Tony Stewart runs over another racer...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Good. Maybe sitting in prison for a year or 2 will serve as anger management therapy.

2 years for murder???

He'll just come out knowing the law better, which is to say how to position himself as the victim next time he kills someone, jacked up on steroids, know hot to hot wire cars, how to cram a K of smack up his ass and convert to Islam.

Is that what we want?


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Good. Maybe sitting in prison for a year or 2 will serve as anger management therapy.

Do they have some kind of therapy for people whose emotions devolve to actual hate when its only sporting contests? I guess we should be thankfull for what we's worse in Europe.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I want to make sure I understand. I thought I did, but apparently not.

Cars zipping around a race track. One driver gets out of his car and walks into the path of the other racing cars. He gets hit, and the driver of the car that hit him could perhaps be charged?

We don't give a damn if football players beat their wives and children to a pulp, but we care very much if a race car driver hits a pedestrian who decides to take a stroll down the track in the middle of a race?

What am I missing here?
I want to make sure I understand. I thought I did, but apparently not.

Cars zipping around a race track. One driver gets out of his car and walks into the path of the other racing cars. He gets hit, and the driver of the car that hit him could perhaps be charged?

We don't give a damn if football players beat their wives and children to a pulp, but we care very much if a race car driver hits a pedestrian who decides to take a stroll down the track in the middle of a race?

What am I missing here?

There is a good possibility it was an intentional hit. Or a 'scare tactic' that backfired. Everyone else managed to see and miss the guy on the track, but a seasoned veteran did not?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
There is a good possibility it was an intentional hit. Or a 'scare tactic' that backfired. Everyone else managed to see and miss the guy on the track, but a seasoned veteran did not?

Someone jaywalks across Broadway in Manhattan, a bunch of people are going to miss him and one might hit him. How is it important that only one person hit this guy who was walking across a race track during a race?

It really says something about NASCAR drivers that officials had to actually make a rule that they can't climb out of their car during a race and go wandering around the track on foot. CW says that NASCAR is for drooling redneck morons and I gotta tell you....crap like this is making me wonder if perhaps there's something to that.


Raisin cane
I want to make sure I understand.

We don't give a damn if football players beat their wives and children to a pulp, but we care very much if a race car driver hits a pedestrian who decides to take a stroll down the track in the middle of a race?



New Member
We don't give a damn if football players beat their wives and children to a pulp, but we care very much if a race car driver hits a pedestrian who decides to take a stroll down the track in the middle of a race?

What am I missing here?

To be fair, an awful lot of people are defending these football players.


Well-Known Member
2 years for murder???

Involuntary manslaughter is a classification of murder in the US with sentences usually between 5-10 year. With parole and no prior record, 1-2 is probably what someone like Stewart would actually serve. I would consider 1-2 years a lot since the guy who murdered Lawnmower Man got nothing.


New Member
Not so much..most of the uproar is about the indecisive action by the NFL.

Perhaps our peer group is different. While I'll agree that there's a huge uproar over the inconsistency of the NFL, I've seen a lot of people defending both Rice and Peterson.


Well-Known Member
Do they have some kind of therapy for people whose emotions devolve to actual hate when its only sporting contests? I guess we should be thankfull for what we's worse in Europe.

I not ashamed of my hatred for hot heads and bullies. Always have. Always will.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I've seen a lot of people defending both Rice and Peterson.

A LOT of them. It's shocking. Especially anyone defending Peterson. If Rice and his bebe mama want to duke it out, more power to 'em. She's an adult and can make her own decisions. That little kid, though - he has no choice in the matter and can't just walk away.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
His life was cut short and will not have an opportunity to show us whether he has a history of hot headedness and bullying.

He clearly had a history of hot headedness. At least he did when he jumped out of his car and ran out onto the track because he was all pissed off.