Trump Trial


the poor dad
I'm so disgusted, I could puke. But we had a nice dinner so I will wait :lol:
I had a craving for a Pizza Hut meat lovers pizza on my way home from Waldorf this evening so got one and brought home. Enjoying my pizza while I opened up the FoxNews app and read the headline. Like you, I’m disgusted and wanted to puke, but I really do like Pizza Hut meat lovers pizza that i only have about twice a year. So I too will wait.…


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I guess what I don’t get is - NY law actually allows them to ASSUME he’s guilty of an unnamed crime - which he hasn’t been found guilty of in any court (because that’s how you’re ACTUALLY guilty of a crime) so they can turn a misdemeanor into a felony?

I just don’t get how he can be assumed guilty of a previous crime without having ever been convicted of one, and there’s zero expectation of actually proving it ever happened.

Why would the law be like that? Is it just me, or could you “convict” anyone if you could just by fiat wave a previous crime into existence and you don’t even have to name it?
Where's a Muslim hijacker when you need one?


PREMO Member

Rigged: Biden Donor Judge Whose Daughter Raised Millions To Defeat Trump Oversaw Soviet Show Trial Conviction

One of the many factors tainting a New York jury’s conviction of former President Donald Trump is the fact that the judge who oversaw the Soviet-style show trial previously donated to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign. The judge’s daughter also represents Democrat clients who raised millions off the trial.

In an unsurprising move, the jury in deep-blue Manhattan found Trump guilty Thursday on all counts related to a payment his then-lawyer made to a pornographer as part of a nondisclosure agreement. The saga marks the first time in U.S. history a major party has weaponized the justice system to convict its chief political opponent ahead of a contested election.

Trump is expected to be sentenced on July 11, which is several days before the Republican presidential nominating convention.

Despite Democrats’ best attempts to cast the show trial as legitimate, the case was rigged against Trump from the start. Case in point: Judge Juan Merchan, who previously donated to Biden’s 2020 reelection bid. According to the New York Post, Merchan “donated $35 to Democratic causes in 2020, including $15 to President Biden’s campaign and $10 to a group dedicated to ‘resisting … Donald Trump’s radical right-wing legacy.'”


PREMO Member
Be angry, and do not sin: do not let the sun go down on your wrath. — Ephesians 4:26

"Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom." — General George S. Patton

"Brave men rejoice in adversity, just as brave soldiers triumph in war." — Seneca, 60 A.D.

By now, you’ve surely heard the news that, after a fig leaf of faux deliberation, the highly suspect jury in the historic, unprecedented trial of former President Trump rapidly resolved all their differences and predictably arrived at their unanimous guilty verdict on all 34 counts. Just in time to grab dinner. Their verdict form determined that President Trump’s bookkeeper did mischaracterize 12 “other payments” as “legal expenses”, on the check stub memo lines and in Quickbooks. To make these victimless misdemeanors into felonies, the jury also found Trump orchestrated the whole mischaracterization scheme for an ‘unlawful purpose,’ without explaining what the additional crime actually was.

Truer words were never spoken. A hundred percent. This is long from over:

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Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)

Listening to a jury rule against you is a gut punch; it’s not just a mental blow, you feel it physically. Here was President Trump, in his own words, reacting to the Verdict in Manhattan yesterday evening:

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CLIP: Trump comments immediately after hearing guilty verdicts (1:40).

By 5am this morning — less than 12 hours from the verdict — the New York Times published an Omnibus Trump Verdict Op-Ed. It was seven op-eds in one! The headline, meant to be political dynamite, sounds more like an effort to reassure each other they did the right thing:

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So that you don’t need to offend your frontal lobe with the insane ramblings of seven psychopathic, self-appointed elitists, I’ll boil it down. Only David French was willing to crow about how the verdict would definitely change the election. The other authors were much less certain. But they all hoped that persuadable voters will be sickened to hear the words “Trump convicted of 34 crimes” and will somehow conclude liver-spotted wonder Biden is a better alternative.

