Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’


Biden had a boat parade too!


That was the person? :lol:


Well-Known Member
I'd like to know what punishment The Atlantic will face for publishing this outright lie, specifically written to attack our President.

I would also like to know what punishment Twitter will face for allowing it to go viral on their platform.
Why is gunsmoke allowed to peddle his/her crap on this site?


Well-Known Member
That never happened, more Progressive News Media misrepresenting what Trump said

Like Progressives EVER Respected The Military, the only time leftist like the military is when it is politically expedient

McCain as a ' great ' Republican until he ran against St Obama ..... then he was Satan's Spawn ... then McCain was critical of Trump , suddenly McCain is a Saint to the left again ... go FYS with your faux outrage

Bullsht Progressive nonsense ..... Trump has plenty of support from the military, and Trump has done plenty to support the military and veterans

you are too blinded by your hatred of Trump to see what has been done.

Bullsht ....... It's all Politics and Trump Derangement From Progressives ......

all progressive opinion, not based on any reality

Trump's ' behavior ' 🤣

yeah Trump is a blow hard, a braggart, boorish, quick to post on twitter ....... so what

wake me when he starts running guns to Mexico
That was certainly seemed to be the case nearly three years ago in an unfortunate episode when Trump denied telling Sgt. Johnson’s widow — Myeshia Johnson — that her husband “must’ve known what he signed up for.”

But Myeshia Johnson, who was pregnant at the time with their third child, had a sitting member of Congress listening to the condolence phone call on which Trump all but shrugged at the notion of a widow grieving her soldier husband’s death in combat. Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson was in the same vehicle with Myeshia Johnson when Trump called and later confirmed Trump’s callous comments.


Well-Known Member
:lol: Fool! I am a 20 year retiree, and continue to work with the military as a contractor. 35 years of first-hand military experience. I think I can safely say to a selfish, sniveling, non-serving fool such as yourself, that support for Trump is quite assured. I can say our military feel there hasn't been a president that has had better support for them than Trump. But, you go on and make up your facts based on what CNN and the lying left has filled your wee little brain with.
How long did Trump or his kids serve for?

How about Biden’s Kids?


Well-Known Member
10 Witnesses Go On The Record Stating Atlantic Report On Trump Denigrating Troops Is A Lie

Derek Lyons, staff secretary and counselor to the president, and Dan Walsh, former White House deputy chief of staff, have also both denied the report.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said on Friday that Lyons said in a statement:

McEnany then read Walsh’s statement: “I can attest it to the fact that there was a bad weather called in France and that the helicopters were unable to safely make the flight. Overall, the president’s support and respect for our American troops past and present is unquestionable.”

All of this comes after former national security adviser John Bolton—who is a fierce Trump opponent—went on the record and disputed The Atlantic’s report.

Says a guy who sells vapes. That’s your source?. Great


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
You really want to go there ?

drug addled Hunter kicked out of the Navy in disgrace for drug use
Crabby doesn't think ahead.

He's just smart enough to remember what CNN told him this morning.


Active Member
That was certainly seemed to be the case nearly three years ago in an unfortunate episode when Trump denied telling Sgt. Johnson’s widow — Myeshia Johnson — that her husband “must’ve known what he signed up for.”



Trump spoke the truth a tad insensitive, but none the less the truth ..... when you sign up for the military you are writing a blank check

Uncle Sam send we where you need me

I doubt you would understand the concept of sacrifice or serving

this still does NOTHING to prove your assertion or the main stream media, that Trump hates the military

its all fantasy projection ... the leftists are the ones who always hated the military and wars - well until Obama was elected then killing American's Supporting Jihadist's over seas with drone strikes were suddenly cool
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Well-Known Member


Trump spoke the truth a tad insensitive, but not the truth ..... when you sign up for the military you are writing a blank check

Uncle Sam send we where you need me

I doubt you would understand the concept of sacrifice or serving

this still does NOTHING to prove your assertion or the main stream media, that Trump hates the military

its all fantasy projection ... the leftists are the ones who always hated the military and wars - well until Obama was elected then killing American's Supporting Jihadist's over seas with drone strikes were suddenly cool

Is this supposed to be English?

Go back and read what you wrote and tell my you don’t sound and write like a lunatic.