Typical Redskins Football


My Raven's got their ass handed to them........at least the 'Skins kept it close...:lmao:

I called my brother (die-hard Raven's fan) last night, he was beside himself. :lol: He said; "At least you got to watch a GOOD game, I had to turn off the game because I was ready to have a stroke." :lmao:


I called my brother (die-hard Raven's fan) last night, he was beside himself. :lol: He said; "At least you got to watch a GOOD game, I had to turn off the game because I was ready to have a stroke." :lmao:


It was brutal.....


New Member
Jesus, they did not play bad. They had a few turnovers and the ball bounced the wrong way.

Randle-El did not play? Cooley did not have a few catches? Betts did not run the ball? These three showed up for the game, and produced. I think they were too relaxed in the first half and need to come out smoking but that will get fixed.

I agree, the punter sucks - extremely inconsistent, but that is about it...

Keep the faith - it's one game that went to crap and only week 6 in new system, they are doing much better than I expected. :yay:

I was watching the game from the first row right where he was doing his warmups and the stupid fans kept running down from everywhere screaming at him and telling him that he sucked :lmao:


Jesus, they did not play bad. They had a few turnovers and the ball bounced the wrong way.

Randle-El did not play? Cooley did not have a few catches? Betts did not run the ball? These three showed up for the game, and produced. I think they were too relaxed in the first half and need to come out smoking but that will get fixed.

I agree, the punter sucks - extremely inconsistent, but that is about it...

Keep the faith - it's one game that went to crap and only week 6 in new system, they are doing much better than I expected. :yay:

Statistically the Skins played better. It was the turnovers and the Skins inability (as usual) to get the ball in the endzone. This has been their problem all year and last year. They can get the ball down the field; they just can't seem to score.

And I agree... compared to the last 8 years they are doing much better. There is a glimmer of hope. But I still see a complacency that bothers me. Is it okay with you guys that I have high expectations of this team? Is that okay with you koolaid drinkers? :neener:


Active Member
Statistically the Skins played better. It was the turnovers and the Skins inability (as usual) to get the ball in the endzone. This has been their problem all year and last year. They can get the ball down the field; they just can't seem to score.

And I agree... compared to the last 8 years they are doing much better. There is a glimmer of hope. But I still see a complacency that bothers me. Is it okay with you guys that I have high expectations of this team? Is that okay with you koolaid drinkers? :neener:

Nope. Go be a dallas bandwagoner and get it over with. :moon:


Nope. Go be a dallas bandwagoner and get it over with. :moon:

Ouch! A knife in the heart. :dead:

If there's one thing you obviously don't understand is, no matter how bad the Skins get and how much I loathe Snydie, I hate the Girls by a measure that can't be calculated.

Don't mistake my criticism for hate for the team. I long for those fired-up days of Allen and Gibbs under the love of Cook. It's just not there anymore and it hurts to see my Skins in such individualistic, money-driven disarray.

But I do see a glimmer.... ever so faintly.


Football addict
I appreciate those rose-colored glasses you wear. But the koolaid is sour to me.

And don't you ever question my fanship of the Skins. :smack: I think I have been one much, much longer than you. Watching the Skins for about 40 years entitles me to criticize them. I've seen their ups and downs and this down has been going on too long. I have high expectations. You apparently don't. You're content, no, complacent with the idea that they have been a mediocre team for about 10 years that's fine. I don’t think I have to explain to you again that I am anti-Snyder. As long as he is the owner I will have less loyalty than I used to have. And it started with him changing the name of the stadium. If he has no loyalty to his fans, I have no loyalty to him. He owes it to the fans, not the other way around.

Facts are not rose-colored. Go ahead and look them up every now and again or perhaps watch the game.

I don't have to question your fanhood because you're not a 'FAN'. I don't care how long you think you've been a fan, that doesn't matter. You're all over Snyder's balls and can't get over it. I bet you were glad when they lost so that you could come spew your hatred of ole Danny boy. I expect a lot from my team but I don't expect them to win them all.


Football addict
Is it okay with you guys that I have high expectations of this team? Is that okay with you koolaid drinkers? :neener:
Sure but your expectations wouldn't be met if they won three Super Bowls straight. You'd still find something and that...

...is sad.


Facts are not rose-colored. Go ahead and look them up every now and again or perhaps watch the game.

I don't have to question your fanhood because you're not a 'FAN'. I don't care how long you think you've been a fan, that doesn't matter. You're all over Snyder's balls and can't get over it. I bet you were glad when they lost so that you could come spew your hatred of ole Danny boy. I expect a lot from my team but I don't expect them to win them all.

Hmmm… hit a nerve did I? I don’t need you to define what sort of fan I am. You don’t have a clue.

And you’re darn right I’m all over Snyder. The guy has ruined my team. He has thrown billions at it and destroyed Mr. Cooke’s honor. That may not have much meaning to you, but nothing you will say that can marginalize my feelings on that. Snyder, from day one, was a meddling little snotball that was going to come in with his big cash and buy a winning team and all he did was meddle in the field play and piss every coach he had off.

