
What are you going to do Tuesday?

  • I'm going to DC to be a part of it all

    Votes: 4 4.3%
  • I'm not going but will be glued to the TV

    Votes: 10 10.8%
  • It's just another day for me. Nutin' special

    Votes: 53 57.0%
  • I think I will lock myself in the bedroom that day and mourn. It's a sad day for America!

    Votes: 26 28.0%

  • Total voters
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Between the late 60s and early 80s, I went to schools in Laurel, Colorado Springs, and in Washington Cty MD. None (incl Laurel) of the schools were segregated nor were the neighborhoods we lived in, except in Washington County we lived on a farm and the black families we knew were from closer to Hagerstwon. In Colorado Springs, they did bus black kids to the school from the downtown area.

Larry talks more about race issues rather than segregation. Black kids and white kids having issues with each other because of racism on both sides - that sort of thing. He never mentioned that there was segregation.

Regarding the original question, I've never watched an inauguration ceremony in my life, so it's doubtful I'll watch Obama's. I'm sure I'll catch the highlights on the news, but I won't make a point to watch any more than I ever have.


Having Fun!
You are lucky to not have been raised in a racist home. I do feel that racial tensions and issues have gotten better but not disappeared. I do agree that racism is a problem from all races. Blacks can be just as racist as whites and asians can be racists also, etc. Unfortunatly i have indured racism from my own white community. As I have stated before I date black men though I think this time i might find me a Rican, lol. About two years ago i was traveling through South Carolina with my boyfriend and the rest of his black family (about 12- 15 of us) on our way to Disney. Early one morning we stopped at a breakfast place not a small town dinner but a place like Denny's or Ihop not sure of the name. When we walked in we got the worst looks, I hate to say it but I got the worst. They looked at me as though I was a traitor to the whites. My water was spit in, a lady slammed the door to the bathroom in my face, and i heard the N word several times under their breaths. I didn't even order food because I didn't trust them. I have never felt so uncomfortable in my life, and I go to bars where i am the minority (only white person inside), i go to black friends family reunions, etc and have never felt such hate against me as I did in south carolina.

Sad isn't it? Someday we will get beyond it - I have to believe that! People are people are people are people!! Why can't we see?


Harley Rider
Just to set the record straight, the first mention of race in this tread was by a white person (I went to High School with the Italian Stallion).
WOW! There were only 13 pages when I left here yesterday!
Hey Enyaw! I'm only white in the winter. In the summer I get darker than Obama. It's true!:howdy:
Just read the post and see that it wasn't racist in any way. I said it to show my anger that the media and our pansy government ARE. The way the stores promote "gridlock" (black Friday IS NOT the word to use here :lmao:) during Christmas, the media and the government promote racism by bringing up color all the time.
FYI, I voted for Alan Keyes twice now. He's so black, he's almost purple. Did you or anyone else notice that there was VERY LITTLE coverage of Alan Keyes when he ran??? Even his color could not get the media to cover him. Now, if he was a Democrat that would have been different but they are agenda driven and I loathe them.
:nono: He didn't accuse anyone of being racist. He was talking ABOUT race & racisim.
I love you!
That pretty much what it comes down to. If the republicans would have had a different candidate, there is a chance I would have voted for him. McCain just wasn't the best choice to put up against Obama.
This is scary! We actually agree on something?
Believe me, I wish we'd have had a better candidate this time around. :lol: Conservatives weren't real big on McCain and I'm somewhat baffled that he even got the nomination.
I agree! The Republicans are sooo left today that I'm sure they put McCain in to throw the election. Most Republicans, in office, are actually moderates or liberals.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
He sucks my ass and I wish him a cancerous colon. I plan on boycotting network TV and watching a Disney DVD with the kids. The idea of seeing this xxxxxx in the White House makes me ill.

All this righteous outrage over such an off-the-cuff remark is hilarious. Such overwrought indignation! Such insult to your delicate sensibilities! If I had but known such an innocuous insult to your messiah would have you shrieking like a troop of howler monkeys I would have let a few more fly weeks ago. Think of all the amusement we’ve missed!

This is what we all have to look forward to from the left. Thin skinned little ladies desperately trying to connect any dislike or criticism of their new god to racism, really it’s so predictable and tiresome. All the idiots here analyzing a commonly used swear word, in actuality just some Xs, which just happens to have 6 letters just like another word! It was all a plot, carefully considered and enacted even just to make you look foolish! La! Never has so much been inferred by so little. :roflmao:

If Hillary had been the dem nominee and I had typed “she” instead of “he” would you all be nearly as excited? Because really, you’re like an angry bumbling bunch of Special Olympians right now all wagging tongues and flailing fists. Keep it up, the spittle flecked responses have been the highlight of my day!


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
Believe me, I wish we'd have had a better candidate this time around. :lol: Conservatives weren't real big on McCain and I'm somewhat baffled that he even got the nomination.

