Trump Trial


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BREAKING: President Trump Reveals the Dirty Jan. 6 Committee Illegally Destroyed their Records and Documents Now that He Has Full Subpoena Power


The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes, during a recent interview, said that special counsel Jack Smith made a huge mistake in indicting Trump related to Jan. 6 incident because it gives him the power to subpoena people.

“They’ve made a huge mistake with this one, because even though we thought what was going to happen was they were going to go after him for treason or sedition, they did criminally charge him, but they didn’t go to that extreme. As a result, he has due process, so he can subpoena people and bring things in,” she said.

Trump was hit with 4 counts in Jack Smith’s January 6 case: Conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.

Jack Smith’s latest indictment is a retread J6 committee garbage, free speech violations by the Biden DOJ, who should know better, and ESP-like assumptions and mind-reading nonsense.

It can be recalled that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) sent a letter to House January 6th Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) on November 2022 demanding preservation of committee records for the incoming Republican-controlled Congress next January 2023. McCarthy also said Republicans would hold hearings on why the Capitol was “not secure” on January 6, 2021.


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Recusal? – Kash Patel Reveals Stunning Background of DC Judge Chutkan in Cases Against President Trump​

August 8, 2023 | Sundance | 293 Comments

Appearing with Sebastian Gorka, Kash Patel puts some excellent context on the issue of Dircuit Court Judge Chutkan presiding over the special counsel case against President Trump. {Direct Rumble Link Here}

I was unaware of the detail where Judge Chutkan originally presided over the case when Fusion GPS tried to block Devin Nunes and Kash Patel from revealing the source of the payments for the Chriss Steele dossier. This is a big datapoint. WATCH:


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It is being reported that the prosecutors for the case in DC have requested the court set a trial date for the first week in Jan 2024.


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Jack Smith Requests January 2 Trial Date – Wants Trump Convicted by Super Tuesday – Trump Responds

“The Government proposes that trial begin on January 2, 2024, and estimates that its case in chief will take no longer than four to six weeks,” according to a court filing on Thursday.

Jack Smith wants Trump convicted by Super Tuesday in March.

The Iowa Republican Caucuses will be held on January 15.

This is brazen election interference.

Joe Biden has nothing to run on so this is his 2024 campaign: Prosecute and jail Trump.

President Trump responded to the latest election interference and abuse by Biden’s DOJ.

“Deranged Jack Smith has just asked for a trial on the Biden Indictment to take place on January 2nd., just ahead of the important Iowa Caucuses. Only an out of touch lunatic would ask for such a date, ONE DAY into the New Year, and maximum Election Interference with IOWA! Such a trial, which should never take place due to my First Amendment Rights, and massive BIDEN CORRUPTION, should only happen, if at all, AFTER THE ELECTION. The same with other Fake Biden Indictments. ELECTION INTERFERENCE!” Trump said Thursday evening.


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Where is Hillary’s Indictment on the Same Charges as Trump?

On December 12, 2016 (or D12), the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign endorsed a call by Christine Pelosi, the daughter of then House Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi, as well as other electors to receive an “intelligence briefing” on how “Russian interference was performed to help Donald Trump get elected” from Obama’s Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

Hillary Clinton and her senior campaign officials were aware that they had concocted the lie that the Russians had gotten Trump elected, outsourced it to a former British intelligence operative, Christopher Steele, who produced the infamous Steele dossier, and distributed it through the FBI and were exploiting it to subvert the Electoral College and hijack the presidential election.

The Clinton campaign was endorsing a move to influence members of the Electoral College to set aside their duty and corrupt the electoral votes. Electors are bound to vote in accordance with the ballot count. There was no purpose to a “briefing” on the conspiracy theories that were manufactured by the Clinton campaign except to persuade them to corrupt the vote.

The Wall Street Journal correctly described the move as an “Electoral College Coup”. Pelosi’s daughter and other Democrat electors were requesting “a briefing on all investigative findings, as these matters directly impact the core factors in our deliberations of whether Mr. Trump is fit to serve as President of the United States.” And they were asking it from Clapper who would go around pushing the Steele dossier and defending its conspiracy theories as based on facts.


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Investigators in the Georgia criminal probe have long suspected the breach was not an organic effort sprung from sympathetic Trump supporters in rural and heavily Republican Coffee County – a county Trump won by nearly 70% of the vote. They have gathered evidence indicating it was a top-down push by Trump’s team to access sensitive voting software, according to people familiar with the situation.

