Typical Redskins Football


I think you should be forced to re-read all your postings on the Skins and then pick out just a few nice things you've said about them.:lmao:

I'm all for criticism when and where it's due. What I loathe is exaggerations, which were pointed out by more than myself.

When you say the Rams ran all over the Skins, that's not true.

When you say it's the same ole' Skins, that's not necessarily true at this point.

When you say Campbell sits back for five minutes in the pocket, that's not true.

Those are quick snap judgements that make you look foolish. So, when you spout off these things I cannot determine if you're a quick-to-judge Skins fan or a Boys fan that gets his kicks and giggles at every possible minute misforutune the Skins may endure.

You’re accusing me of exaggerating? When did I even write that the Rams ran all over the Skins? I do recall writing that the Rams didn’t win, the Skins lost. That’s just opposite of what you are claiming I wrote. Now you’re just looking for things to criticize me for. Pot calling the kettle black?


When have I spouted off as much, that it's my way or the highway?

I merely offer my opinion. I more often than not back that up with fact and not snap judgement. I implore you do the same but am met with, "take off those rose colored glasses" or "you never criticize this team".

Although I might take the high road on the Skins at times I am a brutally honest individual with my team and everything else. If you haven't seen my negative posts then you haven't been looking. In fact, I've been lambasting our past two punters in this very thread. Blasphemy from me! How dare I!

You should check out my postings from the Giants thread.:lmao:

Oh sure, divert this conversation to the Giants. :eyebrow:

You're making this out to be a "who loves the Redskins more" argument. I'm not so sure anyone loves the Redskins more than I do. Maybe that's why I am so hard on them.
I was watching the game from the first row right where he was doing his warmups and the stupid fans kept running down from everywhere screaming at him and telling him that he sucked :lmao:

:killingme THAT instills confidence in the young man huh?


Football addict
You’re accusing me of exaggerating? When did I even write that the Rams ran all over the Skins?

Ahem...and I quote...

PsyOps said:
The defense played good? They couldn't stop Jackson to save their lives.

I do recall writing that the Rams didn’t win, the Skins lost. That’s just opposite of what you are claiming I wrote. Now you’re just looking for things to criticize me for. Pot calling the kettle black?
Yes, you said that too. However, you decided to include a lot of exaggerations in your little tirade.

You're all over the place though, what can I expect.


Football addict
Oh sure, divert this conversation to the Giants. :eyebrow:

You're making this out to be a "who loves the Redskins more" argument. I'm not so sure anyone loves the Redskins more than I do. Maybe that's why I am so hard on them.
I'm not diverting. You claimed I never criticized so I gave you some places to go, which exemplified as much. The subject never turned to the Giants just my criticism of the Skins.

I'm not making this argument to be a "who loves the Redskins more". If that were the case I'd be going up against Larry, Ottah, Cleve and the like...not you. I don't care about who loves the Skins more, why would I care about such a thing?:lmao:

As mentioned previously, I don't have a problem with you criticizing the Skins as long as its not pointless drivel. Use fact and not snap judgment.:yay:
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You'll like it.

I could not disagree with it more, including his assertion on Incognito who damn near cost his team the game with his 'ready to scrap' attitude.

This says it all for me. And you are seeing that I am not alone in my thinking.

Some of the loyalists will call this more predictable than inexplicable, but that's letting Zorn and his team off the hook.

And don't forget what Penn wrote:

You are NOT alone in your feelings. Channel 4, WRC News, just interviewed a number of 'Skins fans, who were still leaving the stadium, and they were not happy!

Disappointment, anger and frustration are what these folks displayed, when asked their opinions.

"The 'Skins should have won this game!"
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New Member
Things could've been worse. I feel like the Skins were getting a little too full of themselves - they're still very vulnerable, and yesterday showed them that. The Rams were due for a win, and they got fired up by Jim Haslett, who is a players' coach. If anyone, I'd put the loss on Zorn - he has to prepare the team better than that.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Things could've been worse. I feel like the Skins were getting a little too full of themselves - they're still very vulnerable, and yesterday showed them that. The Rams were due for a win, and they got fired up by Jim Haslett, who is a players' coach. If anyone, I'd put the loss on Zorn - he has to prepare the team better than that.

...yes, well, who would be better qualified to comment on that than Terp fan.




Wait. I'm a Terp fan. :jameo:


I thought Portis last week said he wouldn't underestimate the Ram's or any team....

He should have stuck to his "feelings".........:duh:


Football addict
I thought Portis last week said he wouldn't underestimate the Ram's or any team....

He should have stuck to his "feelings".........:duh:
Portis was one of the few that didn't underestimate.:wink:

21 carries 129 yards 2 TD's and now leads the league in yards.