I'm still amazed we got stuck with him. I wish Romney hadn't been a Mormon, not that I cared about his religion but it is one of the kookier ones about and I think a lot of folks couldn't get over it. He wasn't a fireball but he was pretty scandal free and at least had a background in business and the real world outside pure politics and academia.


New Member
All this righteous outrage over such an off-the-cuff remark is hilarious. Such overwrought indignation! Such insult to your delicate sensibilities! If I had but known such an innocuous insult to your messiah would have you shrieking like a troop of howler monkeys I would have let a few more fly weeks ago. Think of all the amusement we’ve missed!

This is what we all have to look forward to from the left. Thin skinned little ladies desperately trying to connect any dislike or criticism of their new god to racism, really it’s so predictable and tiresome. All the idiots here analyzing a commonly used swear word, in actuality just some Xs, which just happens to have 6 letters just like another word! It was all a plot, carefully considered and enacted even just to make you look foolish! La! Never has so much been inferred by so little. :roflmao:

If Hillary had been the dem nominee and I had typed “she” instead of “he” would you all be nearly as excited? Because really, you’re like an angry bumbling bunch of Special Olympians right now all wagging tongues and flailing fists. Keep it up, the spittle flecked responses have been the highlight of my day!

Perhaps, but then how would you have gotten such an awesome sig?


Nothing to see here
What were you hatemongers doing when Powell was Sec of Def? or when Rice was named Sec of State?

Its hilarious to me that they were named and there was next to nothing said in a positive way by the liberal side, yet now the conservatives can't even question a thing about the chosen one without racism thrown at them.

And Sonsie pretty much nailed you haters, truth hurt much?


New Member
What were you hatemongers doing when Powell was Sec of Def? or when Rice was named Sec of State?

Its hilarious to me that they were named and there was next to nothing said in a positive way by the liberal side, yet now the conservatives can't even question a thing about the chosen one without racism thrown at them.

I always liked Powell a lot. In fact, I think most people in the country did/do.

Rice not so much, but then I don't know as much about her.

edit: oh, you were addressing hate mongers. sorry, I threw my .02 in anyway =)


Nothing to see here

As for the singing the hosannas cuz a man/woman of color was named to an important postition. He wasn't a liberal, therefore, the party of democracy didn't fall on their knees and bless the sky. In fact, the liberals did everything they could to make these great people out to be tokens.

Two positions filled by people, deservedly so, with accomplishments..Not sold, with little to nothing on their resume, to the great unwashed as the end-all, be-all, as liberals are willing to do.


Well-Known Member
As for the singing the hosannas cuz a man/woman of color was named to an important postition. He wasn't a liberal, therefore, the party of democracy didn't fall on their knees and bless the sky. In fact, the liberals did everything they could to make these great people out to be tokens.

Two positions filled by people, deservedly so, with accomplishments..Not sold, with little to nothing on their resume, to the great unwashed as the end-all, be-all, as liberals are willing to do.

Hey Ott! :howdy:

A few questions - Have you seen Full Metal Jacket - if not, there's a scene where Private Joker asks, after the beginning of the Tet Offensive, "Does this mean that Jane Fonda is not coming?"

With that context in mind, does this mean you are NOT going to the mall tomorrow? :lol:

Slightly more serious question - what's your take on Gen. Powell endorsing Mr. Obama's candidacy? I wouldn't think you'd consider him among the "great unwashed."

Last question - where the hell is my get well card? I'm limping around here on one leg and nothing from the Ott man!

Take care my friend. I hope we get to tee it up sometime this coming spring, summer and/or fall! :)


Well-Known Member
WOW! There were only 13 pages when I left here yesterday!
Hey Enyaw! I'm only white in the winter. In the summer I get darker than Obama. It's true!:howdy:
Just read the post and see that it wasn't racist in any way. I said it to show my anger that the media and our pansy government ARE. The way the stores promote "gridlock" (black Friday IS NOT the word to use here :lmao:) during Christmas, the media and the government promote racism by bringing up color all the time.
FYI, I voted for Alan Keyes twice now. He's so black, he's almost purple. Did you or anyone else notice that there was VERY LITTLE coverage of Alan Keyes when he ran??? Even his color could not get the media to cover him. Now, if he was a Democrat that would have been different but they are agenda driven and I loathe them.



This is scary! We actually agree on something?

I agree! The Republicans are sooo left today that I'm sure they put McCain in to throw the election. Most Republicans, in office, are actually moderates or liberals.

You are just a troublemaker! Just like everybody else in our class! :howdy:

You now have brought a whole new concept of "Winter White." :lol:

Hope all is well! :buddies:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
As for the singing the hosannas cuz a man/woman of color was named to an important postition. He wasn't a liberal, therefore, the party of democracy didn't fall on their knees and bless the sky. In fact, the liberals did everything they could to make these great people out to be tokens.

Two positions filled by people, deservedly so, with accomplishments..Not sold, with little to nothing on their resume, to the great unwashed as the end-all, be-all, as liberals are willing to do.
Hey, I got all of that, but my :confused: was because Powell was State, not Defense.
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