Here is the truth all seven overrated imbeciles missed: any voter so disconnected they just found out (and didn’t see this coming a hundred miles off), will have one and only one question: convicted of what? Heck, I’m still asking that. None of the seven “writers on the guilty verdict” answered that critical key question clearly. By engineering this thing with an invisible predicate crime, the Democrats have cemented into history that this was purely political persecution and not any legitimate judicial process.

But I do agree with the Times’ op-ed writers on one thing. This Verdict definitely will matter. Just not in the way they’re hoping.



PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Judge Merchan has scheduled Trump’s sentencing for July 11, just a few days before the Republican National Convention starts. In a sane world, since the crimes were victimless misdemeanor process crimes, and because Trump is a first-time offender with no criminal record, Merchan should give him a fine and maybe probation.

But what do you want to bet Judge Merchan will wax rhapsodic about the integrity of US presidential elections and spring for the full 134 life sentence?

In for a penny, in for a pound. (Of horse manure.)

As I’ve tried to show you with just a tiny fraction of the response to this sham of a show-trial, the smart money says Democrats have badly misplayed their prosecutorial hand. In one overreaching fell swoop, they’ve handed Donald Trump a fully formed, ironclad narrative, a singular theme around which voters can rally and that frames the entire election.

While partisan democrats gleefully celebrate on Blue Sky, the rest of the world on Twitter/X coalesces around deep-seated American values of fair play, justice, and rooting for the underdog.

I lack time and space to enumerate all the excellent appellate issues available to President Trump. Let’s just say his appeals lawyers will have more trouble deciding what to leave out of the appeal. But that is beside the point. This election has now become about double standards and the weaponization of government in a way that even the lowest of low-information voters can possibly ignore.

And perhaps most significant for the country’s uncertain future, Trump now enjoys an unassailable mandate to prosecute the previously politically untouchables, like “lock her up” Hillary.

As Obama’s pastor once inartfully stammered, badly quoting Malcom X’s ugly quip, “the chickens is comin’ home to roost!”


Here come the chickens.



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I guess what I don’t get is - NY law actually allows them to ASSUME he’s guilty of an unnamed crime - which he hasn’t been found guilty of in any court (because that’s how you’re ACTUALLY guilty of a crime) so they can turn a misdemeanor into a felony?

I just don’t get how he can be assumed guilty of a previous crime without having ever been convicted of one, and there’s zero expectation of actually proving it ever happened.

Why would the law be like that? Is it just me, or could you “convict” anyone if you could just by fiat wave a previous crime into existence and you don’t even have to name it?
I think we will learn in the appeal process that the NY law that allowed this has never been challenged in higher courts. I'd like to say I can't imagine it being allowed to stand and will be struck down by the Sups.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I did learn last evening from Trump's attorney Blanche that, even after the verdict, the gag rule is still in effect, at least for him. So does that mean Trump has to keep his mouth closed until sentencing?


Well-Known Member
I did learn last evening from Trump's attorney Blanche that, even after the verdict, the gag rule is still in effect, at least for him. So does that mean Trump has to keep his mouth closed until sentencing?
What I never understood about the gag rule is - the only justification I heard was, Trump would name jurors and put them in harm's way.

Because let's face it, just about everybody on the prosecution side was able to speak rather freely, ESPECIALLY Cohen.

As everyone likes to say, I'm not a lawyer - but I was always under the impression that the PURPOSE of gag orders is almost always - to protect the defendant.


PREMO Member
🔥 Bear with me for a little history lesson. In 1960, Alabama’s democrat officials indited Dr. Martin Luther King on charges of perjury, related to alleged underpayment of his state income taxes in 1956 and 1958. Dr. King’s intial charges were misdemeanor tax evasion. But democrat prosecutors later upgraded the charges to felony perjury — for lying on his tax returns — with a possible prison sentence of two to five years for each count.

