To me that's the single most important political event in history and it stuns me that other Americans are all, meh, **** it, who cares.
I'm not "who cares?". But it's a lost battle. By the time history vindicates Trump - which truth be told - it very well may NOT - we'll all be long gone.
We are STILL debating who killed Kennedy and other similar controversies - we still joke about HIS election being stolen from Nixon. It won't change anything. Running Trump AGAIN in my opinion, is wishful thinking. We WANT to see him vindicated, but the forces against him are even stronger than they were in 2020.
The TWO things Trump has in his favor - is a very loyal base - but my estimation is it's probably no more than 25% of the voting population.
The other is - Biden is REALLY BAD. We knew this - the NATION knew this - his campaign was a joke, it's been clear the man is an idiot, he very nearly proves it DAILY that he is a clueless PROP - and even Obama is on record as having famously quipped "never underestimate Joe's ability to f*ck things up". Joe's single best selling point in his favor was that he was some kind of fatherly middle of the road uniter - and he blew THAT image all to hell within a month.
We now have a majority of DEMOCRATS who think he's too old for the Presidency and they would rather he NOT run - BUT THE SAME POLL SAID, they would all vote for him ANYWAY.
I fully recognize that while Trump is and has been transformative - and I don't see any others like him running on either side - I do believe ANYONE other than Biden is better than another Biden Presidency (with the exception of Kamala, who isn't demented like Joe, but is so supremely stupid, she might as well be). And that even means a Republican I don't like.