I’m never glad when the Skins lose. Why do you think I’m so upset over it? You just can’t stand that someone is actually willing to criticize where criticism is due.

I don’t expect the Skins to win them all either. I didn’t expect them to beat the Giants or the Girls. But I certainly didn’t expect a 4 and 1 team get beat by an 0 and 4 team. I am happy with the Skins on a lot of levels this year, but this game showed a typical side of the Skins that I’m getting sick of seeing. I was listening to WMAL this morning on my way to work and Andy Parks (who has been around a lot longer than you and I) said the exact same thing I am saying. “The good old Redskins are back”. So let me say I’m not the only one that feels this way.


Football addict
...bad idea.

Punter was NOT one of our problems last year.

Brooks: rd 6, #168 player chosen

Chris Horton: rd 7, #249

Get my point?
I agree that we shouldn't have drafted him...now.

However, punting was a problem last season as it has been since Frost has been with the team. He's punted in the bottom fourth of the league for some time now. Seen his play in Green Bay lately?

Brooks has skill but he chokes during game-time.:ohwell:


Football addict
Hmmm… hit a nerve did I? I don’t need you to define what sort of fan I am. You don’t have a clue.

And you’re darn right I’m all over Snyder. The guy has ruined my team. He has thrown billions at it and destroyed Mr. Cooke’s honor. That may not have much meaning to you, but nothing you will say that can marginalize my feelings on that. Snyder, from day one, was a meddling little snotball that was going to come in with his big cash and buy a winning team and all he did was meddle in the field play and piss every coach he had off.

I’m never glad when the Skins lose. Why do you think I’m so upset over it? You just can’t stand that someone is actually willing to criticize where criticism is due.

I don’t expect the Skins to win them all either. I didn’t expect them to beat the Giants or the Girls. But I certainly didn’t expect a 4 and 1 team get beat by an 0 and 4 team. I am happy with the Skins on a lot of levels this year, but this game showed a typical side of the Skins that I’m getting sick of seeing. I was listening to WMAL this morning on my way to work and Andy Parks (who has been around a lot longer than you and I) said the exact same thing I am saying. “The good old Redskins are back”. So let me say I’m not the only one that feels this way.
It takes a lot to hit a nerve with me so...

...keep trying. I also don't need a clue about what kind fan you are, you show it everyday.

You criticize during losses but you also criticize just as much during wins. Hey, at least you're consistent with your hate. Afterall, that's what makes up a true fan.:sarcasm: You and Andy should start a club.

This wasn't the Skins best performance but it wasn't their worst. After six games they've shown much more than just "the same ole Skins". If you want to focus on one game, go ahead. If you want to focus on an owner's past not even looking to the present or future, go ahead. Don't expect to be taken seriously by Skins fans though.


It takes a lot to hit a nerve with me so...

...keep trying. I also don't need a clue about what kind fan you are, you show it everyday.

You criticize during losses but you also criticize just as much during wins. Hey, at least you're consistent with your hate. Afterall, that's what makes up a true fan.:sarcasm: You and Andy should start a club.

This wasn't the Skins best performance but it wasn't their worst. After six games they've shown much more than just "the same ole Skins". If you want to focus on one game, go ahead. If you want to focus on an owner's past not even looking to the present or future, go ahead. Don't expect to be taken seriously by Skins fans though.

Hate? Mighty strong words fella. There’s no hate here, just criticism. I think I’m entitled to it.


It wouldn't bother me if it was valid but it's clearly obtuse random thought.

You are obviously one that can find no means to criticize this team. That's fine, but annoying that you expect everyone else to live by that standard. Life isn't your way or the highway.


Football addict
Hate? Mighty strong words fella. There’s no hate here, just criticism. I think I’m entitled to it.
I think you should be forced to re-read all your postings on the Skins and then pick out just a few nice things you've said about them.:lmao:

I'm all for criticism when and where it's due. What I loathe is exaggerations, which were pointed out by more than myself.

When you say the Rams ran all over the Skins, that's not true.

When you say it's the same ole' Skins, that's not necessarily true at this point.

When you say Campbell sits back for five minutes in the pocket, that's not true.

Those are quick snap judgements that make you look foolish. So, when you spout off these things I cannot determine if you're a quick-to-judge Skins fan or a Boys fan that gets his kicks and giggles at every possible minute misforutune the Skins may endure.


Football addict
You are obviously one that can find no means to criticize this team. That's fine, but annoying that you expect everyone else to live by that standard. Life isn't your way or the highway.
When have I spouted off as much, that it's my way or the highway?

I merely offer my opinion. I more often than not back that up with fact and not snap judgement. I implore you do the same but am met with, "take off those rose colored glasses" or "you never criticize this team".

Although I might take the high road on the Skins at times I am a brutally honest individual with my team and everything else. If you haven't seen my negative posts then you haven't been looking. In fact, I've been lambasting our past two punters in this very thread. Blasphemy from me! How dare I!

You should check out my postings from the Giants thread.:lmao:
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