets injured because they weren't wearing a seatbelt, we are all gonna pay for it through higher premiums. If insurance companies were given the freedom to monitor you more closely to see what kind of driver you were (seatbelts, etc) their monitoring would be a hell of a lot more intrusive than the local authorities.

Accidents are going to happen at some rate determined by a lot of different variables. Enforcement of speeding, reckless drivers, drunk drivers, unsafe vehicles, etc, has been shown to decrease accident rates in particular municipalities.
SeaRide said:
Whoa .. settle down boy. I am just asking to make you think twice that's all.

Ok geezer, I'm settled. I would rather not have cops on the roadways pulling people over for not wearing a seatbelt (although I am sure there are alterior motives behind this program as well).

I think its ridiculous that they sit on the side of the road, hiding in bushes, to enforce laws that they arent really even enforcing anyway. Lets see, well that guy is speeding, but he is only going 7 mph over, so we wont get him, but that guy there is going over the threshold, so pull him over! I dont get the reasoning behind that logic.
dck4shrt said:
How does the seatbelt law benefit insurance companies anymore than the average insured driver? If someone gets into an accident and gets injured because they weren't wearing a seatbelt, we are all gonna pay for it through higher premiums. If insurance companies were given the freedom to monitor you more closely to see what kind of driver you were (seatbelts, etc) their monitoring would be a hell of a lot more intrusive than the local authorities.

Accidents are going to happen at some rate determined by a lot of different variables. Enforcement of speeding, reckless drivers, drunk drivers, unsafe vehicles, etc, has been shown to decrease accident rates in particular municipalities.
You're right, they would just pass on costs to drivers. I just can't figure why they are so adamant on enacting and enforcing laws to protect you from yourself. Yet you can smoke, drink, become obese or engage in any number of high risk activities if you are old enough. It seems they focus on the roads for some reason.


thakidistight said:
Ok geezer, I'm settled. I would rather not have cops on the roadways pulling people over for not wearing a seatbelt (although I am sure there are alterior motives behind this program as well).

I think its ridiculous that they sit on the side of the road, hiding in bushes, to enforce laws that they arent really even enforcing anyway. Lets see, well that guy is speeding, but he is only going 7 mph over, so we wont get him, but that guy there is going over the threshold, so pull him over! I dont get the reasoning behind that logic.

ok I agreed with you on some points you just said. I was thinking way far ahead so let me back up for you by sharing what I was thinking.

Before I go into details, I need to know where you stand so I won't waste my time.

When a group of citizens get together wanting to do something about the crazy speeders coming through the residential areas after long history of kids getting hit by cars blah blah blah ..

If you are one of those citizens, do you prefer:

a) more patrol cars in your residential areas
b) speed bumps installed
c) photo radar
d) put up gates
e) armed the citizens - j/k
SeaRide said:
ok I agreed with you on some points you just said. I was thinking way far ahead so let me back up for you by sharing what I was thinking.

Before I go into details, I need to know where you stand so I won't waste my time.

When a group of citizens get together wanting to do something about the crazy speeders coming through the residential areas after long history of kids getting hit by cars blah blah blah ..

If you are one of those citizens, do you prefer:

a) more patrol cars in your residential areas
b) speed bumps installed
c) photo radar
d) put up gates
e) armed the citizens - j/k

But kids arent getting run over by cars on 235.....

This is completley off topic form what I was talking about (speed traps and Click it or Ticket citations) but I see what you are saying as well.. Unfortunatley they are two completley different beasts..speeding through a residential neighborhood and on the highway arent even close to similar.

But in a residential area where kids are getting plowed over in high numbers, then I would say, first I would install some spped bumps, and if that didnt work, maybe a patrol car every once in awhile, or one of those dummies that sit in the car that makes it look like a real cop.