Trump allies attempted to access voting systems after the 2020 election as part of the broader push to produce evidence that could back up the former president’s baseless claims of widespread fraud.

While Trump’s January 2021 call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and effort to put forward fake slates of electors have long been considered key pillars of Willis’ criminal probe, the voting system breach in Coffee County quietly emerged as an area of focus for investigators roughly one year ago. Since then, new evidence has slowly been uncovered about the role of Trump’s attorneys, the operatives they hired and how the breach, as well as others like it in other key states, factored into broader plans for overturning the election.

Together, the text messages and other court documents show how Trump lawyers and a group of hired operatives sought to access Coffee County’s voting systems in the days before January 6, 2021, as the former president’s allies continued a desperate hunt for any evidence of widespread fraud they could use to delay certification of Joe Biden’s electoral victory.



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CNN’s claim that Trump’s team hacked Georgia voting systems is belied by its facts

By Andrea Widburg

Fani Willis, the Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney, is seemingly intent upon being the next Alvin Bragg, as she busily puts together an indictment based on questionable facts, currently mysterious legal theories, and, most importantly, leaks to the media. It’s the last that concerns us today because CNN is very excited: On January 7, the outlet strongly imply, Donald Trump’s team, everyone from Rudy Guiliani to Sidney Powell, hacked into, or oversaw someone else hacking into, the Coffee County election software. Except that, according to CNN itself, that’s not what happened.

The story has a scream headline: “Exclusive: Georgia prosecutors have messages showing Trump’s team is behind voting system breach.” It’s followed by an equally powerful opening paragraph that makes it clear that, when it comes to Trump, Atlanta’s hard-left political machine is going to bring him down:

Atlanta-area prosecutors investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia are in possession of text messages and emails directly connecting members of Donald Trump’s legal team to the early January 2021 voting system breach in Coffee County, sources tell CNN.
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is expected to seek charges against more than a dozen individuals when her team presents its case before a grand jury next week. Several individuals involved in the voting systems breach in Coffee County are among those who may face charges in the sprawling criminal probe.
Investigators in the Georgia criminal probe have long suspected the breach was not an organic effort sprung from sympathetic Trump supporters in rural and heavily Republican Coffee County – a county Trump won by nearly 70% of the vote. They have gathered evidence indicating it was a top-down push by Trump’s team to access sensitive voting software, according to people familiar with the situation.

Trump allies attempted to access voting systems after the 2020 election as part of the broader push to produce evidence that could back up the former president’s baseless claims of widespread fraud.


Whatever you do, don’t think for yourselves. Accept our narrative…

But about that narrative. If you dig deep into the CNN article, you find something interesting buried well over halfway down, long after most readers have lost interest (assuming they even read past the headline):


Six days before pro-Trump operatives gained unauthorized access to voting systems, the local elections official who allegedly helped facilitate the breach sent a “written invitation” to attorneys working for Trump, according to text messages obtained by CNN.
Investigators have scrutinized the actions of various individuals who were involved, including Misty Hampton, a former Coffee County elections official who authored the letter of invitation referenced in text messages and other documents that have been turned over to prosecutors, multiple sources told CNN.

In other words, if there was a hack, according to CNN’s own reporting on the known facts, there’s no evidence that Trump people either did it or authorized it. Instead, an election official, aware of their concerns, invited them to examine the system.

That’s it, at least insofar as CNN knows, thanks to its exclusive access. I have no idea whether there was some sort of unauthorized hacking into Coffee County’s system or whether the system was corrupted at the time of the election. All I know is that CNN’s headline is greatly at variance with CNN’s facts.

Never forget that we no longer have a media of the type our Founders envisioned, one that would keep the government honest by reporting its actions to the American people. Instead, our media is an endless propaganda machine that exists solely to advance the interests of the Democrat party. A word to the wise: Consume the media’s product with the same care that you’d apply to a piece of fish that’s bristling with bones. Yes, there’s meat there, but you’re very likely to choke to death on it if you’re not careful.


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In Midnight Presser, Fulton DA Fani Willis Calls Trump's Election Integrity Team a 'Criminal Enterprise'

After a 97-page, 41-count true bill of indictment was returned by a Fulton County, GA grand jury Monday night, charging Donald Trump and 18 of his associates with felonies, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis held a press conference starting at 11:35 PM Eastern time to trumpet the charges.