Boosting misdemeanor tax evasion — which requires dishonest tax reporting — into a felony required some very creative prosecutorial thinking.

The technical basis for charging Dr. King with felony perjury instead of misdemeanor tax evasion was the Orwellian allegation that he had perjured himself in signing his evasive tax returns. Note that, like with Trump, Dr. King’s alleged unreported Alabama income was related to political donations.

And as with Trump’s prosecution, it was the first time in Alabama history that any defendant was ever charged that way.

Both cases were brought by democrats against their political enemies. Both cases involved charges for victimless process crimes. Both cases involved creative bootstrapping of misdemeanors into felonies. Both cases included unprecedented interpretations of the law, charging prominent political figures with crimes never brought against others. Both cases involved charges deeply intertwined with their political activities and public roles: campaign donations in Dr. King’s case, and “legal expenses” argued rather to be campaign expenses for Trump.

Dr. King’s case might help explain why black Americans resonate with Trump’s conviction. And it might also help explain yesterday’s Daily Mail’s headline, which explains in part what has forced corporate media into its desperate efforts at damage control:

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Whoops. One of corporate media’s biggest headaches is Twitter, the only social media platform where they can no longer order “justice questioners” to be brutally suppressed as online misinformers. Now consider this headline in yesterday’s New York Post:


If I had to guess, this might be the most well-attended online “town hall” in history, breaking yet another record. To be fair, Musk invited all three candidates — Trump, Kennedy, and Biden — to town halls, and only Biden declined. Dates and times are TBA.



Power with Control
I think I'm torn between the Biden smile and the bit about saying it was rigged as the most outrageous part of his presser.

"It's reckless, it's dangerous, it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict," Biden said.

Mr. President, I submit to you that loudly and vigorously questioning all three branches of our government were not just allowed but encouraged by the Founders. No branch of govt is sacrosanct and above scrutiny. You yourself told the Supreme Court to shove off when they ruled against you.

They seem to have dusted off the Covid Playbook.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


PREMO Member

Trump Guilty Verdict: “It smells rotten because it was rotten”

Ever since the Trump verdict was announced, I’ve been doing radio and TV interviews, and we were requested to submit an Op-ed to The Telegraph (UK) on the verdict. So I haven’t had a chance to comment here.

If I can find audio of my interviews I’ll post it at the bottom as an update.


Here is The Telegraph Op-Ed Kemberlee and I submitted, which within the 650 word limit expresses our view, Love or hate Trump, this rotten trial is an assault on justice [archive]:

Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts in a trial in Manhattan on May 30. Democrats are singing with joy, but it was a truly sad day for America.
This was a prosecution that never would have been brought had the defendant not been Donald Trump, and had Trump not run for reelection in 2024. Rather than prosecuting an obvious crime, prosecutors set out to prosecute a political opponent. And to do so, they invented a criminal theory to pursue.
For many years this case, involving alleged bookkeeping issues in recording payments to ‘Stormy Daniels’ to buy her silence, had lingered unprosecuted for so long that the charges, low-level misdemeanors, no longer could be brought because time had expired.

But then along came Alvin Bragg, a Left-wing prosecutor who ran for office on the promise that he would do what prior prosecutors had failed to do, to get Donald Trump. The case was politically motivated from the start. To get Trump at all costs to try to stop his presidential campaign.
Yet to get the case to court, Bragg had to turn the charges into felonies, with longer time limits. So he invented a novel and untested legal theory, maligned even by liberal legal commentators, that the bookkeeping issues were to illegally influence an election – his own 2016 winning election.
There is nothing illegal about paying money to buy silence. It happens every day in court cases and business deals, where money is paid for non-disclosure agreements. And there is nothing illegal about politicians hiding their dirty laundry, happens every campaign. The bookkeeping issue was the hook to turn lawful political activity into a crime.
This case born in politics then turned into a circus. The trial judge, whose family had strong political ties to Democrats, issued ruling after ruling hamstringing Trump’s defense. The prosecution was allowed to play hide and seek with its legal theory of criminality, so much so that Trump never really knew what he was defending until the very end.
Then the judge issued jury instructions that seemed to fly in the face of our jurisprudence, by allowing the jury convict on felony charges without unanimous agreement as to what were the specific illegal acts to influence the election.


