thakidistight said:
But kids arent getting run over by cars on 235.....
not yet .. but people already got run over by cars on Great Mills rd... it doesn't matter to me if it's beltway or rt 301 or A1A in FL where people do get hit by cars.
thatkidistight said:
This is completley off topic form what I was talking about (speed traps and Click it or Ticket citations) but I see what you are saying as well.. Unfortunatley they are two completley different beasts..speeding through a residential neighborhood and on the highway arent even close to similar.
you may think it's completely different beasts.. I disagreed... kids got killed on the beltway near Oxon Hill, remember? The fences were already in place but it didn't work. what's next?
When the 'Click it or Ticket program" doesn't work in the future, what's next?
M.A.D.D. wasn't even around until 1984 or thereabout and the idea of havng sobriety checkpoint set up more often was born. The idea where police set up sting operation to catch those selling liquor to minors sprung after 1984 which was new to me back then.
What's next? Cop pull you over for not having headlights on when your wipers are on? less than 2 mirrors on your car? cracked windshield?
It doesn't stop. Just wait another 20 years .. you will see something new over and over. Right now you are #####ing about "Click it or ticket" stuff.
I didn't limit my thinking to rt 235 because I commute from near Dunkirk to Pax. There were speed traps on secondary roads that go through town like St. Leonards and Prince Frederick (main street). I got a warning citation for speeding on Ponds Wood rd (in Calvert) couple weeks ago. Speed traps are pretty much everywhere.
thatkidistight said:
But in a residential area where kids are getting plowed over in high numbers, then I would say, first I would install some spped bumps, and if that didnt work, maybe a patrol car every once in awhile, or one of those dummies that sit in the car that makes it look like a real cop.
That sounds fine. If that doesn't work, put up photo radar? It works in Fairfax city area. I 've seen speed bumps, patrol cars and photo radars in Fairfax city area. Now I know what actually works anytime.
If it's happening in almost every damn residential areas, does it cost the taxpayers more? You bet it does.