Willis said that each defendant was charged with one count of violating Georgia's RICO law, describing Trump's election integrity team as a "criminal enterprise" intent on helping Trump "seize" the White House on January 20, 2021.

She also said that while the judge sets the timetable for the case to proceed through the system, but that her office would be preparing a proposed scheduling order this week and they will be calling for a trial within six months. Willis intends to try all 19 defendants together, she stated, and didn't elaborate on how that would be possible with 19 sets of attorneys who will all have different discovery issues and likely competing defenses to charges (which makes it impossible to try the co-defendants together), not to mention how long a trial would last when you have 19 sets of attorneys who can cross-examine every prosecution witness. A judge cannot order one attorney to ask questions for all of the defendants as a block, because that violates their constitutional rights.

Willis stated that she was giving each defendant until noon on Friday to turn themselves in to Georgia authorities.



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Trump Georgia grand jury returns 10 indictments, no names revealed yet

Fulton County Court Publishes, Removes Trump Indictment; ‘Due Process Violation’

The official court website of Fulton County, Georgia, published what appeared to be an indictment against former President Donald Trump on Monday before deleting it — a bizarre, unexplained act that at least one critic says violated Trump’s constitutional rights to due process of law.

Reuters first reported that the document had been filed, then had to update its report when the document was removed from the court website and the office of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis denied that an indictment had yet been issued.

Yet Reuters preserved the initial document, which lists 39 charges against Trump, including the “serious felony” of racketeering. All of the other 38 charges — solicitation of the violation of an oath, false statement, and conspiracy charges — are felonies.

Trump, Giuliani, Meadows among 19 indicted in Georgia 2020 election probe

Also charged in the indictment —which was signed by Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney shortly before 9 p.m. and unsealed approximately two hours later — were former Trump attorneys Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Sidney Powell, Jenna Ellis and Kenneth Chesebro.

Also accused were former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, ex-Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark and Trump 2020 Election Day Director of Operations Michael Roman.

Trump, 77, faces 13 counts in the case, matching a docket prematurely posted to the Fulton County Superior Court’s website around noon.

Hours after the indictment was handed down, the former commander in chief took to Truth Social to rail against Georgia prosecutors, saying, “So, the Witch Hunt continues! 19 people Indicated tonight, including the former President of the United States, me, by an out of control and very corrupt District Attorney who campaigned and raised money on, ‘I will get Trump.’

“And what about those Indictment Documents put out today, long before the Grand Jury even voted, and then quickly withdrawn? Sounds Rigged to me! Why didn’t they Indict 2.5 years ago? Because they wanted to do it right in the middle of my political campaign. Witch Hunt!”

The charges against the former president include violation of the Peach State’s anti-racketeering law, conspiracy, false statements and asking a public official to violate their oath of office.

All 19 defendants are charged with Georgia’s equivalent of the federal RICO statute, which can be used against any group of individuals deemed to use criminal means to attain an objective.

Crucially, the defendants’ alleged scheme does not have to succeed to be found liable under state law.

“[The] Defendants … [30] unindicted co-conspirators … and others known and unknown to the Grand Jury, constituted a criminal organization whose members and associates engaged in … false statements and writings, impersonating a public officer, forgery, filing false documents, influencing witnesses, computer theft, computer trespass, computer invasion of privacy, conspiracy to defraud the state, acts involving theft, and perjury,” the 98-page indictment read.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, who launched the investigation into Trump and his associates nearly two years ago, told reporters at a late-night press conference that she intended to try all 19 defendants together and that they would be given fewer than two weeks to turn themselves in.


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Trump and 18 Others Indicted! Mark Meadows, Jenna Ellis, Rudy Giuliani and Others Indicted! – 41 CHARGES – RICO & CONSPIRACY

The corrupt Fulton County District Attorney’s office posted the proposed charging documents before the grand jury even deliberated on Monday.

The indictments dropped Monday evening are the exact same ones that were posted to the Fulton County website earlier Monday!


10 witnesses testified before the grand jury on Monday.

The Trump camp responded to the latest indictment Monday evening.

Trump called Fani Willis a “rabid partisan” who purposely stalled her investigation to maximally interfere with the 2024 presidential race.