PREMO Member

Time To Fight Dirty

After witnessing the banana republic court spectacle in New York City this week, I ask our elected Republicans... have you seen enough? Are you going to continue lobbing limpwristed slaps at your enemy's shoulder as they continue to kick you below the belt? Are you still hiding behind the whole "civility" façade, which the Left abandoned decades ago? Or are you ready to actually man up and fight like our lives, our loved ones, and our liberties depend on it?

We need to start fighting dirty, like they do. If we don't, what remains of our constitutional order will continue to dissipate until all that remains is the totalitarian state they've been working for generations to achieve, complete with state censorship, show trials, and political prisoners.

And when I say we need to fight dirty, let me clarify what I am not saying. I am not saying that we should persecute innocent people, like the Left does. I am saying that we need to go full-throttle, no-holds-barred lawfare against those who do break the law and smugly get away with it.

After Trump derailed Hillary's 2016 coronation he, in the spirit of naïve bipartisanship, decided not to direct the Justice Department to pursue any charges against her for her gross mishandling of classified materials. The Deep State returned the favor by raiding his private home and charging him for the same crime that FBI Director James Comey wouldn't charge Hillary with.

Hillary got away with it.

Hunter Biden's laptop was discovered to have incontestable evidence on it that "the big guy," while vice president, had used his government position to leverage favor for his wayward son in Burisma and other overseas adventures. The now-infamous letter signed by over fifty former intelligence officials intentionally misled its readers with the baseless assurance that the laptop story was Russian disinformation. Attorney General Merrick Garland is not pressing charges.

Biden got away with it.

Former CIA director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper both lied under oath to Congress about their role in fabricating Russiagate. No jail time, no punishment for using their official government capacities to influence public policy through false allegations.

Brennan and Clapper got away with it.

Peter Strzok was Mueller's lead investigator against Trump. He used his position as Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence to try to "stop" Trump, per the texts between him and Lisa Page, his mistress with whom he betrayed his wife. He was eventually fired, he promptly sued, and of this past month is nearing a settlement with the Justice Department. No jail time, no punishment for using his official government capacity to influence an election. Just a fat settlement check, some talk show appearances, and a book deal.

Strzok got away with it.

Deputy Director Andrew McCabe illegally leaked information to the media about the ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation and lied under oath three separate times when investigated about it. Like Strzok, he was also fired and he also sued. He settled with the Justice Department, which agreed to rescind his termination, restore his pension, and pay all his legal fees on your dime. No jail time, no punishment for using his official government capacity to protect a political ally. Just a whitewash of his crimes, a CNN contributor gig, and a "distinguished visiting professor" job at George Mason University.

McCabe got away with it.

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, in October 2020 and January 2021, made calls to his Chinese counterpart, assuring the Politburo that if President Trump attempted to launch a military attack against them in the waning days of his presidency, he would warn them beforehand. For treason of this magnitude, he should be swinging from a lamppost. Rather, he was vigorously defended by the Biden administration with not so much as a reprimand. He retired this past February and... you guessed it... teaches at both Georgetown and Princeton.

Milley got away with it.

The climate whackjobs who block traffic and destroy priceless art get away with it. The BLM mobs who burn down cities get away with it. The union thugs who overrun state rotundas get away with it. The Seattle CHAZ insurrectionists who seceded from the Union for nearly a month get away with it. The terrorist sympathizers who shut down campuses and physically assault Jewish students get away with it. The Antifa losers who burn historic churches and pull down statues get away with it.

