
What are you going to do Tuesday?

  • I'm going to DC to be a part of it all

    Votes: 4 4.3%
  • I'm not going but will be glued to the TV

    Votes: 10 10.8%
  • It's just another day for me. Nutin' special

    Votes: 53 57.0%
  • I think I will lock myself in the bedroom that day and mourn. It's a sad day for America!

    Votes: 26 28.0%

  • Total voters
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New Member
of course if you changed everything about him he wouldn't have had as large of a chance as he did. But he isn't republican. I would consider myself a liberal democrat, it is just the way i was brought up. I voted for him, not because he was black but because i agree with the way democrats generally think and vote. I am for gay marriages, i am pro choice, etc. I would typically vote for democrats because they represent me better. If a republican was pro choice and wanted gays to marry i might have voted for a republican, but in general they don't.

Did people vote for him based on race? yes some people did but you can't say that there aren't whites who didn't vote for him because of race. A friend of mine works with ladies who said they really liked what Obama stood for and would vote for him but he's black so they didn't.

Do i think that Obama being black got more black voters? Yes but i spoke to several of my black friends and they didn't just vote because he was black. Most of my friends payed much attention to what Obama wanted to do as president. They spoke to me about why they wanted to vote for him and while his race was a factor it was not the only factor nor the largest factor.

I'd say if anything, he got unprecedented young votes.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What you will most likely never understand is the feeling of inclusiveness that he represents for many people who voted for him.

Nupe, you can't have it both ways. Either he won votes from black people because he's black, or he didn't. Skin color either played a part, or it didn't.


Well-Known Member
Nupe, you can't have it both ways. Either he won votes from black people because he's black, or he didn't. Skin color either played a part, or it didn't.

Vrai, for some it did. For others it may have but was not the totality of their considerations. I fell in the latter category and reached my decision fairly late in the process. I honestly felt that he should have waited another 4 - 8 years but I was not a Political Science major so nobody listened to me!

I don't think I ever said that skin color didn't play a part in the election.


New Member
I'd say if anything, he got unprecedented young votes.

I would agree. I would think this is because typically younger people see things differently than older generations. I think that is the largest problem, there are older generations that are stuck in there ways and can't except change. I read posts on the forums often and disagree with some of them but choose not to respond because it is a never ending battle with some of the people on here.

As stated before I am a liberal person but I will also try to listen to other sides of the stories. I try to watch a little of all the major news channels. I know that media is bias so I will watch fox, msnbc, abc, etc because i don't want to be brainwashed into thinking one way. I want to hear everything on a story before making a final decision. I don't think conservative people do this and this is a problem. The younger generations are more open minded, IMO.

Also though I heard that the elderly folks on medicare and ssi voted for Obama because of there issues.


Well-Known Member

"Bele: It is obvious to the most simpleminded that Lokai is of an inferior breed."
"Spock: The obvious visual evidence, Commissioner, is that he is of the same breed as yourself."
"Bele: Are you blind, Commander Spock? Well, look at me. Look at me!"
"Kirk: You're black on one side and white on the other."
"Bele: I am black on the right side."
"Spock: I fail to see the significant difference."
"Bele: Lokai is white on the right side. All of his people are white on the right side."

From "Let This Be Your Last Battlefied" original Star Trek series


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Whatever.....and of course none of the comments by "conservatives" in this tread, nor did the poll itself, have anything to do with race. Not here in fair, reasonable and open-minded SOMD. :killingme


Oh, please - save it. I don't speak for the originator of this thread, but I don't see anything in the original survey & first post that looks like racism to me.

It was NOT in my mind when I replied to the survey (which, in fact, I actually didn't, because none of the questions applied to me, BTW) that Highlander was trying to start a racist themed thread. Crikey.

The rabid Liberals in this is country need to totally get over themselves for the next 4 years - because :gasp: some people will not agree with everything their Messiah Obama does. And, just because people don't :gasp: agree with everything he does - doesn't mean it is because of his race!!! [except for the whackos, which are everywhere]

Has anyone ever heard of "ideology"?!!

Personally, I don't begrudge Obama, Michelle & their adorable daughters their places in history, their pomp & circumstance, their fancy schmancy galas, yadda, yadda, yadda - it's all part of the tradition and comes with the package.

But I will, as part of the "Loyal Opposition", be around to make my commentary on every aspect of all the goings-on. [That includes, for me, the political and the peripheral stuff, not excluding nit picky stuff like fashion, decorating, etc.]

And I will - as one who remembers only too well the way the Bush Administration was treated on their way in - be waiting with bated breath - AND - ready with my commentary - to see how the current administration is treated.

But it doesn't mean I'm a racist. So deal with it. :biggrin:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
You will note that not just in this thread, but MANY times, race is tossed out there first by a white person. Typically a liberal white person. You will also note that the biggest race-baiters on here are....white liberals.

I have not observed you, Nupe2, calling anyone a racist over some benign comment. However, our resident libs do it frequently. It is true that we get the occasional black person in here tossing names around - typically its someone who has been made famous in the police blotter, or their relative has. But it's more the norm for white liberals to toss around the baiting.

I think that is worthy of psychological exploration - it's interesting to me.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I would agree. I would think this is because typically younger people see things differently than older generations. I think that is the largest problem, there are older generations that are stuck in there ways and can't except change.

But what gets missed is that our lack of interest in "change" has nothing to do with Obama's skin color. If you're a conservative and believe in conservative principles, you aren't going to be interested in Obama regardless of WHAT color he is.

And I will hand you Mike Steele as a perfect example of how that works on the other side. Most conservatives are crazy about this guy and would love to see him make a run at President. Liberals, not so much. Does that mean liberals are racist?

Meet the new boss - same as the old boss. The only "change" about Obama is that he's a black guy. Otherwise he's just another liberal Democrat.


New Member
Yea, no ####. For a week out of every month, we'd be at war with some random country.

And computer's would all be destroyed since she'd think that FAT32 was a reference to her body figure.

Daddy always told me never trust anything that bleeds for a week out of every month and doesn't die!


Well-Known Member
I would agree. I would think this is because typically younger people see things differently than older generations. I think that is the largest problem, there are older generations that are stuck in their ways and can't accept change. I read posts on the forums often and disagree with some of them but choose not to respond because it is a never ending battle with some of the people on here.

As stated before I am a liberal person but I will also try to listen to other sides of the stories. I try to watch a little of all the major news channels. I know that media is bias so I will watch fox, msnbc, abc, etc because i don't want to be brainwashed into thinking one way. I want to hear everything on a story before making a final decision. I don't think conservative people do this and this is a problem. The younger generations are more open minded, IMO.

Also though I heard that the elderly folks on medicare and ssi voted for Obama because of their issues.

Well said. :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Yea, no ####. For a week out of every month, we'd be at war with some random country.

And computer's would all be destroyed since she'd think that FAT32 was a reference to her body figure.

Let's all note that it wasn't a conservative who made this sexist remark.


24/7 Single Dad

if by suspended you mean giving a televised interview the next day and not canceling a single debate or ad, then yeah .... he suspended it


edit: and a fat lot of good it did him too. That version of the bill got torpedoed. which also doesn't matter as both candidates voted for the final one anyway.

Good to see we agree that McCains response was to work on legislation and Obama's respons was to Hope someone else would Change things



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I'm not gay but I take offense when people use teh word ###. I'm not black but I get offended when people use ######. I'm not arabic, but I get offended when people use the term raghead.

But I can see how it works. So long as the people you are offending aren't around, it makes it ok to generalize and use #### logic to encompass a large group.

Are you offended when people use the word(s) "retard" or "short bus"?

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