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Trump Attorneys: Georgia Indictment ‘as Flawed and Unconstitutional as This Entire Process’

Their full statement — issued by Drew Findling, Jennifer Little and Marissa Goldberg — follows:

The events that have unfolded today have been shocking and absurd, starting with the leak of a presumed and premature indictment before the witnesses had testified or the grand jurors had deliberated and ending with the District Attorney being unable to offer any explanation. In light of this major fumble, the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office clearly decided to force through and rush this 98-page indictment. This one-sided grand jury presentation relied on witnesses who harbor their own personal and political interests— some of whom ran campaigns touting their efforts against the accused and/or profited from book deals and employment opportunities as a result. We look forward to a detailed review of this indictment which is undoubtedly just as flawed and unconstitutional as this entire process has been.

Critics noted that the 41-count indictment (which include 13 counts against Trump) accuses the defendants of crimes for simply arguing that the 2020 presidential election was flawed. That, in turn implicates the First Amendment right to free speech and the Sixth Amendment right to counsel. The indictment also attempts to use a county court in Georgia to charge the defendants for crimes allegedly committed on a national scale and in violation of a federal election, which typically fall under federal jurisdiction.

The Fulton County court also leaked a document that listed the charges in the indictment several hours before the grand jury had finished hearing testimony and before it had voted, leading critics to claim Trump’s constitutional rights had been violated.


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With news about Judge Chutkan’s anti-Trump animus, a 2021 article is going viral

By Andrea Widburg

With more information emerging daily about Judge Tanya Chutkan’s open hostility to Donald Trump as she presides over the legally suspect case that Jack Smith filed against him, a 2021 article describing Chutkan’s conduct and statements about the January 6 defendants has suddenly gone viral. The woman is unprincipled and partisan to the point of delusion. She has no business presiding over Donald Trump’s case or even sitting on the federal bench.

Yesterday, news emerged about Chutkan’s openly stated belief that Donald Trump ought to be behind bars, something that, with nothing more, means she should be taken off of Trump’s case because she is incapable of the kind of integrity and impartiality required of federal judges. She’s a hanging judge and not bothering to hide it.

The inestimable Techno Fog has also revealed how Chutkan has treated Trump differently—and way more harshly—than other defendants in her courtroom. Her blatantly unfair conduct arose in the context of the prosecution’s request for a protective order that would effectively silence Trump during the primary season. The prosecution filed the motion on August 4, a Friday, at almost 10 p.m. Techno Fog picks up the story:

Typically, Judge Chutkan would allow for at least one week for Trump’s team to file a response. (the Court’s local rules allow 14 days to respond to motions). How do we know that? Because we went through Judge Chutkan’s other cases where a protective order was disputed - more on that below.
Curiously, however, Judge Chutkan decided to demand an expedited briefing and hearing schedule - against the reasonable requests of Trump’s attorneys, who requested just a little bit extra time. Here’s the timeline:


August 4, 2023: Special Counsel Smith files his motion for protective order.
August 5, 2023: Trump is ordered to file his response to the motion for protective order by 5:00 on Monday, August 7, 2023.
August 5, 2023: Trump’s lawyers file a motion to revise the briefing schedule on the government’s motion for protective order, seeking only three extra days – a deadline of August 10. This is under the timeframe discussed in the Court’s local rules, which allow for 14 days to respond to motions.)
August 5, 2023: Judge Chutkan denies Trump’s requested extension.
August 7, 2023: Trump’s lawyers file their response to the government’s proposed protective order. Judge Chutkan demands dates and times for a hearing on the protective order, which she orders to take place by August 11, 2023.

August 8, 2023: Trump and the Special Counsel file their joint notice. Special Counsel says it is available “at any time on August 9, 10, or 11.” Trump requests a setting on Monday or Tuesday (August 14 or 15) where both of Trump’s lawyers can be present. A very reasonable request.
August 8, 2023: Judge Chutkan denies Trump’s request and sets the protective order hearing for August 11, 2023 - exactly one week after the protective order was filed by Special Counsel Smith.

In other words, Chutkan went out of her way to deny Trump’s counsel time in which to write a response directed to the millions of terabytes and documents at issue under the proposed order. She also specifically set the hearing on a date she knew Trump’s counsel would be unavailable.