They all get away with it. They always get away with it.


Well-Known Member

Time To Fight Dirty

After witnessing the banana republic court spectacle in New York City this week, I ask our elected Republicans... have you seen enough? Are you going to continue lobbing limpwristed slaps at your enemy's shoulder as they continue to kick you below the belt? Are you still hiding behind the whole "civility" façade, which the Left abandoned decades ago? Or are you ready to actually man up and fight like our lives, our loved ones, and our liberties depend on it?

We need to start fighting dirty, like they do. If we don't, what remains of our constitutional order will continue to dissipate until all that remains is the totalitarian state they've been working for generations to achieve, complete with state censorship, show trials, and political prisoners.

And when I say we need to fight dirty, let me clarify what I am not saying. I am not saying that we should persecute innocent people, like the Left does. I am saying that we need to go full-throttle, no-holds-barred lawfare against those who do break the law and smugly get away with it.

After Trump derailed Hillary's 2016 coronation he, in the spirit of naïve bipartisanship, decided not to direct the Justice Department to pursue any charges against her for her gross mishandling of classified materials. The Deep State returned the favor by raiding his private home and charging him for the same crime that FBI Director James Comey wouldn't charge Hillary with.

Hillary got away with it.

Hunter Biden's laptop was discovered to have incontestable evidence on it that "the big guy," while vice president, had used his government position to leverage favor for his wayward son in Burisma and other overseas adventures. The now-infamous letter signed by over fifty former intelligence officials intentionally misled its readers with the baseless assurance that the laptop story was Russian disinformation. Attorney General Merrick Garland is not pressing charges.

Biden got away with it.

Former CIA director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper both lied under oath to Congress about their role in fabricating Russiagate. No jail time, no punishment for using their official government capacities to influence public policy through false allegations.

Brennan and Clapper got away with it.

Peter Strzok was Mueller's lead investigator against Trump. He used his position as Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence to try to "stop" Trump, per the texts between him and Lisa Page, his mistress with whom he betrayed his wife. He was eventually fired, he promptly sued, and of this past month is nearing a settlement with the Justice Department. No jail time, no punishment for using his official government capacity to influence an election. Just a fat settlement check, some talk show appearances, and a book deal.

Strzok got away with it.

Deputy Director Andrew McCabe illegally leaked information to the media about the ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation and lied under oath three separate times when investigated about it. Like Strzok, he was also fired and he also sued. He settled with the Justice Department, which agreed to rescind his termination, restore his pension, and pay all his legal fees on your dime. No jail time, no punishment for using his official government capacity to protect a political ally. Just a whitewash of his crimes, a CNN contributor gig, and a "distinguished visiting professor" job at George Mason University.

McCabe got away with it.

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, in October 2020 and January 2021, made calls to his Chinese counterpart, assuring the Politburo that if President Trump attempted to launch a military attack against them in the waning days of his presidency, he would warn them beforehand. For treason of this magnitude, he should be swinging from a lamppost. Rather, he was vigorously defended by the Biden administration with not so much as a reprimand. He retired this past February and... you guessed it... teaches at both Georgetown and Princeton.

Milley got away with it.

The climate whackjobs who block traffic and destroy priceless art get away with it. The BLM mobs who burn down cities get away with it. The union thugs who overrun state rotundas get away with it. The Seattle CHAZ insurrectionists who seceded from the Union for nearly a month get away with it. The terrorist sympathizers who shut down campuses and physically assault Jewish students get away with it. The Antifa losers who burn historic churches and pull down statues get away with it.

They all get away with it. They always get away with it.
UNLEASH the full pendulum swing...I pledge NOT to get in the way of a restoration of the constitution nor the implementation of justice against those who have perverted the cause of justice, tainted our elections, damaged our economy, promoted covid lies, or defended ANY of the recent generation of selfish politicians. Swing the pendulum NOW.