With this real-time information about Chutkan’s open hostility to Trump, along with her malevolent scheduling requirements, an AP article from October 2021 has suddenly reemerged to become one of the “most shared” articles amongst conservatives on X (formerly known as Twitter). You’ll quickly see why:

A Texas man who joined the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan 6. was sentenced Monday to 45 days behind bars even though prosecutors weren’t seeking jail time, after the judge blasted comparisons between the riot that day and the Black Lives Matter protests over racial injustice.
U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan called it a false equivalence “to compare the actions of people protesting, mostly peacefully, for civil rights” to the mob that “was trying to overthrow the government.” She said doing so “ignores the very real danger that the Jan. 6 riots pose to the foundation of our democracy.”
The judge’s remarks in the case against Matthew Mazzocco of San Antonio came days after another judge in Washington’s federal court suggested that the Justice Department was being too hard on the Jan. 6 defendants when compared to the people arrested during the protests after George Floyd’s murder.


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New evidence shows just how biased Trump judge is in Jack Smith’s case

By Andrea Widburg

Judge Tanya Chutkan, the D.C. federal district court's hanging-ist judge when it comes to the January 6 cases, was (quite coincidentally, I'm sure) assigned to Donald Trump's case after Jack Smith essentially indicted him for believing that the November 2020 election was rife with fraud. (That's a belief, apparently, available only to Democrats following elections.) The fact that Chutkan hates January 6 defendants doesn't mean she's anti-Trump. However, Julie Kelly has revealed a trial transcript in which Chutkan openly states her belief that Trump should be in jail.
Judges are obligated to abide by rules of conduct and, no matter the jurisdiction. A primary rule is that the judge must be and appear to be impartial. It destroys the legal system's integrity if people know that the judge trying cases has already decided the parties' innocence or guilt (or, in civil cases, their liability or lack thereof).

I know this for a fact because I spent my entire legal career in the San Francisco Bay Area. One of the reasons I'm a conservative is because of that experience. I started out as a Democrat, but after it became apparent that leftist judges were interested in neither facts nor law, but adjudicated cases using the filter of their political ideology (banks and landlords always lost, no matter the controlling facts or law), I became quite hostile to the Democrat party.

Technically, if you're a federal judge, you must abide by the Code of Conduct for United States Judges. The canons all lean toward a Judiciary that impresses the public with its even-handedness and lack of bias:

Canon 1: A Judge Should Uphold the Integrity and Independence of the Judiciary


Canon 2: A Judge Should Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance of Impropriety in All Activities
Canon 3: A Judge Should Perform the Duties of the Office Fairly, Impartially and Diligently
Canon 4: A Judge May Engage in Extrajudicial Activities That are Consistent With the Obligations of Judicial Office
Canon 5: A Judge Should Refrain From Political Activity

Judge Chutkan, an Obama appointee, seems disinterested in Canon 3, the one about performing her job "fairly, impartially and diligently." She seems especially disinterested in subdivisions (C)(1) and (2), which control judges who have a problem with impartiality:


(C) Disqualification.
(1) A judge shall disqualify himself or herself in a proceeding in which the judge's impartiality might reasonably be questioned, including but not limited to instances in which:
(a) the judge has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party, or personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts concerning the proceeding;

Why do I question Judge Chutkan's fealty to the judicial code of conduct? Because of something Julie Kelly turned up:



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Grand Jury Returns Indictment In Georgia Election Case Against Trump, Allies

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis pursued charging individuals under Georgia’s RICO Act which allows prosecutors to “string together crimes committed by different people toward one common goal,” Axios reported, which makes it very difficult for defense attorneys to implement a “coherent trial strategy.”

The lengthy prison sentences that come with being convicted of RICO violations are “a major incentive for co-defendants to seek deals in return for new evidence,” the report added.

In the state of Georgia, the governor does not have the ability to pardon convicts, that power rests with a Board of Pardons and Paroles, which “requires that a sentence be completed at least five years prior to applying for a pardon,” the report added. A U.S. president would not be able to pardon Trump in the case.


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Grand Jury Returns Indictment In Georgia Election Case Against Trump, Allies

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis pursued charging individuals under Georgia’s RICO Act which allows prosecutors to “string together crimes committed by different people toward one common goal,” Axios reported, which makes it very difficult for defense attorneys to implement a “coherent trial strategy.”

The lengthy prison sentences that come with being convicted of RICO violations are “a major incentive for co-defendants to seek deals in return for new evidence,” the report added.

In the state of Georgia, the governor does not have the ability to pardon convicts, that power rests with a Board of Pardons and Paroles, which “requires that a sentence be completed at least five years prior to applying for a pardon,” the report added. A U.S. president would not be able to pardon Trump in the case.
Really? Did this just happen?